Ï Working Trip of Hero-Arkadag to PRC

Working Trip of Hero-Arkadag to PRC

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Working Trip of Hero-Arkadag to PRC

Today, the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, who is on a working visit to the People’s Republic of China, took part in the Third “One Belt, One Road” High-Level Forum.

In the morning, Hero-Arkadag from the residence allocated for the visit duration went to the House of People’s Assembly.

...Strengthening fruitful ties with the states of the Asia-Pacific region, including the PRC, is one of the key vectors of the foreign policy of the Homeland, implemented under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

The growing dynamics of Turkmen-Chinese relations in recent years is due to the desire of the two friendly countries to bring strategic multifaceted cooperation to a qualitatively new level, which was once again confirmed during the visits of the head of Turkmenistan to China in January and May of the current year.

At the same time, the confidential dialogue of our states is facilitated by the proximity or coincidence of positions on key issues of the global agenda, their active interaction and mutual support for initiatives put forward within the framework of major international organizations and authoritative regional structures, including in the “Central Asia–China” format.

It should be noted that the parties are taking steps to steadily build up a productive partnership, thereby expressing their firm commitment to the centuries-old traditions of friendship and mutual understanding, dating back to the epoch of the Great Silk Road.

Having a favorable geopolitical and geo-economic location at the junction of important transport corridors, Turkmenistan makes constructive proposals and makes every effort to revive this legendary trade route, creating a favorable climate for the successful promotion of a fruitful dialogue between the countries of Asia and Europe. This also directly meets the goals of China, which is the author of the consonant international initiative “One Belt, One Road.”

In this regard, the current representative event, the theme of which is “High-quality construction of “One Belt, One Road” and the joint achievement of common development and prosperity,” is intended to further deepen the entire range of fruitful relations of the forum participating countries for the benefit of friendly peoples in the interests of ensuring security and stability on the Eurasian continent and throughout the world.

“One Belt, One Road” initiative, a concept proposed in 2013 by Xi Jinping, has received a positive response from the global community. Its goal is to intensify international trade and investment projects with the participation of a larger number of countries and use the capital of interested states. More than 150 countries and over 30 international organizations have already joined it. At the same time, this initiative is aimed at improving existing and creating new trade and transport corridors connecting the countries of Central Asia, Europe and Africa.

Over the past 10 years, it has had a noticeable economic and social impact on the development of various Member States, promoted the creation of numerous jobs, facilitated increased investment, trade, transport connectivity, development of cooperation in culture, tourism, played a significant role in improving living standards and well-being of the population of different countries. Over the years, huge capital investments have been attracted and more than a thousand cooperation projects have been formed.

This initiative fits logically into multilateral efforts to strengthen creative and constructive interaction throughout the international community. In the context of unprecedented changes in the world, it is delivering positive results and laying a solid foundation for the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

...The car of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stops at the central entrance of the House of the People’s Assembly of the People’s Republic of China. Here, Hero-Arkadag is warmly and cordially greeted by the Chairman of the People’s Republic of China, Xi Jinping.

After the joint photographing ceremony, forum participants proceeded to the large hall of the Assembly House of the People’s Republic of China, where the official opening of the high-level meeting took place.

Delegates to the large-scale event were representatives of more than 140 countries and 30 authoritative organizations, including government leaders, heads of international organizations, ministries and business circles.

President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping delivered a keynote speech dedicated to China’s trade, economic, cultural and humanitarian cooperation, the goals and objectives of effective and fruitful international cooperation within the framework of the “One Belt, One Road” Project. As noted, the principles of joint consultation, construction and use, as well as openness, environmental friendliness, integrity, high standards, people’s welfare and sustainable development have become important in the high-quality joint formation of this concept.

It was also emphasized that after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, this strategy has become the road to life and health. At the same time, Chinese President Xi Jinping said that the global network of interconnectivity formed within the framework of this initiative has helped ensure that the thousand-year-old ancient Silk Road shines with new vitality in the modern epoch.

The head of the PRC noted with satisfaction that in recent years, cooperation within the “One Belt, One Road” format has moved from outlining contours to the stage of carefully working out details, and plans have turned into real projects, thereby yielding fruitful results.

