Ï President Serdar Berdimuhamedov got acquainted with new plans for the development of Arkadag city

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov got acquainted with new plans for the development of Arkadag city

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President Serdar Berdimuhamedov got acquainted with new plans for the development of Arkadag city

Today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov has made a working trip to the city of Arkadag in order to watch the projects of a complex of new buildings of the Agricultural University and research institutes. Here the head of state held a working meeting with the heads of specialized structures.

Early in the morning, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov arrived in the city of Arkadag. Arkadag Hero Serdar emphasized the need to carry out structural reforms in the agro-industrial complex, as in other sectors of the national economy. In this context, great importance must be attached to the development of the country’s agriculture on a scientific basis.

D. Orazov, the Chairman of the State Committee for the Construction of Arkadag City under the President of Turkmenistan reported on the projects designed for the construction of scientific and production facilities planned as part of the second city development phase, and their locations. Information was provided on the administrative territories of Arkadag city, the Gokdepe district and Ashgabat, their boundaries, as well as the land plots related to them.

The presented projects included the Master Plan of the buildings complex of the Turkmen Agricultural University and related research and production test grounds, a complex of greenhouses, experimental fields and other facilities, in particular, the Research Institute of Cotton Growing of the Ministry of Agriculture, which will be built in the Yolotan district, Mary Velayat, and Research Institutes of Seed Breeding and Arable Farming in the city of Arkadag.

Having examined in detail the presented projects and the location of the facilities, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov made a number of corrections. The head of state specified that scientific research institutes, which are important in the comprehensive development of the agro-industrial complex, and facilities of specialized institutions must fit harmoniously into the architectural ensemble of the city.

In this regard, a responsible and comprehensive approach has to be taken to the construction of educational institutions and research institutes related to the agro-industrial complex. The location of new facilities should be studied on a scientific basis. At the same time, great importance must be attached to the improvement of adjacent areas and the compliance with environmental requirements. The President of the country also focused on the importance of close, coordinated work with specialists from the agro-industrial complex during the construction of buildings.

Taking into account the inclusion of Arkadag city to the project “Development of sustainable, green, climate-friendly cities with innovative solutions in the region of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe” and the work in progress here according to international standards, the requirement of today is the preservation of a favorable ecological environment in this city.

Then Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers T. Atahallyev informed about the Master Plan of the buildings complex of the Agricultural University in the city of Arkadag, as well as the proposed research and production facilities, test grounds, experimental fields of this university, land plots intended for carrying out work in the field of protecting sericulture and plants, growing fodder crops, fruit trees and grapes, vegetables, watermelons and melons, cotton and grain crops, the construction of greenhouses and their sizes, etc.

Having watched the proposed projects, Arkadag Hero Serdar noted that in order to further develop the infrastructures of the agro-industrial sector active research activities have to be continued for the purpose of scientific discoveries in this field. The successful implementation of the programs launched and planned in this area creates the preconditions for strengthening food abundance in the country and increasing the export capacity of the agricultural industry.

In this regard, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov instructed to reconsider the above-mentioned projects and hold an international tender for the construction of facilities.

Currently, great attention is paid to the issues related to organization of coordinated work in all sectors of the national economy, as well as the introduction of innovative technologies and a digital system into production. 

In the research and production institutes planned for construction, in-depth scientific studies have to be conducted on the methods for growing bountiful crops, developing livestock farming, and ensuring an abundance of vegetable, watermelon, melon and livestock products, the head of state said, giving specific instructions to the relevant leaders.

The leaders of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Environmental Protection, the Turkmen Agricultural University named after S.A. Niyazov, the Research Institute of Seed Breeding, the Research Institute of Arable Farming and the Research Institute of Cotton Growing of the Ministry of Agriculture specified that the planned construction of research and production centers in the city of Arkadag related to the agro-industrial complex will play an important role in the development of the industry on a scientific basis, and expressed, on behalf of the workers of all branches of the agro-industrial complex and research institutes, gratitude to Arkadag Hero Serdar for the decisions made.

The head of state emphasized that the construction of the Agricultural University and its specialized structures here, including research and production institutes, as well as strengthening the theoretical knowledge acquired at higher education institutions through practical classes, will be of great importance. Students studying at this university, maintaining contact with research institutes, have to become well-versed in the methods of developing arable farming and seed breeding on a scientific basis, and effectively apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

Today, the state pays great attention to the training of comprehensively developed, educated, qualified, hardworking professionals. Young people have to keep abreast of the modern scientific advances, study the best practices and the latest technologies. To do this, it is necessary to conduct the students’ teaching process in parallel with practical training.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized the importance of a responsible approach to issues related to a thorough study of new scientific discoveries made by young people and the proposals they put forward, with their subsequent introduction into production, giving the relevant leaders a number of specific instructions.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov then held a working meeting with the participation of Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers T. Atahallyev, Chairman of the State Committee for the Construction of Arkadag City under the President of Turkmenistan D. Orazov, Minister of Agriculture N. Nazarmyradov, Minister of Environmental Protection Ch. Babaniyazov, Rector of the Turkmen Agricultural University A. Gapurov and the heads of Research Institutes of Seed Breeding, Arable Farming and Cotton Growing of the Ministry of Agriculture.

