Ï Farming farm “Nurly meýdan” successfully uses Hi-tech

Farming farm “Nurly meýdan” successfully uses Hi-tech

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Farming farm “Nurly meýdan” successfully uses Hi-tech
Andrey Pakulov

As part of our efforts to develop our country economically and socially, to ensure the noble life of our people, Huge works are being carried out in the Balkan velayat. In this domain together with institutions related to agro-industrial complex, comprehensive work is being carried out in farms that are members of the Union of Industrialists and entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan.

That this is indeed the case is fully confirmed production capabilities of the Poultry complex consisting of peasant farm “Nurly meýdan” of the Bereket etrap.

The company’s specialists are united workers who respond to our state’s concern for the development of the livestock industry countries and poultry farming.

Today the farm "Nurly meýdan" and its poultry complex produce products that are competitive in the domestic and foreign markets, environmentally friendly, high-quality products that have won popularity among consumers. Farm production capacity with an area of 50 hectares includes a production workshop chicken meat with an annual capacity of 8 thousand tons, an incubator for breeding 12 million chickens and a poultry complex for production of 16 million eggs. Modern conditions have been created, fully meeting high quality standards of content and chicken breeding.

Farming farm “Nurly meýdan” was the first in the country to sell incubation project, many years ago starting a poultry farm with an incubator. In this case, advanced technologies were used, tested in the advanced modern poultry industry. In addition, a poultry farm was operating in the complex according to the project "Enelik towuk".

The work of the egg production workshop has also been established. Contained here about 50 thousand laying hens. As in previous years, production indicators for the reporting period this year also turned out to be higher. In addition, in the production of chicken meat Relevant production standards were followed.

By the way, for feeding chickens they use feed that differs special nutritional value. Of course, this situation is positive affects the productivity of laying hens and the quality of the resulting eggs All nutritionally beneficial feeds for poultry growth are produced at advanced farm enterprises. His annual production capacity is also designed to produce 72 thousand tons of feed.

It should be emphasized that the departments strictly observe hygiene rules, and cleanliness and humidity of indoor air special attention is paid. It is also gratifying that the leading industry agriculture has accumulated great potential for integrated development of poultry farming. This helps reduce costs quality products and, as a result, ensuring consumer market for these types of food products at affordable prices.

Creation of another new production in the structure poultry complex also increased the performance of the entire enterprises to a new level. In particular, they rented industrial buildings of the poultry complex near the city Balkanabad Association of Consumer Unions of Balkan velayat Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Relations Turkmenistan.

According to the annual production capacity here production of 200 thousand chickens is planned. Professionals who achieve such lofty goals with dignity, achieve remarkable success in increasing the abundance of produce.