As the speakers emphasized, the current forum is taking place under the sign of the tenth anniversary of the initiative put forward by President Xi Jinping – a truly important, global, future-oriented one, aimed at creating a more equitable multipolar world and system of relations. Particular emphasis was placed on the fact that time has proven the relevance of this strategy, which today is considered to be a grandiose project on a global scale.

It was noted that most states of the world share the desire for equal, mutually beneficial cooperation in order to achieve universal sustainable and long-term economic progress and social well-being, while respecting civilizational diversity and the right of each state to its own development model.

At the end of the official opening ceremony of the Third International Forum, at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov met with the First Deputy Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China, a member of the Standing Committee of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China Ding Xuexiang.

Before the start of the meeting, held in the business lunch format, a photographing ceremony took place against the backdrop of the State flags of Turkmenistan and the People’s Republic of China.

Having warmly greeted each other, the interlocutors expressed satisfaction with the opportunity to discuss the current state and prospects for the development of Turkmen-Chinese cooperation, which in recent years, thanks to the mutual efforts of the parties, has been given the status of a strategic partnership.

As noted, the Government of the People’s Republic of China attaches special importance to strengthening the multifaceted partnership with Turkmenistan, which today demonstrates stable rates of socio-economic development and fundamentally new approaches to solving pressing problems of our time. It was also emphasized that the current visit of the National Leader of the Turkmen people Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to China and participation in the Third “One Belt, One Road” High-Level Forum is considered as an important step towards strengthening traditionally friendly interstate relations.

Speaking about the parties’ firm intention to continue to closely interact both in a bilateral and multilateral format – within the framework of the largest international and authoritative regional structures, the interlocutors noted with satisfaction the closeness or coincidence of views of the two states on current issues on the world agenda, which facilitates the establishment of a trusting dialogue, meeting mutual interests.

Particular emphasis was placed on the relevance of the strategy initiated by our country to revive the Great Silk Road in the current conditions and the PRC concept of “One Belt, One Road”, based on a common historical basis and designed to serve the well-being and prosperity of the states and peoples of the world.

A separate topic of discussion was the issues of Turkmen-Chinese cooperation, which in recent years has received a qualitatively new content. Vivid examples of this are important joint projects, including the grandiose project – the construction of the Turkmenistan-China Transnational Gas Pipeline.

During the meeting, the main approaches of the parties to further building a constructive interstate dialogue were noted, the achieved level of which was highly appreciated by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and Chinese President Xi Jinping during the visits of the head of Turkmenistan to China this year.

Among the priority areas of bilateral cooperation were the trade and economic sphere, fuel and energy and transport and communications sectors, industry, agriculture, etc. In this regard, noting the impressive potential of partnership in a variety of areas, the interlocutors exchanged views on the possibilities of increasing productive relations in areas where mutual efforts are seen to be most effective.

Much attention was paid to the issues of intensifying traditional cultural and humanitarian ties that promote strengthening friendship and mutual understanding between the Turkmen and Chinese peoples.

The established close ties between legislative bodies were noted with satisfaction, as evidenced by the creation of an inter-parliamentary friendly group of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan and the National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China. As emphasized, the activities of this structure facilitate the improvement and expansion of the legal framework for the progressively developing interstate partnership.

At the end of the meeting, confidence was expressed in the further progressive development of the established constructive interstate dialogue, based on the centuries-old traditions of friendship and trust between the Turkmen and Chinese peoples.

In the afternoon, the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took part in a high-level conference organized within the framework of C. 

Having declared the event open, First Deputy Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China, member of the Standing Committee of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China Ding Xuexiang greeted those gathered and noted the importance of the forum, being held for the third time in Beijing.

Then the floor was given to the conference participants.

At the beginning of his speech, National Leader of the Turkmen people Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov expressed gratitude to Chinese President Xi Jinping for the initiative to convene the Third “One Belt, One Road” International Cooperation Forum, its excellent organization, cordiality and hospitality.

  As emphasized, holding this meeting is a highly relevant and sought-after event. Recent realities – a pandemic, increasing instability, decreasing trust and predictability – have negatively affected global economic activity, led to problems in interconnectedness, and reduced the degree of effectiveness of the implementation of plans and programs in sustainable development.

