Ï Hero-Arkadag assessed the energy connectivity and interconnectedness of transport

Hero-Arkadag assessed the energy connectivity and interconnectedness of transport

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Hero-Arkadag assessed the energy connectivity and interconnectedness of transport

National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, speaking at the third Antalya Diplomatic Forum, assessed energy connectivity and transport interconnectedness.

«Turkmenistan is guided by a strategic course towards the implementation of energy connectivity through the transition to low-carbon energy. In this case, we believe that similar approaches are also necessary, which, in essence, guarantees equal and unified favourable conditions for countries that seek to advance along this course», –noted Hero-Arkadag.

According to the head of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan, this will create conditions for gaining access to energy-saving technologies and using climate- and geographically determined advantages to maximize the use of regenerative energy sources.

«The current time requires coordination and synchronization of traditional energy sources with new ones, which is dictated by the «green agenda». In this regard, we assign a special role to «green diplomacy» and the predominance of a similar model of cooperation on the planet, which should be based on collective responsibility, overcome corporate and group interests, and serve the future», –emphasized the National Leader of the Turkmen people.

According to Hero-Arkadag, Turkmenistan proceeds from the need to form an accessible and fair position on the issue in the field of transport links, where cooperation can be aimed at incorporating new irreplaceable approaches that complement the previous ones.

Also, the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan noted that Turkmenistan is currently working on the implementation of Eurasian multimodal transport and transit projects passing through the Caspian and Black Seas, uniting Europe, the Middle East and the Asia-Pacific region into a single transport system and operating according to agreed standards and criteria.

According to the National Leader of the Turkmen people, such efforts require thorough political and diplomatic assistance, support and decision-making at the level of the United Nations.

«All this is spelled out in Turkmenistan’s initiatives on issues of transport sustainability and interaction, which we voiced on the sidelines of the UN and found unanimous support. We urge member states not just to limit themselves to support, but to achieve legalization of the provisions of the Resolutions and advance in the practical implementation of the innovative ideas and areas of cooperation specified in them», –emphasized Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.