Ï Banks of Turkmenistan provide a wide range of modern services

Banks of Turkmenistan provide a wide range of modern services

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Banks of Turkmenistan provide a wide range of modern services

In the congratulatory address of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov to employees of the banking sector and the entire people of independent neutral Turkmenistan on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the introduction into circulation of the national currency of Turkmenistan - the manat, the importance of modernizing the country's monetary policy for further economic growth and achievements in the development of the banking sector was noted.

Today, the country's banks offer private and corporate clients a wide range of products and services, including account servicing, issuing plastic cards and various loans, and online services.

Bank clients use the services of the «Internet-bank» and «Mobile-bank» systems to replenish their cell phone, IP-TV and Internet accounts, and through special applications they can purchase tickets for travel on railway transport and intercity buses. To increase the number and volume of non-cash payments, customers are provided with a «cashback» service - returning part of the funds to a bank card when making purchases.

Clients holding «Altyn Asyr» bank cards are invited to use the «Overdraft» bank loan. Deposits with high interest rates are popular among the population.

The country pays constant attention to increasing the volume of credit funds allocated to the development of manufacturing sectors of the national economy, stimulating small industries, and increasing the volume of credit financing for the population. Thus, the State Commercial Bank of Turkmenistan «Halkbank» provides various loans to support small and medium-sized businesses, for production purposes, state support for agricultural producers, creation and production, as well as the purchase and commissioning of national software products, etc.

In order to create favourable conditions for owners of retail and service outlets and their clients, SCB «Halkbank» introduced a new service «Halkbank terminal», which is a digital banking product. By installing the «Halkbank terminal» application on their mobile phone, bank clients will be able to accept payments for goods and services, cancel transactions and make refunds, close the cash register and summarize results, and view payment history.

In credit financing of the population, special attention is paid to supporting youth. For example, the Joint Stock Commercial Bank «Rysgal» issues loans to close relatives of students studying in higher educational institutions and secondary specialized schools in Turkmenistan to pay for their studies. In order to improve the social and living conditions of young families, the bank issues family loans with a low interest rate in cash and non-cash forms.

Using only a mobile phone, clients of JSCB «Rysgal» can use such modern banking services as the «QRcode» payment system or the electronic mobile wallet - «Rysgal Pay» to quickly and conveniently pay their bills. With the further development of digital technologies, such programs installed on mobile devices, which allow the user to store electronic money and use it to make non-cash payments on the Internet, will be increasingly used in the country's banking system.