Ï Speech by the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov at a meeting with the Chairman of the People's Republic of China Xi Jinping

Speech by the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov at a meeting with the Chairman of the People's Republic of China Xi Jinping

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(Beijing, October 19, 2023)

Dear Chairman of the People's Republic of China, 

Mr. Xi Jinping!

Traditional friendship between Turkmenistan and China can be traced for more than two thousand years, going back to the distant past. Both countries and their peoples were closely connected by the Great Silk Road.

It is well known that the Great Silk Road, which passed through the territory of Central Asia from China to Europe, became a factor in the development and progress of the entire world civilization.

Speaking about ensuring sustainable development in the region, I note the importance of efforts to combine Turkmenistan’s «Revival of the Great Silk Road» strategy with China’s «One Belt, One Road» initiative. Over the years, this initiative has contributed to strengthening trade and cultural ties in the Eurasian region.

Dear Chairman of the People's Republic of China, 

Mr. Xi Jinping!

The peoples of Turkmenistan and China have centuries-old friendly relations and vast experience of interaction and good neighbourliness.

Starting from Oguz-han, considered the ancestor of our people, in the Turkmen states there was a custom of meeting foreign ambassadors with our «paradise» Ahal-Teke horses at the border. The Parthians met at the border a delegation led by Zhang Xiang, the ambassador of the Chinese Emperor Wu Ding, with 20,000 horsemen.

Among diplomatic gifts, the horse was the most valuable gift. At that time, the ancestors of the world famous and called «heavenly» horses were sent as a gift by Parthia to the emperors of China, called the «Kingdom of Heaven».

The ancient Turkmen Hunns are the descendants of Gun-han, the eldest son of Oguz-han. The Hunns in Europe are called «Kuns». The words «gun» and «hun» mean «sun».

The Huns occupied vast territories from the vast deserts of northwestern China to Siberia. Mete-han, the ruler of the Great Hunnic state of the Oguz Turkmen, had good relations with the Chinese emperors.

In addition, the Göktürkmen State, which existed in the 6th century, maintained close ties with the Chinese people. Led by Bilge Khan, the Gokturkmen state found even greater prosperity.

Then the Chinese ambassador Meyluchzhou suggested that Bilge-han strengthen close and fraternal relations. The Tang Emperor Xuan Zong also wanted to conclude an agreement with Bilge-han.

Dear Chairman of the People's Republic of China, 

Mr. Xi Jinping!

History testifies to the existence of trade relations between the Huns, who lived next door to China, and the Chinese Han dynasty. During the reign of Mete-han, the ruler of the Hunns, relations were established between the two countries in terms of learning from each other's experiences.

In 49 BC the Huns, who are the ancestors of the current Turkmens, signed an agreement with the ruler of China, called the «Oath Agreement». He regulated relations between two powerful states. The agreement stated that the Hunns and Chinese were like one family, and stated: «Let our sons and grandsons be faithful to this agreement from generation to generation».

China and the Hunns established diplomatic correspondence to ensure the implementation of previous agreements.

Chinese sources preserve some letters from the great Xiongnu ruler Mete-han, which he wrote to the Chinese ruler Xiao Wen.

Also, the lines from the famous destan of our people «Hurlukga-Hemra»: «A caravan has arrived from the province of Chin-Machin» are one of the literary evidence of the ongoing ties between the Turkmen and Chinese peoples, starting from the epoch of the Great Silk Road.

Dear Mr. Chairman of the People's Republic of China!

As you can see, based on our centuries-old ties of friendship, first of all let me thank you for the opportunity to meet, as well as for your cordiality and hospitality.

Meetings with you are always significant events in relations between Turkmenistan and the People's Republic of China. They provide an opportunity to exchange views on the state of bilateral relations, identify the most important topics that need special attention, and give them the necessary impetus where necessary.

In general, I consider it necessary to emphasize the high level of mutual trust, mutual understanding and openness achieved in recent years under your leadership in relations between Turkmenistan and China.

The strategic partnership of our countries is progressing progressively, steadily and purposefully in all directions.

By developing and expanding it, we rely on the deep historical ties of friendship and good neighborliness of the Turkmen and Chinese peoples, their deep mutual sympathy and respect for each other, the closeness of the positions of the two states on key issues of modern international politics, a strong legal basis for cooperation, and powerful mutual economic potential.

This nature of cooperation, meeting the fundamental interests of Turkmenistan and China, makes a noticeable constructive contribution to the preservation and strengthening of international stability and security, contributes to the solution of a number of pressing regional issues, and is an important factor in accelerating and expanding trade and economic processes on the Asian continent.

Turkmenistan is firmly committed to further strengthening fraternal and friendly ties with China, and is also ready to continue joint work in the political, economic and humanitarian spheres.

I would like to take this opportunity to convey wishes of peace, prosperity and well-being to the Chinese people.