Ï The next issue of the electronic journal «Innovative Technologies in Turkmenistan» is available on the Internet

The next issue of the electronic journal «Innovative Technologies in Turkmenistan» is available on the Internet

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The next issue of the electronic journal «Innovative Technologies in Turkmenistan» is available on the Internet

In Turkmenistan, special attention is paid to innovation in the creation of environmentally friendly, waste-free economic and production infrastructure based on advanced scientific achievements and modern technologies. This is confirmed by the results of research presented in the next issue of the electronic scientific and practical journal «Innovative Technologies in Turkmenistan» of the Technology Centre of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan.

Scientific work carried out by domestic scientists in accordance with the priority directions of the country's development covers various areas - from petrochemistry and electronics to medicine and herbal medicine. For example, the article «Physical-chemical and microbiological studies of oil sludge» (oil sludge is a complex physical-chemical mixture that consists of petroleum products, mechanical impurities and water) describes the results obtained on the basis of microbiological and mycological analysis of oil-contaminated soils and oil waste from Turkmenbashy and Seydi oil refineries of Turkmenistan.

Using native microflora, the possibilities of restoring oil-contaminated soils by isolating pure samples of oil-oxidizing microorganisms are being explored.

Another article, «Water purification from manganese and iron ions», is devoted to the current problem of purifying salt water from certain substances using local natural mineral resources. It presents a method for purifying water from manganese and iron ions using natural and thermally modified dolomite. The material «Method and innovative technology for producing potassium iodate» presents an environmentally friendly innovative technology for producing this widely used inorganic compound. The developed technological scheme for the production of potassium iodate using the alkali-chlorine method makes it possible to significantly increase the yield of the product compared to the methods used in existing production. The results of experimental work on creating a balanced nutrient medium for chlorella, a unique source of macro- and micro- components necessary for the proper functioning of the human body, are contained in the article «Issues of using the modified nutrient medium A5P-M1 for growing chlorella microalgae».

The article «Programmable embedded logic controllers - an innovative product in the field of automation of technological devices» examines the problem of digital control of industrial production based on specialized microcontroller structures that can bring quality indicators that are unattainable in an analog system to a new level. A specialized microcontroller structure is being developed that combines reducing the volume and weight of controlled electronics, increasing reliability and service life, local and remote control, and displaying information about the status of industrial equipment and controlled parameters on a built-in screen.

Medical science is represented in the journal by the article «Indicators of methods for diagnosing chronic periodontitis in patients with type II diabetes mellitus», which notes that as the age of patients increases and the clinical level of diabetes mellitus deepens, the inflammatory process in the periodontium becomes more severe. The research results presented in it will contribute to the effective diagnosis of clinical, functional, laboratory changes, safe treatment and timely implementation of preventive measures. Another article, «Determination of flavonoids in the raw materials of the endemic medicinal plant Artemisia citvaridae», is devoted to the study of the healing properties of the endemic Kopetdag plant and the possibilities of its use in the domestic pharmaceutical industry.