Ï A meeting of students with an expert in the field of economics took place at the Institute of International Relations of the MFA of Turkmenistan

A meeting of students with an expert in the field of economics took place at the Institute of International Relations of the MFA of Turkmenistan

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A meeting of students with an expert in the field of economics took place at the Institute of International Relations of the MFA of Turkmenistan

It has become a good tradition at the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan to invite experienced diplomats, economists, political scientists, scientists from various fields of scientific activity, prominent social activists and experts to meet with students and teaching staff. So the other day, an expert economist, Honoured Economist of Turkmenistan, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Tachmyrat Uvdiyev came to future specialists in the field of foreign economic activity.

Despite the fact that the stated topic of the conversation was «The role and place of macroeconomic indicators in the economic policy of Turkmenistan», the expert’s conversation with the students covered many other related topics that are relevant in today’s conditions of foreign economic relations between states.

Particularly striking and impressive for the listeners were the theoretical and economic calculations that sounded from the lips of the economist in connection with the historical conditions of the region. And, of course, this could not but cause a response from the students, who asked the specialist many questions that interested them.

Dovletmyrat Mammedov, an employee of the Scientific Centre for Strategic Studies of the IIR of the MFA of Turkmenistan, and the acting head of the department of foreign economic activity of the institute, Perhat Charyyev, who were present at the meeting, filled out the understanding of the students of various issues discussed with their speeches.

At the end of the meeting, the students thanked the expert for his speech and expressed a wish for new meetings with him.