Ï The Harvest Festival is Solemnly Celebrated in Turkmenistan

The Harvest Festival is Solemnly Celebrated in Turkmenistan

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The Harvest Festival is Solemnly Celebrated in Turkmenistan

The Harvest Festival is widely celebrated in the country on November 12, symbolizing the remarkable talent and hard work of Turkmen farmers and the enduring generosity of their native land.

In the capital, the main arena of festivities was the International Akhalteke Equestrian Complex, on the decorated square of which the main heroes of the holiday were honored – advanced tenants, machine operators, agronomists, breeders and other agricultural specialists who made a worthy contribution to the development of the country’s agriculture.

Among the participants of the event are members of the Government, deputies of the Mejlis, members of the Halk Maslakhaty, heads of ministries and line departments, representatives of the media, public organizations, diplomatic missions of foreign countries accredited in Turkmenistan, as well as honorary elders and gray-haired mothers from all velayats of the country.

The day before, in the conference hall of the Turkmen Agricultural University, on behalf of the head of state, Serdar Berdimuhamedov, an award ceremony was held to grant leaders in the agricultural industry who achieved the highest results this year. In accordance with the Decree of the President of Turkmenistan, they were presented the “Watana bolan söýgüsi üçin” medal, as well as valuable gifts.

...At the main entrance to the International Akhalteke Equestrian Complex, pop singers and creative groups from the velayats and the capital enthusiastically perform on an improvised stage, glorifying the achievements of the independent Fatherland in the era of the Revival of the new epoch of the powerful state.

Participants and guests of the holiday are welcomed with a traditional national treat – freshly baked ‘pishme’ and various sweets.

An open-air exhibition of the achievements of agriculture and the country’s processing industry was organized. All departments of the agro-industrial complex – Ashgabat and Arkadag cities, as well as the regions – deployed their expositions. The guests were of great interest in products of the cotton and grain growing industries, livestock farming, food industry, and textile industry.

The audience listened with deep attention to the welcoming Address of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov to the courageous rural workers, harvest masters and the people of independent neutral Turkmenistan, which noted the great meaning of holding the holiday at the state level, in the atmosphere of a grandiose celebration in the era of the Revival of a new epoch of a powerful state. For the Harvest Festival glorifies a zealous and reverent attitude towards the native land and demonstrates high respect for conscientious farmers on the part of the state.

On behalf of the workers of the agro-industrial complex, the President of Turkmenistan was presented with a magnificent Akhalteke bay horse born in 2020 with the symbolic name Diyarym, which traces its pedigree to eminent ancestors.

In their performances, creative teams enthusiastically glorified the unprecedented successes of the Fatherland during the era of the Revival of a new epoch of a powerful state, achieved by our hardworking people under the wise and far-sighted leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

The celebrations continued with traditional horse races, without which the Turkmen people from time immemorial haven’t had a single major holiday.

A total of five races took place over various distances, the first of which was attended by young jockeys. Each of the competitions caused a real storm of emotions in the spectator stands. One cannot help but admire the graceful, fast as the wind, comparable to flight, running of the Akhalteke horses, as if hovering over the racetracks. This magnificent spectacle, demonstrating the harmony and unity of rider and horse, striving towards a common cherished goal, left no one indifferent.

Based on the results of the races, the winners were awarded well-deserved prizes on behalf of the President of Turkmenistan.

The participants of the celebration accepted an Address of gratitude to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, in which they expressed sincere gratefulness for the large-scale reforms being implemented to further develop the industry, the conditions created for the development of the Turkmen village and improving the well-being of the land’s workers, assuring that they will make every effort to further develop the country’s agro-industrial complex.

On the occasion of the Harvest Festival, ceremonial meetings and celebrations of leading farmers, as well as concerts and other cultural events were held in the velayat centers.

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Today, as part of events dedicated to the Harvest Festival, the grand opening of a modern stable for keeping 600 Akhalteke horses, located near Arkadag city, in the picturesque foothills of Kopetdag, took place.

The head of state pays special attention to the development of pedigree horse breeding and its integration into the international industry, and the formation of appropriate infrastructure. Thus, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, having visited the built stable on November 4 of this year, got acquainted in detail with the work carried out here. As noted, this specialized facility will give impetus to the further development and modernization of horse breeding at the modern level. The President of the country ordered that its opening ceremony be timed to coincide with the Harvest Festival, which is widely celebrated in our country.

In accordance with the Resolution of the President of Turkmenistan, the construction and turnkey delivery of this facility was entrusted to the private enterprise “Nur bina gurluşyk”. The customer was the Türkmen atlary State Association.

...The opening ceremony of the modern stable resulted in a big celebration. The celebration was attended by members of the Government, deputies of the Mejlis and members of the Halk Maslakhaty, heads of ministries and line departments, representatives of the media, public organizations, honorary elders and gray-haired mothers from all velayats of the country, as well as ambassadors of foreign countries accredited in Turkmenistan.

In a solemn atmosphere, to the applause of those gathered, the honorary elders cut the symbolic ribbon. A new stable is open for keeping 600 Akhalteke horses, where all conditions are created for breeding, maintaining and sports training of horses, as well as for training horse breeders and high-class master jockeys!

The total area of the new facility is 15.4 hectares, on the territory of which a number of structures were built.

Participants in the opening ceremony of the stables visited the administrative building, where they got acquainted with the arrangement and equipment of offices for specialists. The building also has a meeting room, a canteen for employees, and other necessary premises. The goal of the new complex is to further develop horse breeding, increase the number of purebred horses, improve their reproduction and thoroughbred qualities.

Then the guests visited the veterinary hospital, equipped with the necessary apparatus and advanced technologies, and got acquainted with the medical departments, including those for examining horses.

Next, the participants of the celebration headed to the stables, along the way they inspected the territory of the complex, where, along with training grounds for the sports training of horses, there were areas for walking horses. At this time, there were several magnificent representatives of the unique Akhalteke breed on one of them.

The economic part of the complex included a stable for 40 breeding stallions, 2 stables for pregnant mares with 60 stalls each, five for 88 horses, sheds and a number of utility rooms. An optimal microclimate and natural ventilation are maintained here, and all conditions are created for breeding, dressage, appropriate training of horses and their preparation for races, and the fruitful work of grooms.

As for young foals, the most comfortable conditions have also been created for them. A separate stall is provided for each foal. For their nurture, starting from a very early age, advanced innovative methods and specialized equipment are used.

It should be noted that a foal was born here the day before, which increased the joy of Turkmen horse breeders and their pride in the “heavenly” horses.

The birth of a foal during the national Harvest Festival celebrated in the country has become a symbol of the fact that significant dates in the life of our country are combined with remarkable events.

In order to provide the stables with feed, and the daily ration of each horse includes hay, oats, barley, alfalfa, straw and vitamin and mineral supplements, it is planned to construct a covered warehouse and open barns.

The life support system of the complex includes engineering and technical infrastructure. In addition, there is a parking lot for working equipment and vehicles and a number of technical structures. The area adjacent to the buildings is completely landscaped and greened up.

The construction of the equestrian complex and other facilities was carried out using high-quality, environmentally friendly building materials of domestic production.

During the celebration, on behalf of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, keys to vehicles were handed over to the new complex.

Thus, the commissioned modern stable is equipped with the latest world science and technology, with the expectation that over time it will become one of the prestigious research centers for horse breeding.