Ï President Serdar Berdimuhamedov: International exhibitions are important platforms for global promotion of the achievements of the Fatherland

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov: International exhibitions are important platforms for global promotion of the achievements of the Fatherland

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President Serdar Berdimuhamedov: International exhibitions are important platforms for global promotion of the achievements of the Fatherland

As is known, in order to effectively implement the «Concept of the foreign policy course of neutral Turkmenistan for 2022–2028» and the «Program for the development of foreign economic activity of Turkmenistan for 2020–2025», as well as expanding international cooperation in the field of exhibition activities with authoritative organizations and states of the world, the President of Turkmenistan signed the Resolution, approving the «Concept for the development of international exhibition activities of Turkmenistan for 2024–2025».

The importance of work in this direction is also evidenced by the fact that on the 5th of October, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, having received the General Secretary of the International Exhibitions Bureau Dimitriy Kerkentzes, exchanged views with the guest on issues of interaction in the field of exhibition and fair activities carried out under the auspices of the BIE, and on the possibilities of studying best practices in this area.

The head of the International Exhibitions Bureau emphasized the continued interest in expanding cooperation with our country, noting the high level of exhibitions organized by Turkmenistan at international venues.

Our state successfully pursues an «open door» policy, paying special attention to the development of large-scale partnerships with all interested parties, which involves not only the development of global best practices, but also the promotion of local goods and services in the domestic and foreign markets, which has a positive effect on the integration of international exhibitions into the global economy and mutually beneficial cooperation.

As the head of state noted during the conversation, Turkmenistan is implementing program activities to develop international trade and economic interaction, emphasizing that in accordance with the adopted «Concept for the development of international exhibition activities of Turkmenistan for 2024–2025», our country intends to further expand partnership with BIE.

As a member of the International Bureau of Exhibitions, Turkmenistan actively participates in world and specialized shows, stated President Serdar Berdimuhamedov. As you know, in recent years our country has been represented at exhibition venues in Shanghai, Milan, Astana and Dubai.

In this context, the head of state cordially congratulated the General Secretary of the BIE on the start of the international horticultural exhibition «EXPO 2023 Doha», held under the auspices of the International Exhibitions Bureau, on the 2nd of October this year in Doha (Qatar), wishing the forum successful work. As noted, a pavilion of Turkmenistan was also organized at this international show.

The head of state stated our country’s interest in participating in the World Forum «EXPO 2025» in Osaka (Japan), emphasizing that the established organizing committee is carrying out appropriate work in this direction.

In turn, the General Secretary of the International Exhibitions Bureau Dimitriy Kerkentzes, noting that Turkmen pavilions at international exhibitions make a great impression on him, expressed confidence that the ongoing joint events will contribute to increasing productive interaction and further integration of our country into the global exhibition space.

In this context, the head of state noted the great potential for further cooperation with the BIE, emphasizing that in the future Turkmenistan intends to consider the possibilities of holding exhibitions of international significance and global development in our country.

Various exhibitions systematically held in Ashgabat also make a significant contribution to the promotion of the achievements of the national economic complex.

Thus, in March of this year, an exhibition of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan was held in the capital, dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the formation of this large public organization.

This event reflected the fact that the development of the private sector is one of the priorities of the national economy. Its role is significant in increasing the country’s export potential, establishing new industries, creating food abundance, and ensuring employment for the population. Turkmen entrepreneurs worthily represent their Fatherland at the international level and increase its authority on the world stage.

Private enterprises and business societies specializing in agriculture, food and processing industries, construction, production of building materials and electrical equipment, household appliances, as well as in trade, education, social services, transport and logistics, and folklore placed their stands at the exhibition. - applied crafts, etc. Particular emphasis was placed on demonstrating the achievements of the UIET in solving problems in the production of import-substituting and export-oriented products.

In April, the Exhibition of the Trade Complex of Turkmenistan was held, designed to demonstrate the successes achieved and prospects in increasing the volume of production of domestic goods and expanding the service sector.

In the welcoming Address of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov to the exhibition participants, it was emphasized that thanks to the implementation of large-scale reforms, the competitiveness of our products is increasing, which contributes to saturating the domestic market with quality goods and expanding the geography of foreign trade.

«Today, products with the «Made in Turkmenistan» brand, being in high demand in world markets, are confirmation of the steadily increasing export capabilities of our country», – the head of state noted in the message.

On the 3rd to 4th of May, the II International Exhibition «International Transport and Transit Corridors: Interconnection and Development – 2023» was held in the Turkmen capital.

More than 400 foreign delegates from 40 countries took part in the forum, organized by the Agency of Transport and Communications under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan together with the Turkmen Forum. Among them are employees of public and private specialized structures, experts, investors, representatives of international organizations and financial institutions - the UN, OSCE, World Bank, Asian Development Bank and diplomatic missions accredited in Turkmenistan, as well as domestic and foreign media.

