Ï Contribution of Women of Turkmenistan to the Development of Science

Contribution of Women of Turkmenistan to the Development of Science

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Contribution of Women of Turkmenistan to the Development of Science

Women make a significant contribution to the achievements of Turkmenistan in various fields, including the development of science, innovation and technology. As one specific example, we can cite the activities of employees of the Laboratory of Technologies for the Synthesis of New Substances of the Center of Technology of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, headed by Jeren Sylapova. Under her leadership, young scientists – women and girls, are developing promising and important areas of science for the national economy of the country.

Employees of the Laboratory took part in the development of regulatory documentation for aviation gasoline from high-octane components obtained at the installations of oil refineries of the Turkmennebit State Concern in Turkmenbashi. Their research contributed to the launch of the production of environmentally friendly aviation gasoline B-92, used as fuel for An-2 aircraft.

Among the achievements of young employees of the Laboratory is the development of technology for producing complex fertilizers, used in agriculture for industrial, grain and vegetable crops to increase fertility and improve soil structure. Leading engineer Enejan Kulieva, winner of the 2023 Young Scientists Competition and the Eurasian Patent Universiade “Looking into the Future”, using waste from the production of mineral fertilizers as feedstock, obtained mixed fertilizers. The developed method was proposed and put into production. The creation of this production is economically feasible and environmentally friendly.

Effective and environmentally safe disposal of waste oil and petroleum products is ensured by a promising biotechnological method for cleaning oil-contaminated soil, proposed by senior researcher of the Laboratory Dunyagozel Amannazarova. The research she conducted makes it possible to create a Turkmen bank of oil-destructor microorganisms.

The current topic “Technologies for extracting magnesium compounds from local raw materials” is being developed in her dissertation by a graduate student of the Laboratory Gulshat Soltanmyradova, who studies the chemical composition and properties of dolomite and bischofite with the aim of synthesizing magnesium compounds. Another graduate student, Ejebay Atalykova, is developing the topic of obtaining lithium lubricants from oil production waste. Her developing technology for the production of lithium motor oils with high physical and chemical characteristics has import-substituting and export significance. 

The head of the Laboratory, Jeren Sylapova, is doing a lot of work to attract young people to science in order to ensure the continuity of generations of scientific personnel. On the basis of the Department of Organic Chemistry, created jointly by the Technology Center of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan and the Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly, she gives classes with students in special disciplines, supervises practice and the preparation of graduate theses.

The design developments of Chemen Amanova and Ainur Orazmammedova, 11th form pupils of the Ashgabat specialized secondary boarding school named after Saparmurat Turkmenbashi, carried out under the leadership of Jeren Sylapova, took prizes in the “Altyn asyryň altyn zehinleri” competition.