Ï Meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan

Meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan

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Meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan

Today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov has held a regular meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers via a digital system, the agenda of which included a number of draft documents, as well as other issues.

The first speaker was Chairwoman of the Mejlis D. Gulmanova, who informed about the work in progress to adopt new and improve current legislative instruments aimed at creating the legal framework for the implementation of reform programs ongoing in the country, increasing the efficiency of industries, and improving the social and living conditions of the people. In particular, the report covered the preparation of revised drafts of the Civil Code, the Laws “On hydrometeorological activities”, “On energy saving and efficient use of energy”, etc.

At the same time, information was provided on consistent measures being taken to strengthen collaboration with the parliaments of foreign countries and authoritative international organizations. Thus, during the period under review, a meeting was held with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Islamic Republic of Iran, during which issues of bilateral cooperation were discussed.

According to the Mejlis Chairperson, the deputies participated in an event organized by the German Agency for International Cooperation on the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in Turkmenistan, as well as in a forum on topics related to the protection of ecosystems, held by the UN Permanent Mission in our country.

People’s representatives carry out active work in their constituencies to explain the goals and objectives of the development strategy of our independent Homeland, the laws being adopted, the historical significance of the successes achieved and the progressive reforms ongoing in the country.

Summing up the information, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that the new draft laws being developed must be perfect and meet the realities of the time. The adopted legal instruments, the head of state continued, must reflect the effective state policy being pursued, and be aimed at improving the Turkmen people’s wellbeing.

Further, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers H. Geldimyradov reported on the fulfillment of the instructions given by the President of Turkmenistan during the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers held via a digital system on December 8 this year.

A particular focus in the report was on the fact that by December 20 of the current year, all institutions and enterprises regardless of the form of ownership had fully paid wages. Along with this, pensions, state benefits, scholarships for students and trainees have been fully funded.

Then the deputy prime minister reported on the work ongoing to conclude agreements for the provision of consulting services by the State Bank for Foreign Economic Affairs of the country.

As was reported, practical steps are currently taken to improve banking activities, introduce modern international standards in this area, and expand cooperation with reputable financial institutions of the world and development banks.

Having heard the report, Head of State Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized that special importance must be attached to the consistent modernization of the banking sector in the economy. In this context, the deputy prime minister was instructed to carry out appropriate work in this area based on international practice.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Amanov reported on the measures being taken to upgrade the petrochemical industry and maintain the trouble-free operation of the oil refineries of the State Concern “Türkmennebit” through the introduction of modern technologies.

In this regard, information was provided on the work under way in the structural divisions of the State Concern in order to carry out high oil refining. As was reported, the relevant installations are currently reconstructed at the Seidi Oil Refinery.

Summing up the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized that the operation of production enterprises in the oil and gas complex, in particular oil refineries, to the full design capacity is one of the important requirements of the time. Having focused on the need to maintain the trouble free operation thereof, the head of state gave the deputy prime minister a number of specific instructions.

Then Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers T. Atahallyev reported on the progress of seasonal agricultural campaigns in the regions of the country.

As was reported, in order to grow and gather a bountiful harvest next year, the care for wheat crops continues in accordance with agro-technical standards. Moreover, measures are taken to ensure the proper storage and high-quality ginning of harvested cotton.

The lands are plowed and fertilized in the fields intended for sowing cotton next year. In addition, the technical fleet is made ready for upcoming agricultural campaigns.

The report included information on the steps being taken to develop livestock farming, increase the number of animals, as well as to create all conditions for their warm and well-fed wintering.

Summing up the report, the President of Turkmenistan emphasized that the crucial season continues these days in all regions of the country. In this regard, the control over the proper organization of seasonal campaigns must be strengthened, the head of state said, giving the deputy prime minister relevant instructions.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Annamammedov reported on the fulfillment of the assignments to transform Turkmenistan into an industrialized country, as well as on the measures being taken by the “Türkmenhimiýa” State Concern for the rational and efficient use of local resources, in particular, introducing new production cycles at the “Guwlyduz” plant.

As was reported, the creation of modern production facilities equipped in line with modern advanced technologies and focused on the production of various types of environmentally friendly and high-quality salt seems appropriate.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized that the organization of effective and coordinated activities of production enterprises of the State Concern “Türkmenhimiýa” is one of the key requirements of the time. Having approved proposals to create new production facilities at the “Guwlyduz” plant, the head of state instructed the deputy prime minister to carry out appropriate work in this area.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Atdaev, who then spoke, reported on the measures being taken to further develop the textile industry and strengthen its material and equipment resources.

