Ï Turkmen scientists prepared new books for the anniversary of Magtymguly

Turkmen scientists prepared new books for the anniversary of Magtymguly

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Turkmen scientists prepared new books for the anniversary of Magtymguly

The "Ylym" publishing house plans to release books prepared by Turkmen scientists devoted to the 300th anniversary of the Turkmen classical poet Magtymguly Pyragy. Among them are three books proposed for publication by the Magtymguly Institute of Language, Literature and National Manuscripts of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan.

For instance, the book "Magtymguly in the Literature of Turkic Peoples" by Dr. Ahmet Mammedov summarizes a large amount of material about the study of the immortal works of the prominent thinker of East by Turkic-speaking writers, as well as various editions of Magtymguly's poetry collections in Turkic languages. The author notes that Turkic-speaking readers consider Magtymguly Pyragy their national poet. This new book by the scientist and poet Ahmet Mammedov contains interesting scientific information and facts.

Researchers and admirers of the works of the Turkmen classic will be drawn to the monograph "Place and Country Names in the Works of Magtymguly and their Poetics" by renowned scholar Gurbanburdy Geldiyev. The book reveals the meaning and artistic value of most of the place and country names encountered in Magtymguly's works through their poetics.

The voluminous collection "Magtymguly - a Source of Inspiration" includes scientific articles devoted to various issues related to the poet's work and its comprehensive study. They reveal the universal value of the poetry of the Turkmen classic, its humanistic meaning and artistic perfection.

Another collection of articles dedicated to the 300th anniversary of Magtymguly Pyragy, titled "The Great Magtymguly and the Life of Turkmens," is being prepared for publication by the Institute of History and Archaeology of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan. The book characterizes the historical era in which Magtymguly Pyragy lived and created, revealing the world of his wise poetry and humanistic views. On the basis of new research, the reflection of the spiritual world and national traditions of the Turkmen people is traced in the works of the poet.