The Border Management Assistance Program, funded by the European Union, held a workshop in Ashgabat on innovative principles and methods of risk management and green channels for experts from the State Customs Service of Turkmenistan. The purpose of the event, held from the 14th to 16th of February, was to support the Customs Service in developing and improving its risk management system, with an emphasis on the use of innovative methods, tools and information systems used to classify and profile customs risks.
During the workshop, based on discussions and assessment of the existing customs control system, areas for improvement were identified and recommendations were developed for modernizing the risk management system and green channels. The green channel system makes it possible to simplify customs control, which enables customs authorities to improve the flow of passengers and cargo, effectively manage growing trade volumes without reducing the effectiveness of control, and without a corresponding increase in the number of customs personnel.
The seminar is organized within the framework of the «Facilitating legitimate trade flows across borders» component of the 10th phase of the Central Asia Border Management Assistance Program and is aimed at further supporting the process of regional economic integration.