Ï Belt and Road Initiative: time has proven its relevance

Belt and Road Initiative: time has proven its relevance

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At the end of the Third High-Level Forum "One Belt, One Road”, held in China, almost all of its participants as well as political scientists, experts and journalists agree on one the opinion that today more and more states of the world share desire for equal, mutually beneficial cooperation. And this is perhaps one of the main conclusions that arises from results of the forum, and this is supported by the fact that to the concept, proposed by the Chinese side in 2013 already more than 150 countries and over 30 international organizations.

What could be more attractive than activation international trade and investment projects with the participation many countries of the world and the use of capital interested states. The question itself is rhetorical, because absolutely It is obvious that the initiative fits logically into multilateral efforts to strengthen creative and constructive interaction on the scale of not only the Eurasian region, but also the entire international community.

Having an advantageous geographical position at the junction transport corridors, Turkmenistan has always advocated and comes out with specific initiatives and makes a lot of efforts to revive the trade route along the ancient route Silk Road. This aspiration, forming a favorable climate for effective cooperation between Asian countries and Europe, while at the same time being in tune with the international initiative “One Belt, One Road."

Increasing the efficiency of trade and economic relations with countries of the Asia-Pacific region, including China is one of the main vectors of foreign policy Turkmenistan. Visits of the Respected President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov was assigned to the PRC this year cooperation between our countries an additional impetus to raise their level and bring them to a qualitatively new stage strategic multifaceted cooperation.

Taking part in the Third High-Level Forum "One Belt, One Road" National leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov emphasized in his conversations and speeches that at its core, the strategy of Turkmenistan “Revival of the Great Silk Road" is similar to China's "One Belt, One Road”, where the priority areas of development are – equality, taking into account the interests of partners, mutual benefit, respect diversity of cultural and spiritual values.

The richest historical experience of friendship and good neighborliness between the Turkmen and Chinese peoples, the presence objective mutual interests allow Turkmenistan and China to successfully build up partnership in the context implementation of these two strategies. Confidential dialogue between Turkmenistan and China are facilitated by proximity or coincidence of positions on key issues of global agendas, active interaction and mutual support initiatives put forward within the framework of major international organizations.

Issues of Turkmen-Chinese cooperation received qualitatively new content, especially in recent years. Vivid examples of this are important joint projects, in including a grandiose project – construction transnational gas pipeline Turkmenistan–China.

Among the priority areas of bilateral cooperation - trade and economic sphere, fuel energy, transport and communications sectors, industry and agriculture.

Currently, Turkmenistan together with partners creates an extensive transport and logistics network combined infrastructure along the line East-West and North-South, which in the future will be include transit corridors connecting to regions Caspian Sea, Black Sea basin, Baltic.

This seems especially relevant in connection with implementation of large national projects in Turkmenistan in the transport and communication sectors, the creation of a new port infrastructure on the Caspian Sea. In particular, we are talking about a transport corridor from China through the territory Central Asia to the Turkmen coast of the Caspian Sea, as well as to Iran, the Near and Middle East, which may be used in the opposite direction - in Asian-Pacific region, South Asian countries.

In conversations at the forum, it was also noted with satisfaction establishing qualitatively new and close connections between legislative bodies of Turkmenistan and China, this is confirmed by the creation of a friendly group Mejlis of Turkmenistan and the National People's Congress representatives of the People's Republic of China.

In general, at the sites of the “One Belt, One Road" by the Chinese and Turkmen sides was once again it is confirmed that the parties are taking the most active steps to build up a productive partnership, thereby expressing the strongest commitment to centuries-old traditions friendship and mutual understanding, going back to the era The Great Silk Road.