Ï The Day of Workers of Healthcare and Medical Industry was celebrated in Turkmenistan

The Day of Workers of Healthcare and Medical Industry was celebrated in Turkmenistan

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The Day of Workers of Healthcare and Medical Industry was celebrated in Turkmenistan

Today, the exhibition center of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry hosted the grand opening of the International Exhibition "Healthcare, Education and Sports in the Epoch of the Revival of a new era of a powerful state" and within its framework a scientific conference dedicated to the widely celebrated Day of Healthcare and the Medical Industry Workers in our country.

This annual forum has gained a reputation as one of the largest and most prestigious, contributing to the demonstration and introduction of modern achievements of medical science, practical healthcare and further building bridges of cooperation with foreign partners.

The grand opening of the exhibition, organized by the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry jointly with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the country, was attended by members of the Government, heads of diplomatic missions and international organizations accredited in Turkmenistan, honorary elders, heads and representatives of ministries and departments, medical research and clinical centers, the Academy of Sciences, public organizations, educational institutions, the media, employees of the domestic healthcare sector.

The opening ceremony of the international exhibition was preceded by performances of creative teams who enthusiastically performed dance compositions and songs dedicated to their beloved Motherland.

The audience listened with great enthusiasm to the Address of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, sent to the forum participants. As emphasized in the message of the head of state, the health of the people of independent neutral Turkmenistan, their happy and prosperous life is the main goal of the work carried out by the country. All the necessary conditions have been created to strengthen the health of citizens, prevent diseases, increase human life expectancy, provide affordable and high-quality medical services. In cooperation with advanced medical centers abroad, radical transformations are being carried out, and the experience of modern medicine is being actively introduced into life.

In the epoch of the Revival of a new era of a powerful state, as the most important condition for the stable development of the country, we are regularly modernizing the national education system, bringing it in line with international standards. We are actively introducing the latest achievements of science and innovative teaching methods into the education system in order to create conditions for more fruitful activity of the education system employees and open a wide way for young people to receive world-class education and upbringing, the President of Turkmenistan noted.

In his message, the Head of state also stressed that physical education and sports are the main factors of public health. In this regard, comprehensive work is being carried out to develop this sphere and train high–class athletes, thereby strengthening the international authority of Turkmenistan, a member of the International Olympic Committee and the Olympic Council of Asia, as a sports power.

Every year, the forum dedicated to the success of the healthcare sector of Turkmenistan expands the geography of the participating countries, offering new ideas and approaches based on innovative technologies and broad international cooperation.

The impressive pace of development of the domestic healthcare system, achievements and huge potential of Turkmenistan in the field of medical science and industry, public health protection, as well as the growing interest of foreign partners in active cooperation in this field are reflected in the exposition of the exhibition.

The exhibition organized at the CCI is attended by professionals in various fields of medicine from more than 20 countries. Among the exhibitors are over 150 foreign manufacturers of pharmaceutical products, medical equipment and consumables, providing a variety of medical services, a wide range of natural cosmetics, baby food, including companies from Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Germany, USA, France, Italy, Great Britain, Austria, Poland, Turkey, India, China and others .

Among the participants of the medical show are long–time partners of Turkmen doctors "Seda Medical", "PHILIPS", "VICHY", "Horiba", "Olympus", "B.Braun", "SANDOZ", "Roche", "Zimmer", "Bionorica", "Siemens", "Askin and Co", "Medtronic", "GETINGE", "ALVES", "ORICA" and many others.

Traditionally, the pavilion of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry opens the exposition, where copies of international certificates recognizing the merits of our country in the elimination of a number of infectious diseases are presented. As is known, the experience of Turkmen doctors in this field is recommended for dissemination in the states of the WHO European Region.

The adopted programs to improve the domestic healthcare system are being successfully implemented in the country. As part of the State program "Saglyk" developed by the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, medical diagnostic centers, multidisciplinary hospitals, sanatoriums, enterprises for the production of medicines were built in the capital city of Ashgabat, as well as in the regions in the shortest possible time.

During this year, the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Children's Health and Rehabilitation Center, the Health Department and a multidisciplinary hospital, Oncology Center, Maternal and Child Health Center, Emergency Center, Health House and Automobile Company of the healthcare system were built in the city of Arkadag.

The scientific works of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov are also demonstrated at the stand.

The pavilion of the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Children in Need of Guardianship is located nearby. As is known, this Foundation has been carrying out effective work since its inception, which allows children to fully feel the care shown for them and take a worthy place in society.

The Fund regularly allocates finance to carry out various operations in medical institutions of the capital and regions of the country, as well as for payment of treatment costs and purchase of appropriate medical supplies for young Turkmen citizens in need of care, who are brought up and educated in orphanages, specialized schools and boarding schools. Prosthetic products, hearing aids and wheelchairs were also purchased at the expense of the Fund for orphans and children from low-income families.