As was reported, that there dozens of manufacturing enterprises are currently operating under the Ministry of Textile Industry, where high-tech equipment from the world’s leading companies is installed. Their output is in great demand in the domestic and foreign markets. According to the deputy prime minister, pursuant to the instructions of the head of state, direct contacts are concluded with foreign companies in order to purchase and provide enterprises with production facilities.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov specified that the use of new technologies in the rapidly developing textile industry of our independent country is an important requirement of the present time. Therefore, it is necessary to be guided by international practice in this area, the head of state said, instructing the deputy prime minister to take the relevant steps.

Deputy Chairwoman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Mammedova reported on the schedule of major events planned for January next year.

Thus, there are plans for organizing various forums, meetings, exhibitions, concerts, as well as song and musical performances in the velayats, and the cities of Ashgabat and Arkadag in the upcoming period to celebrate the New Year 2024, and the 300th anniversary of the birth of great Turkmen poet Magtymguly Pyragy. The schedule for higher education institutions of the country provides for sports competitions “Türkmenistan – ruhubelentligiň we sagdynlygyň ýurdy”, as well as summing up the previously announced creative competitions.

A separate topic in the report was the celebrations on the occasion of the New Year’s Holiday. In particular, the report was given that New Year’s events for children will be organized in the building of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, as well as at the “Älem” Cultural and Entertainment Center, in front of the State Circus, near the New Year’s trees in the festive squares of the velayats and the city of Arkadag.

major events of the coming month include an exhibition of fine artworks, master classes and a forum with the participation of female artists from Turkmenistan and the Islamic Republic of Iran, a solemn conference on the inclusion of the multilateral nomination “The Great Silk Road: Zarafshan-Garagum Corridor” in the UNESCO World Heritage List, a show of Turkmen national costumes at the Fashion House of the Ministry of Textile Industry, an awarding ceremony for the winners of the children’s contest named after Gulbaba, a forum and an exhibition on the occasion of declaring the city of Anev the cultural capital of the Turkic world in 2024.

Summing up the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov specified that it is critical to properly prepare for the events scheduled for January next year, which must reflect the confident dynamic advancement of our independent Homeland towards the higher level of progress. Specific instructions were given to the deputy prime minister in this regard.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers N. Amannepesov reported on schedules prepared by the relevant ministries and departments for holding the upcoming New Year’s Holiday events and schoolchildren’s winter holidays from January 1 to 10, 2024.

In the year “Happy Youth with Arkadag Serdar”, New Year’s celebrations are held in an organized manner at kindergartens, general education schools, cultural and entertainment centers, and parks. There are also plans for showing feature films and performances for children, creative competitions among students, tours of historical and cultural attractions of the country and other events.

On the first day of the coming year, following the well-established tradition, during the New Year’s celebration at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, gifts will be presented, on behalf of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty, our Hero Arkadag, to the children from the “Döwletliler köşgi” Palace. In total, 4 thousand children will receive gifts there from January 1 to 10.

Having heard the report, the head of state instructed to hold celebrations on the occasion of the New Year’s Holiday at a high level and properly organize the winter holidays for schoolchildren.

Then the floor was given to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Minister of Foreign Affairs R. Meredov, who announced the good news from New York (USA). As was reported, the Resolutions “Strengthening the links between all modes of transport to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals” and “The key role of reliable and stable energy connectivity in ensuring sustainable development”, proposed by Turkmenistan, were unanimously adopted during the 49th plenary meeting of the 78th Session of the United Nations General Assembly on December 19. 

It was emphasized that this fact is another indication of the consistent implementation under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov of the strategic initiatives put forward by the Hero Arkadag in the fields of sustainable transport and energy, which had been supported by the world community.

Having heartily congratulated the head of state and National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on this foreign policy success, the deputy prime minister, foreign minister wished Arkadag Hero Serdar and the Hero Arkadag sound health and new outstanding successes in their large-scale activities for the country’s prosperity and wellbeing of Turkmenistan citizens, and enhancing the international reputation of the neutral Homeland.

Then the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, foreign minister reported on the steps being taken to improve cooperation between Turkmenistan and the United Nations in the political, socio-economic and humanitarian fields.

According to the deputy prime minister, the development of cooperation with authoritative international organizations is one of the priority directions of our country’s foreign policy. In order to strengthen the long-term partnership with the UN, which is of a strategic nature, and to fill it with new content, the deputy prime minister, foreign minister submitted relevant proposals to the head of state for consideration.

As was noted in this regard, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov put forward an initiative at the 78th Session of the UN General Assembly to begin discussing the possibilities for developing a Global Security Strategy based on the principles of the UN Charter and generally recognized standards of international law. In order to implement this proposal, determine the basic directions and content of the above-mentioned Strategy, it is proposed to consider the set up an appropriate working group within the UN, which may include representatives of countries that are parties to the Group of Friends of Neutrality.

