Ï The concert of art masters of Turkmenistan and Korea is timed to the 25th anniversary of diplomatic relations between two countries

The concert of art masters of Turkmenistan and Korea is timed to the 25th anniversary of diplomatic relations between two countries

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Musical event organized by the Ministry of Culture of our country, the Embassy of the Republic of Korea to Turkmenistan and the Ministry of Culture, Sport and Tourism of Korea, was held in Magtumguly Music and Drama Theatre on March 25.

More than 60 representatives of Korean culture like national musical instruments players, dancers and theatre artists mainly representing National Gugaka Centre introduced rich palette of music art of their country to Ashgabat citizens and the guests of the capital.

The activity of National Gugaka Centre, which was founded in 1951, is aimed at protection and popularization of traditional art of South Korea including three main directions like folk, classic and ceremonial music.

The performances of Korean artists were accompanied by video demonstration of natural, historical and cultural places of the Land of the Morning Calm, traditions and customs, modern achievements and memorable events.

Players of ancient musical instruments introduced original samples of Korean music culture. In their turn, Honoured Bakshy of Turkmenistan Merdankuly Bayramov presented folk song “Jan – Jan”, having impressed the auditory by his performing skills.

Storm of applauses was raised by modern dance composition “Dance with lion” performed by brake-dance group “Kokdusoe”. Acrobatic elements and original choreographic style was highly appreciated by the audience.

Miras group of Turkmen State Institute of Culture and dance group of National Gutaka centre presented bright colours of national wedding traditions.

Dance with handfans performed by gracious Korean dancers was the culmination of the celebration concert.

Performance of the artists from the Land of Morning Calm who introduced the culture of friendly people to Turkmen spectators, surprised and delighted. Long lasting applauses and sincere emotions were the evidence of large success.

Having learned about Turkmen culture, we found a lot of common in mentality of our peoples and first of all this is careful attitude to culture and traditions, - General Director of Korean Company “Lim AMC” Sun Jung Lim mentioned. – the concert indicates high interest of Turkmen citizens in history, spirituality and traditions of Korean people as well the potential of consolidation of humanitarian dialog.