To overcome these negative factors, it is necessary to unite the efforts of states and international institutions, their solidarity in establishing a creative and constructive agenda based on goodwill, responsibility and foresight, noted Hero-Arkadag.

From this point of view, as emphasized, the content of the Turkmen strategy “Revival of the Great Silk Road” meets Turkmenistan’s ideas about the future of the geo-economic landscape of Eurasia, and also corresponds to China’s strategy “One Belt, One Road”, where the main principles are equality, consideration and recognition of interests partners, mutual benefit, respect for the diversity of cultural and spiritual values. Important elements of the Turkmen approach are the depoliticization of cooperation, moving away from the one-sidedness of energy and transport flows in favor of their diversification and accessibility for broad international participation.  

Reliance on the rich historical experience of friendship and good neighborliness between the Turkmen and Chinese peoples, the today presence of objective mutual interests allow Turkmenistan and China to build up their partnership successfully in the context of the implementation of these two strategies, their compatibility and mutual complementarity. Particular emphasis was placed on the fact that they are destined to give a powerful stimulus to economic development in Eurasia, uniting spaces from the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean on modern criteria, forming interconnected production and technological cycles and industrial belts, helping to solve many social problems and improve the quality of life and the well-being of peoples.

The Turkmen-Chinese energy partnership was named as a striking example of this approach. In particular, the commissioning of a gas pipeline from Turkmenistan to China in 2009 marked the beginning of the formation of a new architecture of relations in the energy sector on the continent and opened up prospects for other states to join the project on a mutually beneficial and equal basis.

The same logic is followed by the implementation of another major international project – the construction of the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India gas pipeline.

Today, Hero-Arkadag continued, we are working to expand the geography and volume of international supplies of Turkmen natural gas and electricity. Power transmission and fiber-optic communication lines have been laid from Turkmenistan to Afghanistan and Pakistan. There are a number of other major projects on the cooperation agenda in these segments.

Another important area is transport, said the National Leader of the Turkmen people, noting that currently our country, together with its partners, is creating an extensive network of transport and logistics infrastructure of a combined type along the East-West and North-South lines, which in the future will include transit corridors overlooking the regions of the Caspian Sea, the Black Sea basin, and the Baltic. This seems especially relevant in connection with the implementation in Turkmenistan of large national projects in the transport and communication spheres, and the creation of new port infrastructure on the Caspian Sea.

In particular, we are talking about a transport corridor from China through the territory of Central Asia to the Turkmen coast of the Caspian Sea, as well as to Iran, the Near and Middle East, which can also be used in the opposite direction – to the Asia-Pacific region, the countries of South Asia.

Our efforts are aimed at fully unlocking the potential of transcontinental transportation by all modes of transport, including railways, roads, air travel, and the creation of logistics terminals at hubs, one of which could be the Turkmenbashi International Seaport, Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov emphasized, expressing his readiness to provide its facilities for use in the interests of partners.

Coordinated transport diplomacy aimed at consolidating common efforts in improving the efficiency of international corridors and logistics systems is becoming increasingly relevant. In this context, it was noted that Turkmenistan, being one of the initiators of the global dialogue in sustainable transport, has been taking consistent practical steps in this direction for many years.

The persistent, purposeful work of our country was marked by the General Assembly’s adoption of six Resolutions in transport initiated by the Turkmen side in recent years alone.

The transport strategy of Turkmenistan keeps pace with modern trends and the objective needs of the world economy, the National Leader of the Turkmen people emphasized, expressing the conviction that this meets the interests of the majority of states concerned in creating an effective, stable and fair system in this key area.

One of the priority tasks of our country’s international cooperation is to achieve a reasonable balance between production activities and environmental protection, ensuring environmental safety. Our understanding of the essence and meaning of the Green Silk Road is based on this.

In this context, we believe that Turkmenistan’s proposal to establish a specialized structure – the Regional Center for Technologies Related to Climate Change – is a logical and timely step, noted Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, confirming his readiness to provide all the necessary technical and organizational conditions for the work of the Center in the capital of our country – Ashgabat city.

