Ï Agrarians of Dashoguz velayat are exploring opportunities leguminous crops

Agrarians of Dashoguz velayat are exploring opportunities leguminous crops

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Agrarians of Dashoguz velayat are exploring opportunities leguminous crops

In further increasing the output of the agricultural industry in Dashoguz velayat, leguminous crops are expected to play a major role.

It is no coincidence that local producers and agricultural scientists are increasingly interested in those types of crops that, without significant costs, can contribute to increasing the production of vegetable protein in the region.

Thus, this year, one of the directions in the research work of specialists from the Turkmen Agricultural Institute located in Dashoguz was the study of the sustainability of soybeans in local weather and climatic conditions.

For the purpose of constant monitoring, it was planted in a small amount on the agricultural plot of the university, and in the fall the crop was harvested here for the first time. Soybean is an annual plant belonging to the legume family, rich in nutrients, including protein.

Poultry and livestock breeders are primarily interested in its production, who consider soybeans to be a very valuable feed for birds and livestock.

The products of its processing contribute to the weight gain of poultry, and this type of feed, such as soybean meal, obtained as a residual product after soybean processing, as a result of heat treatment, is suitable for feeding all types of birds, including early chickens.

Soybeans are healthy and nutritious for animals, both freshly cut and in the form of hay. Also, the high percentage of protein and valuable nutritional components allows soy to be used as an inexpensive and healthy substitute for meat and dairy products.

The institute’s specialists were interested in the timing of soybean ripening in local weather conditions, its water needs, requirements for heat, light, and drought resistance. The answers to these questions will allow us to develop the optimal technology for crop production in the climatic conditions of the region.

Some preliminary conclusions have now been made, including about the timing of soybean fruit ripening and its demandingness regarding the choice of soil. It should be noted that in Dashoguz velayat, some farmers are already growing soybeans on their plots as feed for livestock and poultry.