Ï The Turkmen Institute of World Languages celebrated World Hindi Day

The Turkmen Institute of World Languages celebrated World Hindi Day

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The Turkmen Institute of World Languages celebrated World Hindi Day

An event was held in Ashgabat in honor of World Hindi Day. A platform for the next cultural event became the Turkmen National Institute of World Languages named after Dovletmammet Azadi.

The organizers of the annual celebration on January 10 events, the leadership of higher education spoke institutions and the Embassy of the Republic of India in Turkmenistan.

World Hindi Day is celebrated with a purpose popularization of the language throughout the world. The ceremonial part of the event was opened by the rector of the university Maksat Charyev and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of India to Turkmenistan, Dr. Vidhu P. Nair. At the event representatives of the diplomatic mission accredited in Ashgabat, as well as teaching and student composition of the institute.

In his speech, the rector of higher education establishments M. Charyev noted that Turkmenistan has a large respect the people of the Republic of India, who have ancient and rich culture, outstanding personalities, who left a huge mark on world history.

Speaking about the training of specialists, Rector Maksat Charyev said that the institute has been studying Hindi since 2009 of the year.

– Our university celebrates World Hindi Language Day for more than 15 years. It actively involves not only Hindi students, but all other students - noted the head of the institute.

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic India in Turkmenistan Dr. Vidhu P. Nair, celebrating the significance of the event, in his speech special emphasized the mutual enrichment of cultures, strengthening peace and friendship, expansion of humanitarian dialogue and mutual understanding between two peoples.

At the end, the students presented stage performances with literary compositions, reciting poetry in Hindi and performing Bollywood dances. Also, the institute developed thematic exhibition. Students performing on stage were awarded with memorable gifts.