An integral part of Turkmenistan’s environmental strategy is also the reduction and eradication of the negative consequences of carbon dioxide and methane emissions into the atmosphere. First of all, we are talking about a phased transition to the introduction and use of modern environmentally friendly and resource-saving technologies, especially in energy, industry and transport.

Our country is also actively pursuing international cooperation in hydrogen energy. We consider these steps of Turkmenistan to be an important practical contribution to the creation of “green corridors” of cooperation, including within the framework of the “Revival of the Great Silk Road” and “One Belt, One Road” strategies, Hero-Arkadag emphasized. 

Interconnectedness in the economy, international exchange of technologies, experience, skills and techniques are objective trends in global development. They involve closer cooperation in production, the creation of integrated technological and digital platforms, and joint communication systems.

All this, noted the National Leader of the Turkmen people, is designed to form a holistic and sustainable logistics of cooperation on a global scale. And not only in the technical sense.

Today, in our opinion, the concept of political logistics is in demand, Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov continued, emphasizing that he views it as a multi-level system of interaction between states that share ideas and prospects for economic development and cooperation, free from politicization and ideological clichés, based on equality, mutual respect and taking into account each other's interests.

In conclusion, the National Leader of the Turkmen people expressed confidence that the current representative and authoritative forum, which brought together envoys from dozens of states with enormous potential, is capable of giving the necessary impetus to this process and achieving the set goals.

Thanking Hero-Arkadag for his informative speech, First Deputy Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China, member of the Standing Committee of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China Ding Xuexiang noted the importance of the constructive proposals put forward.

According to the unanimous opinion of the participants at the high-level meeting, the implementation of the “One Belt, One Road” initiative, which gave impetus to the renaissance of the Great Silk Road, is helping to give new impetus to global economic growth and has opened up a new space for global development. Particular emphasis was placed on the importance of all parties working together to identify cooperation priorities and focus efforts on strengthening connectivity across all dimensions.

As noted, this megaproject has become an effective platform for unprecedented large-scale international cooperation. The work carried out as part of its implementation makes an invaluable contribution to the development of cultural and humanitarian ties, strengthening good neighborliness, friendship and mutual understanding between the project countries.

At the end of the high-level conference, the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov headed to the temporary residence.

During the event, three high-level sub-forums were held, dedicated to the development of transport communications, environmental projects and the digital economy. In addition, six conferences were held, the topics of which covered foreign trade relations, cultural and humanitarian ties, issues related to interaction between research centers, promotion of interregional cooperation and maritime projects, as well as a large meeting of representatives of the business community. Along with this, presentations of specific investment projects and the conclusion of new agreements in different sectors of the economy took place.

As a result of the Third “One Belt, One Road” High-Level Forum, there were adopted the following: Beijing Initiative to Deepen Cooperation in Interconnectivity, Beijing Belt and Road Initiative International Cooperation in Digital Economy, Beijing Belt and Road Green Development Initiative, Initiative on the foundations of international trade and economic cooperation for the digital economy and green development.

A Memorandum of Cooperation was also signed on the joint implementation of the Action Plan for the development of green science and technology in the Central Asian region.

* * *

The wife of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Ogulgerek Berdimuhamedova, who accompanied the Hero-Arkadag during his working visit to the People’s Republic of China, took part in the cultural events organized here, in particular, having visited the National Museum of Arts and Crafts in the morning.

This museum was founded in 1990, and a new building was built for it in 2021. The museum displays various styles of ancient and modern practical crafts in China. In particular, there is a rich collection of artistic ceramics, embroidery, ivory, jade, wood and stone carvings, gold, silver and copper jewelry, painted vases and artifacts.

In the foyer of the building, the wife of Hero-Arkadag was warmly greeted by the wife of the Chairman of the People's Republic of China, Peng Liyuan, where they took a photograph for memory.

Then the guests of honor, together with Ms. Peng Liyuan, got acquainted with the exhibits presented in the hall called “Dört deňziň joşuşy”. Among them are samples of Suzhou and silk embroidery, handicrafts and other exhibits of intangible cultural heritage.

