Ï The Next Issue of the Democracy and Law Magazine

The Next Issue of the Democracy and Law Magazine

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The Next Issue of the Democracy and Law Magazine

The next issue of the Democracy and Law quarterly magazine, prepared for publication by the Institute of State, Law and Democracy of Turkmenistan in Turkmen, English and Russian, has been published.

The publication covers current trends in the state policy of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, as well as international cooperation in the field of law.

Among the main publications is the speech of the head of Turkmenistan at the plenary session of the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly, reflecting the strategic positions of our country, which invariably advocates strengthening global peace, security and stability.

At the high-level forum, new constructive initiatives of our Homeland were announced, in particular, on the creation, under the auspices of the UN, of the format of the Conference on Security in Central Asia and Adjacent Zones, the accession of Turkmenistan to the Global Methane Commitment, and the establishment of a Regional Center for Technologies Related to climate change in Central Asia, on the creation of the Caspian Environmental Initiative, the convening of a high-level meeting on the occasion of World Sustainable Transport Day, the convening of a major International Forum on Food Security under the auspices of the UN, etc.

The keynote speech of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov was also addressed the meeting of the Halk Maslakhaty, held on September 24 of the current year. In his speech, the head of state emphasized that Turkmenistan is successfully implementing programs aimed at improving the level and quality of life of the people, the formation of a competitive national economy, and the progressive socio-economic development of the country. The priority tasks for the further comprehensive development of the independent neutral Homeland were outlined in order to ensure its steady advancement along the path of progressive transformations.

Among the materials offered to the attention of readers is an article by UNICEF representative in our country Mohammad Fayazi “National Action Plan for the Implementation of Children’s Rights in Turkmenistan for 2023-2028 – Sustainability and Achieving New Results for the Children of Turkmenistan.”

As the author notes, this plan was approved on June 21, 2023 by the Resolution of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, which confirmed the state’s commitment to the fundamental ideas and principles of the UN regarding children’s rights and care for the younger generation.

The article “Halk Maslakhaty – the Basis for the Development of Democracy” focuses on the main tasks of the highest representative body of government, acting in accordance with the Constitution of the country, generally recognized democratic principles, aimed at ensuring the participation of all segments of the population in making important socio-political decisions.

The article “Priorities for Training Highly Qualified Specialists”, which narrates the driving force of socio-economic development of our time – science, education and best practices, will also attract the attention of readers.

As noted in the publication, the main task facing employees of the domestic education system is the education of patriotic, capable, highly qualified young specialists in demand for sectors of the economy.

A number of publications are posted under the heading to the contest “Creative Work and Human Rights”.

One of the articles, “Turkmenistan – International Labor Organization: 30 Years of Cooperation,” highlights the main areas of interaction with the ILO and the history of bilateral partnership.

It is also about conventions and recommendations, the international standards of which cover various areas of labor relations aimed at prohibiting forced labor, discrimination against workers, protecting motherhood and the labor of young people, ensuring trade union freedom and protecting the right to organize equality in the field of occupation, guarantees in matters of wages taking into account gender equality and others. Particular emphasis in the article is placed on the fact that Turkmenistan is steadily following its obligations in this area.

As it is known, environmental protection and defence of environmental human rights is a pressing problem of our time. Currently, under the far-sighted leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, our country is taking comprehensive measures aimed at protecting the environment and rational consumption of natural resources.

The publication “Administrative Liability for Violations of Environmental Legislation” is devoted to this topic, which emphasizes the importance of improving the relevant regulations. The large-scale activities carried out in this direction facilitate the creation of favorable conditions for the efficient and careful use of natural resources, acting as a priority vector for the socio-economic development of the country.

The pages of the next issue also contain an article “Protecting the Ecosystem of the Caspian Sea is an Important Task,” which highlights the practical steps taken by our country to scientifically study the environment and protect the natural resources of one of the unique corners of Turkmen nature – the Caspian region.

As it is emphasized, the solution to Caspian issues, in particular environmental ones, is largely connected with international partnership in this area. Special attention in the material is given to international agreements and treaties in this area.

At the same time, the article notes that cooperation, supported by mutually beneficial projects for the effective use of the potential of the Caspian region, expands the areas of partnership in the trade, economic, transport and logistics spheres, as well as in tourism, science, technology and innovation. All this is aimed at fulfilling the important task of protecting the ecosystem of the Caspian Sea.

The publication culminates with the “Chronicle” section, which tells about meetings, commissions, forums and other events held in Ashgabat with the participation of representatives of authoritative international organizations.