During the working meeting, the head of state, speaking about the prepared projects of modern buildings of the agro-industrial complex, about the basic directions for their successful implementation and the importance of ensuring the harmonious development of agro-industrial complex structures, ordered to take a responsible approach to the fulfillment of assignments.

Then the floor was given to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers T. Atahallyev, who reported on measures to complete the planned work.

First of all, the deputy prime minister expressed, on behalf of all workers in the relevant sectors, sincere gratitude to the head of state for the historic decision to construct buildings of the agro-industrial complex and for important recommendations in this area.

As was reported, the construction of new buildings of the agricultural industry as part of the second Arkadag city development phase, being built on the initiative of National Leader of the Turkmen people Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, will give a powerful impetus to the harmonious development of relevant areas, including seed breeding, cotton and vegetable growing, and livestock farming, as well as the training of relevant qualified professionals.

The deputy prime minister assured that the necessary efforts will be made to carry out all planned activities, as well as to establish coordinated work of research institutes and the Turkmen Agricultural University in order to increase land fertility and livestock production. It was emphasized that science-based work in progress would enhance the performance of the relevant structures of the agro-industrial complex.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov once again emphasized the importance of the construction of new buildings of the Turkmen Agricultural University and specialized research centers. As is known from history, the favorable foothill climate and mountain streams contributed to soil fertility and promoted the development of arable farming in these places. Currently, the improvement of national agricultural traditions pursuant to the modern requirements opens up wide opportunities for productive work in these areas and the development of the agricultural industry on a scientific basis.

Stressing the importance of combining national farming traditions and advanced practices, the head of state specified the need to make every effort so that students learn the noble teachings of our ancestors about honest labor.

Then the head of state gave the floor to Chairman of the State Committee for the Construction of Arkadag City under the President of Turkmenistan D. Orazov.

The State Committee Chairman expressed sincere gratitude to Arkadag Hero Serdar for taking participation in the opening ceremony of the city of Arkadag and in the celebrations on the occasion of launching the second city development phase, and paying constant attention to the work being carried out here, assuring that every effort will be further made to successfully achieve the goals set.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov highlighted the importance of a responsible approach to the construction of industrial complexes and other related facilities to be built as part of the second phase, pointing out that an urgent requirement is the completion of all work on time and at a high quality level.

The functioning of the new city is organized in full compliance with international standards. As the head of state pointed out, a digital system and a “smart home” system have been introduced in schools and residential buildings, respectively. The necessary measures are taken to provide ecological balance and achieve harmony between the urban landscape and the natural environment.

The decision to build industrial facilities in the city of Arkadag is another noticeable indication of the great attention that the state pays to strengthening the national economy, ensuring the population’s wellbeing and happy life. In this regard, the construction of agro-industrial facilities was specified as an important objective.

Noting that projects for new complexes of buildings of the Turkmen Agricultural University, Research Institutes of Seed Breeding and Arable Farming of the Ministry of Agriculture, which will be built in the city of Arkadag, as well as the Research Institute of Cotton Growing in the Yolotan district, Mary Velayat, have been prepared, the head of state emphasized the special significance of successfully implementing thereof for the further development of the agro-industrial complex.

According to the President of Turkmenistan, this specialized institution of higher education must have agricultural lands, a greenhouse, and various types of modern specialized equipment. This will allow students to improve their professional skills, including in areas such as raising the level of crop yields and pest. Along with learning national agricultural traditions, they must be given the opportunity to acquire modern knowledge related to climate change and strengthening food security, for which it is necessary to actively implement a digital system.

At the same time, focusing on the importance of creating at the university appropriate conditions for scientific activity, study, life and recreation of students, teachers and scientists, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov pointed out that a modern agricultural town with a university and scientific research institutes will be created in the city of Arkadag in the near future.

One of the main directions of the state policy of Turkmenistan is to increase the efficiency of all structures of the agro-industrial complex, strengthen the material and technical resources of the industry, and purchase high-capacity equipment that meets local soil and climatic conditions. In this regard, attention must be regularly paid to creating favorable working conditions for farmers.

In this context, Arkadag Hero Serdar emphasized the importance of increasing government purchase prices for cotton and grain in order to create economic incentives for farmers, as well as preparing the relevant proposals. This is of particular importance in increasing the interest of farmers in the output of their labor and increasing the production, as well as further strengthening the economic capacity of the Homeland.

The important initiative of the President of the country, aimed at improving the social and living conditions of hardworking farmers, inspiring them to carry out productive work, aroused great pride among the working meeting participants.

Having summed up the working meeting results, the head of state wished everyone success in achieving the goals set and left the venue.