In the hall there is a melody played by the national musical instrument – bianzhong. It is a set of bells of different sizes, which are mounted on wooden frames. By hitting the bells with a special hammer, a melodic sound is produced. This ancient representative of percussion instruments is still used in orchestral sounding. For residents of the Celestial Empire, the sound of Chinese bells notifies the time of prayer and is an integral part of religious ceremonies.

Then representatives of foreign delegations listened to an Acappella song performed by the Chinese children’s ethnographic ensemble “Doň”. Here, photographs were taken together with the young participants as souvenirs.

Afterward, the guests of honor got acquainted with the exhibits of Chinese national theatrical costumes.

Then the wife of the President of the People’s Republic of China, Peng Liyuan, invited the first ladies of foreign countries and the spouses of the heads of delegations to jointly watch a performance of the Peking Opera.

Peking Opera is the most famous form of theatrical art and a recognized national treasure of China. It combines colorful costumes, makeup, dramatic performances, singing, dialogue, pantomime, acrobatic combat and dancing. All this helps to introduce the different characters and their emotions.

In 2010, this classic art form of the Celestial Empire was included in the UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage, which still preserves the artistic and educational value of not only Chinese, but also universal human culture.

At the end of the spectacular performance, guests were invited to go up to the stage and take a souvenir photo with the actors.

Then, the wife of the Chairman of the People’s Republic of China, Peng Liyuan, warmly said goodbye to the wives of the heads of foreign delegations, wishing everyone good health and prosperity.

…In the afternoon, Ogulgerek ene visited the Museum of Women and Children of China.

At the main entrance, the guest is warmly greeted by the museum’s leaders.

Then, the wife of Hero-Arkadag had a conversation over a cup of tea with the Deputy Chairman of the National Committee of the People’s Political Consultative Council of China, Chairwoman of the All-China Women’s Federation Shen Yueyue.

Expressing sincere gratitude for the warm welcome and hospitality, Mrs. Ogulgerek Berdimuhamedova noted that she was lucky enough to be a guest on Chinese soil for the first time. It was emphasized that Turkmen-Chinese relations have a rich history, dating back to the times of the Great Silk Road, and currently bilateral ties are developing in all directions. 

Thanking the Chinese side for the opportunity to organize the “Turkmenistan – the Heart of the Great Silk Road” exhibition in Beijing as part of a major international forum, which will introduce visitors the national values of the Turkmens, carpet weaving master Ogulgerek Ene stated that it presented magnificent carpets and examples of handicrafts – a unique art, inherited from our grandmothers and mothers. 

During the conversation, it was emphasized that Turkmen carpet art is an integral part of the priceless heritage of the Turkmens. Their ornaments and bright colors capture our glorious history, heroic path, wisdom, spiritual values of our ancestors, and embodies the identity of our people.

Thus, a living connection of times, spiritual heritage, and continuity of original traditions can be traced, which are not only carefully preserved, but also developed.

Continuing, the emphasis was placed on the issues of education and development of labor skills among the younger generation. It was emphasized that, under the wise leadership of the President of Turkmenistan, large-scale work is being carried out to study the national values created by our people throughout its history and transfer the cultural heritage to descendants.

As noted, girls’ skill to do needlework shows their upbringing. The subtle secrets of carpet weaving are passed down from generation to generation in every Turkmen family. Our women, with their talent and hard work, have created wonderful examples of decorative and applied art.

Attendees expressed their sincere gratitude to the wife of Hero-Arkadag Ogulgerek Berdimuhamedova for the interesting conversation, at the end of which a joint photo was taken as a souvenir.

Hereafter, with the participation of the guest of honor and Mrs. Shen Yueyue, the opening of the National Exhibition dedicated to Turkmen carpets and handicrafts took place, representing in its entirety the types of national decorative and applied arts and creativity, folk crafts and which became clear evidence of the multifaceted creative talent of the Turkmens.

Huge monitors show footage of international forums held in our country on the occasion of honoring carpet weavers, which indicates that in our sovereign Homeland special attention is paid to the development of the world-famous art of carpet weaving, the necessary conditions are created for its widespread popularization and improvement, restoration and preservation antique carpets.