In honor of the Day of Workers of Healthcare and the Medical Industry, the exhibition hosted the presentation of the XV volume of the fundamental work "Medicinal Plants of Turkmenistan" by Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, published on the eve of the professional holiday of healthcare workers of the country.

This unique encyclopedia of medicinal flora growing on the Turkmen land and folk herbal medicine, published in mass circulation in many languages of the world, has become the property of millions of foreign readers and a practical guide for specialists in various medical fields in our country. Hero-Arkadag, author of scientific research in the field of medicine, created a national model for the development of domestic medicine, combining the wisdom and experience of ancestors, as well as modern trends in global healthcare.

The fundamental scientific work, which contains dozens of types of local medicinal herbs, roots and fruits of plants, a detailed description of their healing properties, including endemics, gave readers a unique opportunity to join the centuries-old experience and traditions of the Turkmen people, who have made a huge contribution to the treasury of achievements of human civilization, including in the field of medicine.

The next volume of the book of the Hero-Arkadag "Medicinal Plants of Turkmenistan", which is based on the best experience of healing with the use of natural medicines transmitted from generation to generation by both outstanding scientists-founders of oriental medicine and Turkmen healers-tebibs, who constantly turn to the "natural pharmacy", will also serve the cause of strengthening friendly relations between countries and peoples, including in such important areas as humanitarian, scientific and educational fields.

The current exhibition is an ideal platform for product promotion, business development, market research, meetings with specialists from different regions of our country and abroad. Therefore, it is natural that domestic private companies - members of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan - are widely represented at this show. Among them are individual enterprises "Yowşan", "Ak Hümmet", "Tebip", "Derman", "Yşgyn", "Boý Bodron", "Sag aman", ES "Saglyk", "Diş lukmany" and others.

The stands of such sanatoriums and health resorts as "Baýramaly", "Berzeññi", "Bagabat", "Arçman", "Ýyly suw", "Farap", "Mollagara", "Daşoguz" make up a separate exposition block. Today, each of them is a modern and comfortable health recovery center and is not inferior in its equipment and range of services provided to world analogues.

The Avaza National Tourist Zone, which is rapidly developing and located on the ecologically clean coast of the Caspian Sea, provides potential partners with unlimited opportunities for broad international cooperation.

Today, Turkmen resorts are reaching the world level in terms of the organization of treatment and rehabilitation, including increasing the export value of medical services, healing resources of our country, many of which are unique.

The enterprises of the "Türkmendermansenagat" Association demonstrate their achievements in the production of medicinal preparations based on local plant raw materials. As part of the implementation of state programs in recent years, enterprises have been opened for the production of medicines from local raw materials, in particular, for the packaging of medicinal clays and sea salt in Jebel, for the production of iodine in Bereket, sterile dressing materials in Dashoguz, for the production of mineral therapeutic water "Berzeññi".

The oxygen plant of the Lukmançylyk Enjamlary Association supplies medical and preventive institutions with medical oxygen in steel cylinders, and the sodium hypochlorite production workshops located in Ashgabat, Balkanabat, Dashoguz, Mary and Tejen fully meet the daily needs of the country in disinfectants. Turkmen residents also appreciated the products of the agro-industrial complex "Buýan".

In the current review, the Ministry of Education represents its successes. The video, stands and exhibits introduce guests to the systematic promotion of digital education, which is a powerful catalyst for innovation, new knowledge, science, advanced technologies and competitiveness.

The monitor, installed in the center of the exhibition area of the State Committee for Physical Culture and Sports, shows footage of the multifaceted work carried out in our country under the leadership of the President of Turkmenistan to strengthen the health of the nation, to introduce Turkmen citizens to a healthy lifestyle, physical culture and sports.

On the occasion of the professional holiday of healthcare and the medical industry workers, more than 60 Toyota Camry cars were donated on behalf of the head of Turkmenistan to medical institutions of the capital and velayats.

In accordance with the Decrees and on the instructions of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, a solemn ceremony was held at the CCI to award the Medal of Turkmenistan "Arkadag" to distinguished employees of the healthcare system and medical industry, as well as persons who have made a significant contribution to the development of healthcare, humanitarian, charitable work, volunteer movement, medical assistance to children in need of protection, introduction of effective methods of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases into medical practice, state and public work, the protection of public health and taking into account many years of conscientious and selfless work, high professional skills.

In addition, on behalf of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Hero-Arkadag, a special gift was presented to all those awarded the "Arkadag" medal of Turkmenistan in a solemn atmosphere, on which the symbols of the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Children in Need of Guardianship were placed.

