Ï FAO promotes the establishment of a Digital Land Cadastre in Turkmenistan

FAO promotes the establishment of a Digital Land Cadastre in Turkmenistan

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FAO promotes the establishment of a Digital Land Cadastre in Turkmenistan

The creation of a modern land cadastre is of paramount importance for the effective state registration of land resources. This work involves a number of institutional, legislative, organizational, technical and scientific tasks, the solution of which is facilitated by international cooperation.

The Land Resources Service of the Ministry of Agriculture of Turkmenistan is cooperating with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in the creation of a digital land cadastre.

As part of the technical assistance project "Support for the establishment of a digital land cadastre," a group of experts from the FAO regional office is conducting a series of activities in Turkmenistan this week. The implementation of the project, the activities of the national team and the work plan were discussed with Turkmen specialists in meetings held at the Ministry of Environmental Protection and the Ministry of Agriculture of Turkmenistan.

On November 28-29, FAO experts conducted a training session for project participants, which covered the basics of Global Navigation Satellite System technologies and their application in geodesy and cadastre, coordinate systems used in geodesy, and the main methods of conducting satellite cadastre and geodetic work. The visit to the pilot project site in Geokdepe etrap allowed for practical training of satellite navigation geodetic equipment provided by FAO, enabling accurate positioning and measurements for the creation of a digital land cadastre.

The program of the FAO experts' visit also includes a lecture for teachers and students of the Turkmen Agricultural University named after S. A. Niyazov and a meeting at the Ministry of Justice of Turkmenistan to discuss cooperation and issues related to land rights registration and land cadastre and the preparation of relevant sub-legal acts.

On December 1, the results of the experts' work with national partners will be summed up during the concluding meetings of FAO's mission at the Ministry of Agriculture, and discussions will take place regarding the preparation of a roadmap for the creation of a modern electronic cadastre and software for sustainable land resource management in Turkmenistan.