Ï Akhal-Teke horses and Alabay - loyal friends and faithful companions of Turkmens throughout history

Akhal-Teke horses and Alabay - loyal friends and faithful companions of Turkmens throughout history

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Akhal-Teke horses and Alabay are the loyal friends and faithful companions of Turkmens throughout centuries of history. That is why their images are used in the symbolic of the Vth Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games.

The Games’ Mascot is the universal favorite - Alabay. A funny and friendly puppy with the characteristics of the breed is depicted in a stylized national dress and a sports suit.

Turkmens, being born breeders, brought such unique breeds as Akhal-Teke horses, the Turkmen Alabay and the hunting dogs Tazy, and, having been able to develop their best qualities, have kept them practically unchanged, not losing any breeding traditions. Moreover, experts believe that Alabay is the only breed that has not experienced the influence of other breeds and has preserved its ancient genotype unchanged.

Turkmens are experiencing a deep emotional attachment to their pets, including Alabay, which is as old as our nation. These brave dogs can be quite formidable in appearance, but anyone familiar with this breed is well aware that the outer shell conceals a very sensitive heart, which can appreciate a good treatment. This large dog is good to children, allowing them any mischief when playing with it, and therefore it becomes a real member of the family.

The book of one professional breeder describes the episode, when he sent his little daughter for a walk with his Alabay. After a while he heard the mournful howl of his huge dog.

Who could make the mighty Alabay to howl so plaintively? – The breeder thought, when he looked out the window and was surprised to see that his tiny daughter, imitating a dog, got up on all fours and bit enormous Alabay on its lower lip.

It is easy to imagine what would be the rage shown by other dogs towards those who causes them severe pain. But formidable Alabay, knowing full well that the little child is a family member, allowed himself only to whine quietly, delicately appealing to the owner’s help.

Alabay is a clever dog. It vigilantly guards the boundaries of its territory, not allowing anyone to freely penetrate them. But if the Alabay ever sees its owner in a conversation with someone else, it immediately memorizes this person. And the next time the dog greets the person not with a formidable growl but with ringing bark, as if informing the master that his friend has returned.

For this, the Alabay dog is loved and appreciated as a very true friend. Implacable to enemies, unmatched as a watchdog, which is well known to Turkmen Shepherds, Alabay is proud to protect the owner and everything that surrounds him - home, family, friends and, most importantly, children.

How did this amazing dog come into the life of the Turkmen? Kind and welcoming to friends and terrible to enemies of the master.

Traces of existence of large dogs can already be found in the most ancient settlements of Turkmenistan. For example, in Jeitun settlement, located in Akhal velayat, archaeologists have discovered the burial of a large dog with a massive head and powerful jaws dating back to IVth millennium BC (!). And it shows that 6000 years ago the ancestors of Turkmens were already engaged in cultivation of large guard dogs.

The famous archaeologist V. Sarianidi during many years of research has come to the conclusion that such a large number of special burials of dogs, as found in Margiana III-II millennium BC, cannot be found elsewhere in the world. Burials of Alabays were found even in the royal necropolis in Gonur. Not only there. In Margiana, but in a different settlement - Adzhigui - expedition of Ligabue Research Centre (Venice, Italy), working in our country under the leadership of Professor G. Rossi-Osmid, during archaeological excavations has discovered the remains of large dogs. Based on ultra-precise analysis, conducted in the radiocarbon laboratory of the Polish University named after Adam Mickiewicz, it was discovered that the burial dates back to 2400-2220 years BC.

These Alabay burials were done with all the honors – the dogs have been buried next to the soldiers fallen in battles. The researchers concluded that these fearless fighting dogs have been defending the sacred frontiers of the motherland together with people, so they were buried as real heroes.

Margiana, being one of the centers of world civilization along with ancient Egypt, China, India, and Mesopotamia, was the birthplace of protozoroastrizm - the first world religion. And the abovementioned greatest archaeologist of the XX century V.I. Sarianidi notes that in no other world religion is the dog so honorably treated as in Zoroastrianism. In the scriptures of this religion - Avesta - a lot of high epithets are devoted to our four-legged friends. According to the Avestan literature, the dog takes second in the earth's hierarchy, just below human, as evidenced by the graves of Alabay in the royal necropolis of ancient Margiana.

