Ï Priority Areas of Cooperation in Digitalization were discussed in Ashgabat

Priority Areas of Cooperation in Digitalization were discussed in Ashgabat

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Priority Areas of Cooperation in Digitalization were discussed in Ashgabat
Meretdurdy Rozyev

On the eve of the 16th International Exhibition and Scientific Conference on Türkmentel 2023 Telecommunications, Telemetry, Information Technologies and Broadcasting Equipment, on November 8, a joint meeting of the 59th Council of Heads of Communications Administrations of the Regional Commonwealth in Communications (RCC) and the 29th meeting of the Coordinating Council of the participating CIS states on Informatization at the RCC took place at the Arçabil Metropolitan Hotel.

The agenda included a discussion of priority tasks in digital development, the implementation of shaped plans, and the activation of interaction between the CIS sectorial cooperation bodies in this direction. A number of issues were also considered regarding the next period – the appointment of the Deputy Chairman of the Council of Heads of the AC RCC and the Deputy Coordinating Council of the CIS Member States for Informatization at the RCC, the Director General and Deputy Executive Committee of the RCC, as well as the place, time and agenda of the 60/30 joint meeting of the Council of Heads of the AC RCC and the Coordination Council of the CIS member states on Informatization at the RCC.

It should be noted that Turkmenistan is a full member of the RCC, an organization destined to carry out regional cooperation in electric and postal communications. The globalization of the market space and the use of information technologies are based on the use of information as the main strategic resource.

The RCC is an international organization with the functions of the CIS interstate coordinating body in electric and postal communications, which also has observer status in the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the Universal Postal Union (UPU), and also actively interacts with international and regional organizations.

Turkmenistan is aimed at strengthening cooperation with the RCC member countries in order to mutually beneficial partnership in the field of improving the work of information and communication systems in the country, which is facilitated by the representative forum of this international structure held in Ashgabat.

During the meeting, the participants were familiarized with the final stage of preparation for the ITU Radio-communication Assembly and the ITU World Radio-communication Conference this year, the results of the 2023 Council Sessions and the first block of meetings of the ITU Council Working Groups and Expert Groups, the results of the RCC AC work at the 4th UPU Extraordinary Congress. A wide range of issues related to the further implementation of the “Action Plan for the Implementation of the Decisions of the 27th UPU Congress and the Abidjan Postal Strategy for 2022-2025” and the UPU Regional Development Plan for 2022-2025 for the Europe and Central Asia region were also discussed.

In accordance with the provisions of the Strategy 2025 in the construction and development of the information society, the main areas of cooperation of the CIS member states were identified. The participants of the meeting emphasized that the current trends in the development of the world economy are closely related to the increasing role of information technology and knowledge in the life of society. The economy changes, becoming more innovative, and at the heart of these changes is the use of high-speed broadband communication networks and the Internet. The most competitive countries today are those that are constantly improving taking into account technological innovations and introducing them into economic management.

During the meeting, it was discussed the measures taken in the countries of the RCC participants to combat fraud in communication networks, giving the status of a basic organization of the CIS member states that provides methodological and organizational and technical support for work in information and communication technologies, as well as the preparation of proposals for the development of human resources in the countries of the RCC participants. The issues of adjusting the estimates of income and expenses of the RCC for 2023, approval of the estimates of income and expenses of the RCC for 2024 and for the planning period 2025-2026 were considered.

The speakers from the Turkmen side noted that the priorities outlined by the President of Turkmenistan for the further socio-economic development of the country provide for intensive industrialization, since today it is impossible without the rapid development of colossal volumes of relevant world information, and rapid data exchange.

Digital and computer systems included in the network infrastructure are an important factor in the development of society, as well as a way to increase the activity of various spheres of the national economy. This is evidenced by the Concept of the development of the digital economy in Turkmenistan in 2019-2025, the implementation of which will intensify economic growth and improve the standard of living of the population through the use of digital technologies.

Special attention is paid in the country to the provision of new communication services for Turkmen citizens, work is underway to increase the number and growth of professional skills of young specialists in creation and support of various software products.

As it was emphasized, Turkmenistan, which has embarked on the path of innovative development, has set itself a number of tasks according to the realities of the time. Universal informatization and internetization will lead to drastic changes in the life of society and the state, many functions will be automated.

The speeches of the heads of delegations, reports were also devoted to the new directions of development of information and communication technologies in the RCC member countries. Much attention was paid to the prospects for the introduction of 5G technology in the CIS countries, which has a significant impact on the development of the Internet around the world.

Bilateral and multilateral meetings were held within the framework of the joint meeting of the 59th Council of Heads of Communications Administrations of the Regional Commonwealth in Communications (RCC) and the 29th meeting of the Coordinating Council of the CIS Member States on Informatization at the RCC.

A trip to the International Akhalteke Equestrian Complex and Arkadag city was also organized for the forum participants. The tour afforded foreign guests an opportunity to get acquainted with the Paradise horses, as well as the cultural centers and attractions of the Smart city.