Ï Elena Oreshkina's autumn ball left a pleasant impression

Elena Oreshkina's autumn ball left a pleasant impression

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Elena Oreshkina's autumn ball left a pleasant impression
Vyacheslav Sarkisýan

A solo concert by Elena Oreshkina took place on the stage of the "Turkmenistan" cinema and concert center. For the first time Elena Oreshkina appeared on stage with a bass guitar as a member of the school ensemble "Friendship". It was in 1973. Since then, 50 years have passed, so the concert "Autumn Ball" can be called jubilee. And the concert program with the use of video clips was organized in such a way that it covered the entire stage activity of the singer.

During the concert, the listeners were in for another surprise - today is Elena Oreshkina's birthday! That is, the singer celebrates her birthday together with the admirers of her talent. This message caused a flurry of applause in the audience.

Elena Oreshkina performed not only pop hits of different years, but also author's songs. Among them, the song "My Years" with its biographical character suited the jubilee concert. And the touching song "Lilac Dress", which narrated the love story of the singer, did not leave any viewer indifferent. This lyrical song was illustrated by the ballroom performance of Elena Geldibaeva, the teacher of the Ashgabat dance group, and Allamurad Saparov, the choreographer of the children's ensemble.

Elena Oreshkina wrote the song "Independent Turkmenistan" in 1996 specifically for the "Ýañlan Diýarym" TV contest. The performance of this song brought her victory in the competition. The repertoire of songs of her own composition includes the song "Ashgabat". It is dedicated to the beautiful white marble city, where the singer's wonderful life took place, so Elena Oreshkina considers it the best city on the planet.

All these songs and many others were performed this evening. The singer passed every performance through her heart, therefore she was different on stage - mysterious, funny, majestic and mischievous…

The concert program was decorated with the performance of the participants of the dance ensemble "Altyn Asyr" of the Turkmen State Circus under the leadership of Honored Artist of Turkmenistan Olga Lukyanova. In snow-white lace dresses, the girls performed Eugen Doga's "Waltz" from the movie "My Sweet and Tender Beast".

The concert ended with the song "Happy Birthday!", thematically very suitable for the solo concert given by the birthday girl. All the participants of the concert program came out to the applause of the audience.

Elena Oreshkina presented to the audience the concert host – Ekaterina Darchia, a teacher of the Turkmen National Conservatory named after M. Kulieva. Grateful audience presented the singer with bouquets of flowers and congratulated her on her birthday.