Ï «Young Messengers of the World»: results of the 4th game of the third season of the project

«Young Messengers of the World»: results of the 4th game of the third season of the project

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«Young Messengers of the World»: results of the 4th game of the third season of the project

The Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan hosted the fourth game of the qualifying round of the third season of the career-oriented project «Young Messengers of the World», conducted by the university and the School of Young Diplomats in its composition among high school students from schools in Turkmenistan.

The next game of the season was dedicated to the topic «International relations and foreign policy of the Ottoman Empire in the 17th-18th centuries». Let us remind you that the third season of the project is held under the general slogan «The teachings of the great Magtymguly Pyragy - the national light of universal human values» in honour of the 300th anniversary of the birth of the greatest poet.

According to the rules of the project, eight students of grades 10-11 from schools in Ashgabat and all velayats of the country took part in the game. The performance of schoolchildren took place in a lively, bright and intriguing atmosphere. Each of the participants strived to achieve the best result, demonstrate knowledge, prove their superiority, and give the correct answers at lightning speed. The spirit of competition reigned on the playing field and everyone, undoubtedly, longed for the cherished victory.

By the decision of the competent jury, two participants were declared winners - Kurmammet Nobatov, an 11th grade student at secondary school №17 in Balkanabat, Balkan velayat, and Medine Myratberdiyeva, an 11th grade student at specialized secondary school №16 in Ashgabat.

The jury team for the fourth game of the third season of the intellectual project included senior lecturer of the Department of International Relations and Diplomacy of the IIR of the MFA of Turkmenistan, Candidate of Philosophy Begench Karayev, senior lecturer of the Department of Social Sciences of the Turkmen State Institute of Finance Ahmet Annaberdiyev, senior lecturer of the Department of International Journalism of the IIR of the MFA of Turkmenistan, candidate Philological Sciences Baba Saryyev.

The winners and all participants of the game were awarded Certificates of Honour from the Higher School of Diplomacy and valuable gifts from the sponsors of the event. The sponsors of the game were the Institute of Language, Literature and National Manuscripts named after Magtymguly AST, the Central Council of the Youth Organization of Turkmenistan named after Magtymguly, the National Archery Federation of Turkmenistan, the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan, as well as JSC «Abadan haly», ES «Aýdyň gijeler», ES «Täç hil», FE «Ýedi dogan», ES «Muhammet Balkan», FE «Düwmejik» and FE «Ak Menzili».

The filming and recording of the game was carried out by employees of the national TV channel «Miras» and representatives of the training studio of the IIR of the MFA of the country. The competition will be broadcast to Turkmen television viewers in the coming days.