Judging by archaeological discoveries in Southern Turkmenistan, even in earlier periods - four thousand years ago - large guard dogs have lived in Altyndepe settlement. They were hardy, unpretentious, easily tolerated heat and cold, lack of food and water, could make long jumps. Terracotta figurines of Alabays have been found by researchers not only in the ancient settlements, but also on the sites of ancient times and the Middle Ages. For example, the findings on the Gyaurgala site in Mary velayat date back to the first century AD. A fragment of the vessel from the II century AD, also found at the site, realistically transmits features of a large dog with erect ears, a huge mouth and wrinkled brow.

Picture of a huge Alabay can be seen on the rhyton, found during archaeological research in the capital of the ancient Parthian state Nisa - now the State historical and cultural reserve “Nisa” - located on the territory of modern Ashgabat. Nisan dogs were unusually strong and fearless, had a stranglehold. According to one tradition, Alabay, who grabbed at the lion's throat when faithfully defending its master, could not be torn away from a predator even when the latter was already dead.

Some experts believe that large service dogs transported to other regions of the world have originally come from our region. The earliest mention of the huge dogs is found in Chinese sources, which says that in 1121 BC, such dog was presented to the Chinese emperor by one of the Central Asian rulers.

All the above mentioned makes it possible to make an unambiguous conclusion about the high status held by Alabay in the life of our ancestors.

... A long time has passed since then. War and brutal battles, in which fighting spirit of these brave dogs has forged, have passed. But the character traits of Alabay dogs – loyalty, dignity, courage, self-confidence – have remained. Experienced breeders know that in the upbringing of this wonderful dog it is absolutely unacceptable to use the power of punishment, you must first earn its respect, and it will become your true friend.

Centuries of careful selection helped to develop all these qualities. This breed has several names. It is named the Turkmen Alabay, yet it is also called the Central Asian Shepherd and the Turkmen wolfhound. Experts quite rightly believe that this is the oldest dog in the world that has reached the modern world practically unchanged.

So Alabay became the official mascot of Vth Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games. After all, it always had the reputation of a loyal friend and a brave defender with whom you can feel safe. In the view of the people, Alabay symbolizes the indomitable will to win, physical strength and spiritual power of good. In a word - sports passion. At the same time, we see boundless devotion in it. Trust and friendship were the key concepts, which were invested in the creation of this image as one of the symbols of Asian Games-2017.

This image becomes more human-like since Alabay mascot is depicted in a stylized national dress and in a sports suit. And unusual “color” of green gives it some magical, fairy-tale hero entourage.

This charming character has a special role in creating a festive atmosphere, hospitality, cordiality and friendliness during the upcoming Asian Games in the Turkmen capital, filling them with good emotions.

Alabay and the stallion can also be seen in the colorful brand of the Asian Games, which is gracefully shaped like a piece of jewelry, but because of the color and dynamic lines of its composition it is not static, as if it is oriented from the past into the future. Energetic upward movement is emphasized by the flapping wing of Turkmen Lachin – falcon, the image of which crowns the composition.

The international community awaits to see the mascot of the Asian Games 2017, which goes “live” with the start of the cycle of large advertising campaign. Its main task is to draw attention to the Games in Ashgabat and the formation of a new image of Turkmenistan as a country of good will, health, and elation.

At the same time popularizing marathons in other areas - tourism, culture, education, etc – are also gaining momentum. These actions are aimed at increasing the patriotism, the development of physical culture and sport and the volunteer movement, the continuity of the national heritage. One of the largest of such actions, initiated by the Head of State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, is the 500-day relay horse race that finishes on the opening day of the Asian Games on the main arena of the Olympic Village.

Thanks to TV reports and newspaper articles, everybody follow the course of this run, which covers the main attractions of all the regions of our country. Thus, we show the world our country, its famous monuments of history and culture, its nature, and familiarize the world with our customs and colorful rituals. And, of course, present our pride and glory – Akhal-Teke horses – in all their beauty.

The outline of a horse's head, breaking the finish line, is emblazoned on the official logo of the Games. Racehorse is not just a symbol of the Asian Games in Ashgabat, it is a symbol of the whole country, of our modern era. Therefore, we believe that the Games will be held at the highest organizational level, taking into account the tremendous personal efforts that the President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has put into the implementation of this grandiose project “Ashgabat-2017”.

And we firmly believe that the numerous guests of the Asian Games, charmed by the Games mascot - Alabay, will want to take with them a souvenir with the image of the hero as a memory of the wonderful days spent in the white-marble capital of the beautiful country, populated by hospitable and friendly people of Turkmenistan.