In the afternoon, the opening of the International Scientific Conference "Healthcare, Education and Sports in the epoch of the Revival of a new era of a powerful state" took place in the conference hall of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The results of the international scientific competition "High Technologies and Innovative Developments" held among young people in the year "Happy youth with Arkadag Serdar" on the digital system were also summed up. Young scientists, inventors and specialists from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Georgia, China, Malaysia, Uzbekistan, the Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkey and Vietnam presented their scientific works and projects in the most popular areas at the competition.

The scientific forum, which was held in a hybrid format, was attended by eminent scientists-professors, doctors of sciences, representatives of healthcare, education and sports from a number of foreign countries.

Congratulating the Turkmen colleagues on their professional holiday, the guests highly appreciated the achievements of the health care of sovereign Turkmenistan, which meets the standards of the World Health Organization, and the important international initiatives put forward by the head of state. In this regard, they noted new approaches aimed at intensifying international cooperation in the field of healthcare and joining efforts to develop consolidated, mutually agreed responses to the global challenges of our time.

The reports of the speakers noted that among the main tasks of modernization of the healthcare and the medical industry of Turkmenistan include popularization of the principles of a healthy lifestyle, improvement of methods of providing primary medical care, development of the institute of family doctors, improvement of the quality and expansion of the range of medical services provided to the population, including in medical and sanatorium-resort institutions, strengthening of material and technical support of specialized institutions, the relationship of medical science and practice, professional development of health workers, improvement of the legal framework of healthcare and others .

As it was emphasized in the speeches, the established regular contacts and exchange of experience with leading experts in Europe and Asia are a significant contribution to the solution of global problems of human health protection. The priorities of a long-term productive partnership in this regard remain the implementation of joint projects and programs, the introduction of the latest technologies and equipment, advanced methods of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of various diseases.

The International Scientific Conference will continue until October 12 in 15 sections, which will be held in the largest institutions of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry – the Hospital with the Scientific and Clinical Center of Cardiology, the Department of Centers for Infectious Diseases, the Scientific and Clinical Center for Maternal and Child Health, the Health House of Arkadag city, the Multidisciplinary Hospital of Arkadag city, the Emergency Ambulance Center, The Center for Public Health and Nutrition and in higher educational institutions of the capital.

Participants will discuss a wide range of issues at thematic sessions – "Prevention and control of non-communicable diseases", "Prevention and control of infectious diseases", "Maternal and child health", "Surgical diseases", "Public health and epidemiology", "Digital medicine", "Genomic Medicine".

As is known, prevention is a set of measures aimed at preventing diseases or eliminating risk factors. These measures can be general (improving the material well-being of people, improving medical care and services, eliminating the causes of diseases, improving working, living and recreational conditions of the population, environmental protection, etc.) and special (medical-sanitary, hygienic and anti-epidemic).

One of the most important methods of combating diseases is targeted activities to reduce all risk factors that are susceptible to external influence. Monitoring trends and progress in disease control plays a special role in developing such measures and setting priorities. At the same time, effective basic measures can be carried out already on the basis of primary health care to ensure early diagnosis and adequate therapy.

There will also be an exchange of experience in the field of maternal and child health, ensuring a safe, happy life for which is a priority of the country's state policy.

There will be considered issues related to the prospects of the comprehensive development and modernization of the national health system, including through the introduction of innovative technologies, best practices and the latest developments in world medicine.

One of the urgent topics of discussion will be the creation of all conditions for the harmonious physical and spiritual development of the younger generation, their receiving modern education, upbringing, and full-fledged leisure, which is the main component of bringing the national educational system to the level of developed countries.

To this end, reforms aimed at the systematic modernization of the education system, the construction of institutions with advanced equipment in this field, the preparation and publication of textbooks and manuals, the introduction of the latest technologies into the workflow, the use of international pedagogical experience are being successfully implemented.

Numerous sports facilities have been erected and continue to be built throughout the country: stadiums, equestrian complexes, race tracks, tennis courts, swimming pools, in which all conditions are created for effective physical education and sports. This contributes to the achievement of great success in raising of educated, erudite, broad-minded, highly spiritual, hardworking generations committed to the high principles of patriotism and humanism.

Within the framework of state support for the physical culture and recreation movement and sports of the highest achievements, a new generation of talented youth is being formed, making a worthy contribution to strengthening the sports image of the Motherland.

Thus, thanks to the deeply thought-out socially oriented policy of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, today Turkmenistan is rightfully recognized as a country of health and high spirit.

Within the framework of the forum "Healthcare, Education and Sports in the epoch of the Revival of a new era of a powerful state", a concert of creative collectives of culture and art workers took place in the Independence Park – in the Song and Music center "Aşgabat". The audience greeted the artists who performed folk and modern songs, incendiary dances with stormy applause.

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On the occasion of the Day of Workers of Healthcare and Medical Industry, physical culture, sports and wellness events were held in all velayats of the country, in the cities of Ashgabat and Arkadag under the slogan "Turkmenistan is a country of happy, healthy and highly spiritual youth!".