It is noteworthy that the art of Turkmen carpet weaving occupies a special place in the treasury of universal human values. Of course, the inclusion of this craft in the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity facilitates its even greater promotion and popularization abroad. Last year, the List, at the initiative of Turkmenistan, was supplemented with such types of intangible heritage as “Turkmen art of embroidery”, “Sericulture and traditional production of silk for weaving”.

The exhibition consists of three sections: 1 – Woolen Carpets and Carpet Weaving, 2 – Silk Carpets, 3 – Keteni – National Embroidery and Fabrics.

The exhibition presents classic ornamental carpets, wool and silk, landscape panels, and magnificent subject paintings. All of them are distinguished by stunning harmony of colors, unique sophistication, and individual creative approach.

There is a wide variety of carpet weaving products, tapestries, a large collection of all kinds of souvenirs, bright handbags, colorful samples of national embroidery and decorative patchwork art made of shiny silk fabric – keteni.

The colorful panorama of the exhibition makes it possible to get acquainted with the extraordinary variety of trends in the world-famous art of Turkmen carpet weaving and get an idea of the origins of national traditions, features and character of the original culture of the Turkmen people.

Wool carpets are woven from the spring wool of Saraja sheep, which are bred in Turkmenistan. Wool carpets are very good for health. Our women and girls weave them thinly and tightly. There are over a million knots in one square meter of such carpet, which explains why such carpets are considered to be waterproof.

It should be noted that the fundamental works of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov “Living Legend” and “Heavenly Beauty”, dedicated to the richest layer of spiritual and material culture of the Turkmen people, became a historical milestone in perpetuating the glory of national carpet weaving.

Unlike wool carpets, silk carpets are made from silkworm silk. It is noteworthy that exclusively natural dyes are used for dyeing, so the colors and shine of Turkmen carpets become brighter year after year and do not lose their quality.

During the event, the granddaughter of Hero-Arkadag skillfully demonstrated the method of weaving alaja to visitors to the exhibition. This is clear evidence that the ancestral traditions of our people are passed down with dignity from generation to generation.

Those invited to the exhibition watched with great interest and admiration how the granddaughter of the wife of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Ogulgerek Berdimuhamedova, skillfully weaves alaja.

Turkmen carpets, which have gained fame all over the world, have been and still remain one of the wonders of the world. Using them one can study not only the history of the people, but also geography. After all, the products of Turkmen craftswomen have long ago spread across the globe thanks to collectors, scientists, travelers and connoisseurs of man-made splendor.

In 1949, on the top of Pazyryk in the Altai Mountains, the oldest pile carpet was discovered, preserved thanks to the permafrost of the Pazyr mounds. Its appearance dates back approximately to the 5th–4th centuries BC and is considered as an ancestor of the famous Turkmen carpets. It is made using the characteristic Turkmen carpet weaving technique.

On the carpet, 24 gels are depicted in a symmetrical arrangement, which symbolized the family tree of Oguzkhan, which has 24 branches according to the number of his grandchildren.

It should be noted that among the exhibits of the current exposition is the first amazing silk specimen, which almost completely repeats the pattern of its famous “ancestor”.

Handicrafts, national costumes and jewelry occupy a significant place among the primordial values of the Turkmens. Basically, the outfits of Turkmen women are made from keteni silk fabric. Having embroidered their outfits, they raised embroidery to the level of an art, passing on their skills and secrets of craftsmanship to youth. This noble tradition of continuity is inextricably linked with the labor and aesthetic education of the younger generation.

National dresses, as well as jewelry, give our women a special charm. By the way, their total weight reaches 36 kilograms.

In the old days, trade caravans transported exquisite handmade carpets along the Great Silk Road, being revived in our time in a new format, contributing to the spread of this magnificent art in the East and West. Now our partners continue this important work – they popularize, preserve and develop the traditions of carpet weaving in various parts of the world.

The wife of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Ogulgerek Berdimuhamedova expressed gratitude for the warm welcome and hospitality, as well as the opportunity to organize a National Exhibition dedicated to Turkmen carpets and handicrafts at the Museum of Women and Children of China, which will allow visitors to get acquainted with the national values of the Turkmens.