Ï The Meeting of the Intergovernmental Turkmen-Iranian Commission was held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan

The Meeting of the Intergovernmental Turkmen-Iranian Commission was held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan

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The Meeting of the Intergovernmental Turkmen-Iranian Commission was held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan

A regular meeting of the Intergovernmental Turkmen-Iranian Commission on Economic Cooperation was held in the capital today, which was attended by heads and representatives of a number of government agencies and business circles of the two countries.

The agenda of the next meeting included issues related to the practical implementation of previously reached agreements and, in particular, the recommendations of the preceding meeting, as well as the identification of new promising areas for fruitfully developing partnership.

Opening the meeting, the co-chairs of the commissions noted with satisfaction the high level of Turkmen-Iranian relations based on the principles of equality, good neighborliness, mutual trust and benefit. As noted, both countries demonstrate the desire to make the most of the existing solid potential for the implementation of joint projects.

The participants of the meeting reflected the essence of the large-scale state programs of socio-economic development conducted under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, the achievements and successes of modern Turkmenistan, rapidly integrating into the world economic system.

In this context, it was noted the official visit of the head of Turkmenistan to the Islamic Republic of Iran on June 14-15, 2022, during which positive negotiations in an open format, an exchange of views on various issues took place, important agreements were reached on promising areas of cooperation.

It was emphasized that the traditionally friendly nature of the Turkmen-Iranian relations is gaining new content every year. An important step in this direction was the two-day working visit to Iran of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on May 30 of the current year.

At present, our countries, having stated the similarity of principles and approaches to the main issues of international politics, demonstrate a desire to build productive relations that meet not only mutual interests, but also the goals of well-being and prosperity of the entire region.

As it was noted, the cardinal transformations being carried out today, the course taken towards accelerated diversification and digitalization of the national economy, coupled with the maximum use of the accumulated experience of joint work, rich natural resources and the huge economic and export potential available, open up great opportunities for expanding the range of partnership between the two states.

The participants, expressing gratitude to President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov for his attention to the development of bilateral dialogue, stressed with satisfaction that the meetings within the framework of the Joint Commission are an important platform for discussing topical issues of cooperation on a bilateral and multilateral basis, particularly within the framework of major international organizations and reputable regional structures, including the United Nations.

It was also stated that Iran remains one of Turkmenistan’s significant partners in the region. In this regard, it was noted that the progressive pace of economic interstate cooperation corresponds to the further improvement of the contractual and legal framework, consisting of a solid package of documents regulating issues of cooperation in political, diplomatic, trade, economic, cultural, humanitarian and other promising areas.

Emphasizing the positive dynamics of building up relations in priority areas, the parties confirmed their readiness to continue deepening constructive ties in the fuel and energy, transport and communication sectors, dialogue in construction and infrastructure, customs and border regulation, industry, agriculture and water management, engineering and technical developments.

It was noted that the combination of joint efforts in the implementation of existing opportunities would allow in the near future giving the Turkmen-Iranian trade and economic cooperation a qualitatively new content, significantly increasing mutual trade turnover, and diversifying its structure and scale.

It was also emphasized that transport cooperation has become one of the significant vectors of long-term partnership. A good example of this is the construction of the Kazakhstan-Turkmenistan-Iran railway. As it is known, using the potential of the North-South highway, the International Seaport of Turkmenbashi and the ports of Iran on the Caspian Sea opens up wide opportunities for increasing cooperation in this sector and increasing cargo transportation.

Special attention was paid to the expansion of bilateral cooperation between the regions of the two countries, the intensification of contacts in science, education, healthcare, tourism development, environmental protection.

Turkmenistan and Iran have also established close cultural exchanges, within the framework of which scientific conferences, creative tours, exhibitions, film screenings, Cultural Days and other joint events are organized, which act as a powerful incentive to strengthen interstate relations based on the common historical, cultural and spiritual traditions of the two peoples.

During the meeting, it was noted that the implementation of joint projects in various areas would be of practical importance for both sides. In this regard, new plans have been outlined for further intensification of mutual actions in this direction.

Speaking about the favorable investment climate created in our country for the work of foreign partners, proposals on deepening cooperation between the relevant ministries and departments of the two countries were considered. In this context, the members of the commission from the Iranian side stated the desire of the business communities to expand their presence in the promising Turkmen market for the implementation of large-scale projects.

All this testifies to a steady interest in long-term partnership, participation in the implementation of large-scale projects, carried out in Turkmenistan by Iranian companies, with access to new formats of interaction.

Emphasizing the need for regular bilateral meetings, consultations and negotiations, the meeting participants expressed confidence that the new agreements reached during the current meeting would further strengthen the constructive dialogue in the interests of our countries and fraternal peoples.

Following the meeting of the Intergovernmental Commission, a corresponding Protocol was signed.