Ï Turkmenabat pupils dedicate thematic session to the work of Kayum Tangrykuliyev

Turkmenabat pupils dedicate thematic session to the work of Kayum Tangrykuliyev

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Turkmenabat specialized secondary school No. 2 held the memorial session of the famous children author Kayum Tangrykuliyev (1930 – 2014) – prize winner if the State Award of Turkmenistan and Hans Christian Anderson International Award. The decree of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on posthumously awarding of Kayum Tangrykuliyev with the medal “For Love to the Motherland” on occasion of the 25th anniversary of the independence of Turkmenistan was the recognition of his merits for the country and the people.

Kayum Tangrykuliyev was born in the shepherd’s family in Kyzyl- Ayak village of Atamurat etrap, Lebap Velayat in 1930. Being a child, he worked as postman delivering mail to his fellow villagers, read the letters from the front, new and magazines. He fell in love with the poetry from the childhood and started write verses.

He finished secondary school in 1950 and graduated from the Turkmen State University, Philology faculty in 1995. From 1953, he worked in “Turkmenistan” publishing house. Starting from 1960, the poet worked in the Institute of Language and Literature, in the Ministry of Education, taught in different high educational institutes, being the founder and editor of “Korpe” (Baby) children magazine. He started his literature career from 1950s.

The daughters of the poet Kurbangul and Maya were the guests at the session. They shared their memories of the father and told many interesting facts of his life. Kayum Aga used to wake up before the sunrise and start working every day. He was very good mixer and hospital man, easy made friends with people of different age and professions. He was a friend of composer Vely Ahmedov, painter Izzat Klychev, Russian authors Sergey Baruzdin, Agniya BArto, Sergey Mikhalkov and other creative people. Owing to translations of Kayum Tangrykuliyev, Turkmen readers knew about “The Humpbacked Horse” by Ivan Ershov, “The Knight in the Panther’s Skin” by Shota Rustaveli, poems by Samuil Marshak and other famous poets. As a member of artistic delegations, he visited many countries including Africa. He used to lead healthy life style and liked mountain hiking and bicycle trips.

Pupils of the school prepared musical and theatre performance by the motifs of the works by the author. They read poems of Kayum Tangrykuliyev, sang songs laid on his verses accompanied by the ensemble of national musical instruments, prepared stage miniature. Violin solo performed by great granddaughter of the poet, schoolgirl Uzbike Abdullayeva was bright number of the programme.

Careful attitude to the work of Kayum Tangrykuliyev, people’s love and good memories are precisely reflected in the words of Sergey Baruzdin who said of his friend and colleague that all colours of the rainbow plays in the poems of Kayum Tangrykuliyev and at the same time his smile, his ardour and joyful and playful humour is clearly seen and it is impossible to imagine Turkmen literature without him…