Ï The museum of Visual Arts hosts the exhibition of painting and graphic works by Nurat Hojakuliyev dedicated to his 70th anniversary

The museum of Visual Arts hosts the exhibition of painting and graphic works by Nurat Hojakuliyev dedicated to his 70th anniversary

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Our introduction with his works started from his favourite picture “Going to Bazar”. The picture made in warm sand ochre tones, which highlights traditional way of life of rural people and monotonousness of road taken by line of camels and donkey with bullock cart full of goods. The procession is headed by old married couple.

The East is famous for its bazars. That is why don’t be surprized if you see my pictures named “Bazar”, “To Bazar”, “From Bazar”, etc. Oriental bazar is not just a market where one can buy or sell something but it is also a place full of colours polyphony and atmosphere of vivid and ingenuous communication. I like to follow my characters - deep in their thoughts, funny and pompous, they organically co-exist in the style of the picture emphasizing emotional perception.

Nurat Hojakuliyev used to live long time in his native village Ak-Yab, Sakarchag Etrap and until now do not separate himself from his village mates. Top floor of his large house in Mary is allocated for a studio. The artist jokes that he lives in the studio and work at home. His village mates are the characters of many of his works. Cotton pickers are another favourite theme of the artist. He dedicated to cotton growers big series of his works. The field at his pictures is studded with snow-white cotton bolls and women aptly fill their aprons with cotton. Their faces radiates the smiles.

Atmosphere of joy is inherent to all works of the painter. Let’s take his work “The Portrait of the Sister” as example. Woman with the eyes shining with the joy looks at us. There is a feeling that the sun lives inside her and talking to the people, woman generously share its warmth with them.

She was very good person, - Nurat Hojakuliyevich says. Here is a portrait of my mother, which people’s artist of Turkmenistan Izzat Klychev liked very much.

The artist also presented large collection of coloured prints. Tractor driver plough the fields, combine operators pick the harvest, sportsmen do the training – in other words, the life goes on with all its diversity. Few works of the painter were bought by the personnel of Turkmen diplomatic mission in Moscow.

Nurat Hojakuliyev graduated Ashgabat Art College in 1972. He continued his education in I. Repin Arts Academy in Leningrad (currently Sankt – Petersburg). There are plenty of works painted by him in that period. Mainly, these are urban landscapes. It is remarkable that painter student from Turkmenistan avoided pompous architecture of one of the most beautiful cities and gave preference to quite streets of the outskirts. It revealed his character, modesty and eagerness to diminutiveness. Two of his works were bought by the Modern Arts museum of Koln (Germany).

One of the sections of personal exposition is dedicated to his legendary village mate, triple world champion, winner of 1994 Asian Games in Hiroshima Altynmurad Orazdurdiyev. The artists, participating in the opening ceremony of the exhibition, noted the merits of Nurat Hojakuliyev who is the first of Turkmen painters bringing sports theme to the paintings.

I liked talented sportsman from our village, which American journalists used to call Russian lion (he performed for the USSR team in those times), and it was a great leasure for me to work with him. I painted him with the weight above his head, during the talks with village mates, who adored him, during series conversation with his coach, at the podium when he was awarded with gold medal, hugging his mother, who congratulated him on the victory. From all the pictures smiling face of the heavy weight champion from Ak Ayab village looks at us.

The visitors of the exhibition highly appreciated the works of Nurat Hojakuiyev and congratulated the artist further successes in the art, which enrich our perception of the world with colourful palette and positive.