Today, systematic and effective activities are carried out in Turkmenistan under the leadership of the head of state to achieve the SDGs. In this context, on December 14, 2023, a joint meeting of the National Working Groups created within the “Turkmenistan-UN Sustainable Cooperation Development Framework for 2021–2025” was held with the participation of the heads of UN offices in Ashgabat. During the meeting, the appropriateness of starting the preparation of a similar Program for 2026–2030 was specified.

In this regard, proposals were made to begin relevant work jointly with specialized UN agencies in the first quarter of 2024, to set up a group of specialists on climate change issues within the Interdepartmental Commission of Turkmenistan for Environmental Protection to develop a Roadmap for implementing objectives arising from the documents of the 28th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP-28), to develop an Action Plan for the prevention and adaptation to climate change for 2024 based on the outcomes of the Youth Conference in Turkmenistan and the 18th Youth Conference in Dubai (UAE).

One of the key components of our Homeland’s humanitarian policy is the protection of human rights and freedoms. A special role in achieving the goals set in this area is assigned to the Authorized Representative for Human Rights in Turkmenistan. In this aspect, the deputy prime minister, the foreign minister offered a proposal to study the issue of opening new units within the Ombudsman’s Office to protect the rights of children, women and entrepreneurs.

Summing up the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov confirmed our country’s commitment to the course of further developing cooperation with the United Nations. Emphasizing the need to pay special attention to key areas of joint actions with the UN, and to carry out effective work on the practical implementation of the initiatives put forward, the head of state gave relevant instructions to the deputy prime minister, foreign minister.

Director General of the Transport and Communications Agency under the Cabinet of Ministers M. Chakyev reported on the preparation of the draft Decree “On establishing an interdepartmental aviation security commission of civil aviation of Turkmenistan”.

As was reported, pursuant to the Air Code of Turkmenistan, the Law of Turkmenistan “On Vehicles’ Safety”, as well as the standards, experience and practices of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), coordinated work had been carried out aimed at maintaining a high level of safety, stability and efficiency of the flights, and the development of regulations in this area.

In this regard, a relevant document was submitted to the head of state for consideration.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized that great importance in the process of modernizing the civil aviation of our independent country is attached to the issue of its safety. Having signed the Decree “On establishing an interdepartmental aviation security commission of civil aviation of Turkmenistan”, aimed at ensuring coordinated work in this area, the head of state sent the document by a digital system to the Director General of the Agency, giving a number of specific instructions.

Further at the meeting, the Agency head reported on the work being carried out by supervised institutions on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the birth of Magtymguly Pyragy.

As was reported, according to the Action Plan for grand events to celebrate this significant occasion, the “Türkmenaragatnaşyk” Agency is preparing jointly with the relevant ministries and departments an encyclopedia of the founder of Turkmen classical literature in digital and printed forms, as well as the Internet portal of Magtymguly Pyragy.

Furthermore, in order to popularize the significance of events held on an international scale, a creative competition is to be organized for the development of anniversary postage stamp models.

Summing up the report, the President of Turkmenistan emphasized the importance of the celebrations on the occasion of the 300th anniversary the birth of Magtymguly Pyragy, to take place next year. The Agency head was instructed to ensure a high level of organization of the related creative competition for the development of anniversary postage stamp models.

Addressing members of the Cabinet of Ministers and Turkmenistan citizens, Head of State Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that good news had been received from the United Nations headquarters in New York on the New Year’s Eve. The Resolutions “Strengthening the links between all modes of transport to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals” and “The key role of reliable and stable energy connectivity in ensuring sustainable development”, initiated by Turkmenistan, were unanimously adopted at the 49th plenary meeting of the 78th Session of the UN General Assembly.

The fact that may states of the world co-authored these international documents, proposed by the Hero Arkadag and repeatedly recognized by the Community of Nations, indicates their importance for all humanity, the head of state emphasized. As was specified, the approval of the initiatives of global importance put forward by our country by the United Nations has become a striking illustration of the high international prestige of the Independent Neutral Homeland.

Our sovereign state widely supports effective ideas and initiatives aimed at consolidating international efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov said, declaring that productive cooperation with the UN in this area will be continued in the future.

The Head of state once again cordially congratulated the meeting participants and all compatriots on the good news, the adoption of Resolutions of special significance.

Concluding the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers via a digital system, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov wished everyone sound health, family wellbeing and great success in work for the prosperity of the sovereign Homeland.