Ï Moliere's heroes made Turkmen spectators laugh heartily

Moliere's heroes made Turkmen spectators laugh heartily

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Moliere's heroes made Turkmen spectators laugh heartily
Alexey Gimalitdinov

At the National Music and Drama Theater named after. Magtymguly with the premiere of the play “The Tricks of Scapin” by Jean was a great success Batista Moliere.

A picture of Naples of the 17th century unfolded before the audience. Action takes place in the city square, set against the backdrop of ancient Italian castles. The main character of the incredible twists and turns is the servant Scapin.

In classical drama there is a whole artistic movement when easy-to-invent and nimble servants rule the destinies of their masters. There, where the servant is more cunning than his masters, the heroes have a happy ending. Before contemporaries received information that at one time Moliere himself played on stage the rogue Scapin. This fact indicates that Scapin was sympathetic playwright, and he was pleased to transform into the image of an inventive hero.

Let us recall the content of the play. Two gentlemen left Naples for trade affairs, leaving their sons in the care of servants. During this time one son married a young gypsy, and the other fell madly in love into a girl who had just lost her mother and was left without means to existence. The news that the fathers were returning plunged the young into despondency. And only Scapin managed to find a way out of the delicate situations that had arisen. provisions. And how he did it, you will find out by watching the play “Tricks Scapin”, and you will get great pleasure from it.

Incendiary songs, exciting timbre of Neapolitan and gypsy music, bright outfits of gypsies and exciting dance moves extras involuntarily bring a festive atmosphere into the performance.

- I am often asked the question why the play “The Tricks of Scapin” is not similar to the play I staged “The Marriage of Balzaminov”, - comments production director Merdan Khandurdyev. - Yes, they don’t may be similar. “The Marriage of Balzaminov” is a vaudeville, lyrical comedy, and "The Tricks of Scapin" is a dramatic comedy. She calls viewers to respect, love and happiness. Here everyone is deceiving each other - children of parents, parents of each other. But this is a kindly deception, it serves good and at the end of the performance leads everyone to a mutual agreement.

I am pleased with how actor Yazgeldy Podzhykov handled the role of Scapin. This is his first leading role. But I entrusted it to Yazgeldy, because he is, firstly, a good dancer, thanks to which he has flexibility in movements, and secondly, he voices roles on television, and speech the data for Scapin is extremely important, since he is known to be very sharp tongue.

The production designer, Honored Artist, showed himself well Turkmenistan Batyr Bekmuradov, presenting great a space with a lot of light and air. Excellent musical accompaniment selected for the performance by Batyr Klychdurdyev. Made a great contribution dance director Olga Vasilyeva, who talks about staging process:

“I was faced with the task of showing the character of the mischievous gypsies. When the actors' eyes lit up while dancing, and I realized that I had achieved my goal. I must say that the actors worked on the dances with great desire. They brought in something of their own, brought beads and brooches from home to make it shine brighter on the stage.

The director's credit goes to the finale of the play. The crowd fled leaving Scapin alone in the square. That's when he felt lonely, abandoned and no longer needed by anyone. But it didn't last long. The gypsies returned, treating him to fruit, a glass of wine, surrounding him care, and at this time the young gentlemen invited him to share with them meal.

The story ended happily thanks to Scapin, which he caused special respect for yourself.