Among the delegates are representatives of international transport and forwarding companies - «Vitol», «Meno Logistics», «Boeing», «Dragon Oil», «Fly Dubai», «Airbus», «Cargo Lux», «Lufthansa Consulting»; logistics organizations - International Air Transport Association (IATA), International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), International Road Transport Union (IRU), Organization for Cooperation between Railways (OSJD), USAID Central Asia Program, International Transport Forum (ITF), USAID Central Asia , Representative offices of the Royal Institute of Logistics and Transport for Central Asia and many others.

On the 24th to 25th of May, the capital hosted the XXII International Universal Exhibition «White City Ashgabat», at which about 140 domestic and foreign companies, organizations and institutions, as well as private entrepreneurs demonstrated their products.

Along with a variety of industrial products, food products, and arts and crafts, major investment projects were presented to create environmentally friendly urban management systems that meet international standards, energy-saving technologies and construction projects that make it possible to maintain a positive balance in the life of a large city and contribute to the protection of the environment.

A significant part of the exposition consisted of automated control systems that make it possible to increase the efficiency of urban engineering and communication networks.

On the 28th of May, Ashgabat hosted the International Exhibition «Turkmen Carpet – the Soul of Turkmens», dedicated to the Turkmen Carpet Festival traditionally celebrated on the last Sunday of May.

A solid composition of delegations arriving from different parts of the world confirmed the great interest of business circles in our dynamically developing country, their desire to strengthen their positions in the attractive Turkmen market, and for newcomers to establish direct partnership contacts.

Among them were managers and specialists of large manufacturing enterprises and trading companies, representatives of research and cultural centers, as well as scientists, experts, fans of the art of handmade Turkmen carpet weaving from Russia, Türkiye, Germany, the United Arab Emirates, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Uzbekistan and other countries.

On the 10th to 12th of October, the capital hosted the International Exhibition «Healthcare, Education and Sports in the Era of the Revival of the New Epoch of a Powerful State», timed to coincide with the Day of Healthcare Workers and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan.

This annual forum has gained a reputation as one of the largest and most prestigious, promoting the demonstration and implementation of modern achievements of medical science, practical healthcare and further building bridges of cooperation with foreign partners.

The exhibition was attended by professionals in various fields of medicine from more than 20 countries. Among the exhibitors are over 150 foreign manufacturers of pharmaceutical products, medical equipment and consumables, providing a variety of medical services, a wide range of natural cosmetics, baby food, including companies from Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Germany, the USA, France, Italy, Great Britain, Austria, Poland, Türkiye, India, China, etc.

And, of course, one of the largest shows held in the capital this year was the Exhibition of Economic Achievements of Turkmenistan, held on the eve of the celebration of the 32nd anniversary of independence.

As President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized in his congratulatory Address, this large-scale review will be of great importance and, by demonstrating the successes and high achievements of the sovereign Fatherland, will give impetus to our next initiatives and the promotion of new projects.

Among the priority vectors of the state policy of Turkmenistan are the sustainable development of the national economy, further implementation of market reforms, as well as improvement of social and living conditions of the population.

In these areas, long-term government programs are being successfully implemented, new jobs are being created, innovative, digital technologies are being introduced, in short, all the necessary steps are being taken.

The country's industries for processing raw materials, producing consumer goods and export-oriented products are dynamically developing. Production volumes of various industrial and agricultural products are growing, new enterprises are being built in the regions, international and national projects are being successfully implemented.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov also noted that the established solid economic base and achievements in the social sphere are a reliable guarantee of the future success of the Fatherland. Significant strengthening of the foundations of the national economy of independent neutral Turkmenistan in the era of the Revival of the new epoch of the powerful state will ensure a further increase in the standard of living of our happy people.

The ongoing policy in the economic sphere is aimed at the comprehensive and sustainable growth of industries based on innovation, the consistent introduction of modern, more effective management methods in market conditions and, in general, towards the prosperity of the Fatherland and increasing the well-being of the population.

The practical steps taken make it possible to maintain stable GDP dynamics, increase the volume of capital investments directed to the social sphere, industrial production, foreign trade turnover, and also ensure the stability of prices on the domestic market for goods and services.

Among the main factors contributing to the advancement of Turkmenistan along the path of progress are the active industrialization of the country, the development of credit policy, the creation of production facilities for the production of import-substituting goods and the increase in export supplies, in particular, natural gas, electricity and other products. The introduced innovative principles and methods of management serve as important conditions for the successful integration of the country into the system of world economic relations.

The effectiveness of the national development model is confirmed by positive indicators of socio-economic growth, which is recognized by authoritative public and financial organizations of the world.

Thanks to its favourable geographical and geopolitical position, Turkmenistan has in recent years initiated and implemented large infrastructure projects in the field of road, rail and sea transport, as well as civil aviation.

Our country’s international cooperation policy in this direction is based, first of all, on its enormous potential as a reliable economic partner and a major energy, transport and transit hub of continental importance.

In this way, all exhibitions held, as well as those provided for by the «Concept for the development of international exhibition activities of Turkmenistan for 2024–2025» approved by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, are aimed at widespread global promotion of the large-scale achievements of the Fatherland in modernizing the national economic complex, increasing the strength of the national economy and the standard of living of the people.