Ï Historical and cultural heritage is the spiritual wealth of the Turkmen people

Historical and cultural heritage is the spiritual wealth of the Turkmen people

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Historical and cultural heritage is the spiritual wealth of the Turkmen people

The next issue of the quarterly popular science magazine "Miras", published by the Magtymguly Institute of Language, Literature and National Manuscripts of the Academy of Sciences, has been issued. The publication continues to acquaint readers with the results of research in the field of historical and cultural heritage of our people, including manuscripts, issues of the development of linguistics, literary studies and historical science in the country.

The cover of the magazine is decorated with a photograph of the monument of the outstanding philosopher and poet Magtymguly Pyragy, whose poetry has become a symbolic link between history and modernity.

The first pages of the issue are devoted to congratulatory Addresses of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov on the occasion of World Health Day, the National Holiday of the Turkmen Horse, the 78th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, the Day of the Constitution of Turkmenistan and the State Flag of the country, the Holiday of the Turkmen Carpet, the World Bicycle Day, the Day of Science, the Day of Culture and Art Workers, as well as poetry Magtymguly Pyragy.

In the traditional heading "Discoveries and New Developments" presents the article "The idea of the "Mighty State" of Azadi and Magtymguly", which tells that the formation of the mighty state was influenced by the advanced wise ideas of such personalities as Azadi and Magtymguly.

In particular, Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov notes in the philosophical and literary work "The Meaning of My Life" that Azadi was the first in the history of sociological and artistic creativity of the Turkmen people to raise the question of building an ideal state. This concept was further developed in his poetry by Magtymguly – "a historical person who must have been born in Turkmen life in the XVIII century." "The poet's idea is a new page opened in the fate of the Turkmen people. It was this that played a decisive role in preserving the Turkmens as an independent, united people with their national traditions, national language, national character, national wealth and national territory."

The section "Interaction of Cultures and Civilizations" opens with the article "Traces of Sufism in Magtymguly's poem "Get up, they said!". The published material considers the doctrine formed on the basis of the centuries-old historical experience of the Muslim world by a system of worldviews about the knowledge of being and eternity. Sufism, like other directions, is considered one of the important areas of literature, the main purpose of which is the education of a decent, noble and honest person fighting evil, leading him astray from the true path. In general, Sufism is spiritual and bodily purity, nobility and the pursuit of humanity.

It was under the spiritual influence of Sufi science, behavior and deeds that Magtymguly wrote wonderful poems: "Towards us", "A few examples", "Began to cry", "Against". In the poem "Get up, they said!" the poet describes his spiritual journey, where he encounters a unprecedented miraculous state – the Prophet Muhammad himself was his feast.

All this shows that Magtymguly Pyragy with his human, moral qualities, education, embodying all the best in himself, reached great heights and became known as a great saint.

The article "Turkmen embroidery art originating from the depths of millennia" is presented in the same section to the attention of readers. The publication notes that the great art, classical canons and unique cultural heritage created by the Turkmen people for thousands of years are widely known throughout the world. Our state has established the careful storage of national values, manual handicrafts that have come down to us from the depths of centuries from our ancestors, and their transfer to subsequent generations in its original form.

One of the oldest handmade works is the art of embroidery. Embroidery is an integral part of our national dresses, nowadays Turkmen women masterfully embroider their products using various silk, woolen threads, gold, silver, pearls, colored stones, coins, beads. Artful handmade works created by skillful hands are a miracle and amaze the whole world.

Almost all embroidery is done with a needle. The technique of execution of various types of patterns is based on ancient artistic traditions inherent in different regions. The color scheme of the patterns is a vivid reflection of the image of nature. Beautiful works amaze the eyes of people with their beauty, richness of content, and a high degree of skill. The names of the patterns came from the names of plants, animals, birds, fish, even celestial bodies.

As it is known, at the regular session of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage, it was unanimously decided to include the nomination "Turkmen Embroidery Art" proposed by Turkmenistan in the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

Readers will be very interested in the material "Turkmen healers and their healing from the bites of poisonous creatures", posted in the same section. The article provides information about margirs – a special category of people engaged in catching poisonous snakes, spiders, scorpions and healing, helping sufferers to get rid of the consequences of bites with the help of medicinal herbs or snake meat. The victims were also assisted by healers-tebibs and mullahs who recited ayats from the Koran.

The snake was perceived as a force connecting both worlds – the earthly and the underworld, the world of the living and the world of the dead. Since venomous snakes and spiders have caused fear in people since ancient times, margirs and tebibs provided them with amulets. Shepherds used threatening incantations against snake, but did not pronounce its name, using substitute words: rod, whip, rope, belt, long tail.

People also suffered from spider bites: tarantulas, phalanges, karakurts and scorpions. People bitten by poisonous creatures turned to margirs and folk healers for help, who used certain plants for treatment.

Talking about plants used in folk medicine against snake and spider bites, the fundamental work "Medicinal Plants of Turkmenistan" by Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov is an indispensable help. The pages of this unique encyclopedia of medicinal flora growing on the Turkmen land contain dozens of species of local medicinal herbs, roots and fruits of plants, a detailed description of their healing properties. Tinctures and decoctions of these plants were treated for poisonous bites.

The article also describes what remedies were applied to people and large animals suffering from bites.

The publication ends with the "Chronicle of Scientific and Cultural Life", which gives an overview of the events of the social, scientific and cultural life of the country for the second quarter of this year, held under the motto "Happy youth with Arkadag Serdar". This section chronologically reflects the progressive peacemaking course pursued by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and vivid evidence of socially oriented large-scale reforms aimed at strengthening the economic power and further prosperity of the Motherland, improving the welfare of the people.

In this section, information about a historical event that will be inscribed in golden letters in the annals of the independent neutral Motherland, confidently following the path of creation, prosperity and progress, is of great interest.

On June 29, with the participation of the head of Turkmenistan, large-scale celebrations were held in honor of the opening of the new city of Arkadag, which is a visible symbol of the epoch of Revival of a new era of a powerful state.

The construction of this unique city, which has received a special legal status of a city of national significance on a legislative basis, is a concrete result of the grandiose reforms launched in our country by the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and now consistently continuing under the leadership of Arkadagly Serdar. The originality of the idea of creating the city of Arkadag also lies in the fact that it was erected in one of the oldest corners of the Turkmen land, where the glorious history of our ancestors originates.

Published in Turkmen, English and Russian languages and executed at a high polygraphic level, the magazine is colorfully illustrated with reproductions of paintings and photographs by modern masters of art, rare museum, archival materials and cartographic drawings, and is intended for a wide readership.