Ï «Dashoguznebitgazgurlushyk» specialists ensure the supply of environmentally friendly natural gas to the population

«Dashoguznebitgazgurlushyk» specialists ensure the supply of environmentally friendly natural gas to the population

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The laying of a new medium-pressure gas pipeline from the administrative center of the Ruhubelent etrap to the village of Geneshlik of the same name «Ý.Durdyýew» is being carried out by a team from a specialized section of the «Dashoguznebitgazgurlushyk» trust.

The total length of the new building is over five kilometers.

To date, pipes with a diameter of 114 mm have already been laid here at two kilometers, three hundred and fifty meters.

Welding and insulation work is also being carried out at a high pace on the remaining part of the gas pipeline that is being prepared for laying, which can provide the local population with an uninterrupted supply of environmentally friendly natural fuel.

During construction, special attention is paid to the issues of compliance with environmental protection, proper arrangement of trenches, a security zone that ensures safe operation and ease of maintenance of communications.

The work is carried out in strict accordance with the standards and requirements for the efficient and rational use of hydrocarbon resources.

As throughout the country, in Dashoguz velayat special attention is paid to providing large and small settlements with complete social and industrial infrastructure, including gas communications.

Such work is provided for by a set of government measures to purposefully improve living conditions for the population.

Gas pipelines here are supplied mainly to new industrial facilities and built-up areas in urban and rural areas.

For example, specialists from the «Dashoguznebitgazgurlushyk» trust are laying a high-pressure gas supply pipeline to a new large residential area being built in the city of Dashoguz.

At the same time, the trust team takes an active part in the modernization of existing facilities.

These days, work is being carried out on the Naip-Deryalyk gas pipeline section.