Ï President Serdar Berdimuhamedov took part in the opening of the second phase of the Lebap cement factory

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov took part in the opening of the second phase of the Lebap cement factory

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President Serdar Berdimuhamedov took part in the opening of the second phase of the Lebap cement factory

Today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov made a working trip to Lebap velayat where he took part in a solemn opening ceremony of the second turn of the Lebap cement factory with an annual capacity of 1 million tons in Koytendag etrap.

As known, a key role is attached to the industrial sector, in particular, to manufacture of building materials, in successful realisation of adopted programs of social and economic development of sovereign Turkmenistan, developed at the initiative of National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Hero-Arkadag and nowadays successfully realised under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

Having set out for industrialisation and import replacing, our state undertakes consecutive steps in the given area, giving particular attention to construction of modern enterprises equipped with innovative technologies, steady promotion of capacities, and maintenance of quality and competitiveness of building production, which is manufactured on the basis of local raw materials.

According to instructions of the head of the state, exploration work is carried out actively to discover new perspective mineral deposits, results of which directly serve rise of potential of the industrial complex and increase in volumes of release of building materials and other production widely demanded in the country and abroad.

The adjusted manufacture of cement has become a vivid example of effective utilisation of the richest resources of the Turkmen land.

In this respect the Lebap cement works opened in February, 2013 with participation of Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedova can serve the best example. 

A large manufacture along with creation of new workplaces directly promoted dynamic social and economic development not only in the region, but also in the state as a whole.

All these years at the enterprise, which is located 350 kilometres from the administration centre of Lebap velayat – Turkmenabat city, the most demanded marks of cement of high durability are manufactured.

Delivering a high-quality production, the cement factory at the same time ensures high rates of building conducted in Turkmenistan, which in the Era of Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State is on an unprecedented rise.

One should note that huge capital investments in the construction sector and a favourable investment climate created in the country, effective measures of state support to the local private businesses served success of the town-planning policy, in the framework of which in the capital and regions hundreds of industrial and social projects are annually erected and reconstructed.

This grandiose work, which has transformed Turkmenistan in a huge building site, - a visual evidence of the creative, socially focused policy aimed at maintenance of peaceful and happy life of Turkmen nationals, formation of necessary infrastructure corresponding to international standards in urban and rural areas.

The current year, which is given the motto “The fount of wisdom of Magtymguly i Fragi”, is marked by the commissioning of the next important object of industrial infrastructure - the second turn of the Lebap cement factory with an annual capacity of 1 million tons of cement, erected to the order of the Ministry of Industry and Construction Production of Turkmenistan.

In the morning, the plane of the head of the state landed at the international airport of Kerki where the President of the country was warmly welcomed. Then, ­Arkadagly Hero Serdar by helicopter headed towards the industrial giant.

After a while the helicopter landed on the platform near objects of the first phase of the largest cement factory in the country, from there by car the President of Turkmenistan headed to the venue of celebration located nearby on the occasion of commissioning of the new modern manufacture.

On this significant event for the entire region and the country representatives of the Khalk Maslakhaty, Chairwoman of the Mejlis, members of the Government, heads of ministries and departments, Lebap velayat as well as representatives of mass-media and the wide public gathered there.

All with great inspiration and sincere pleasure welcome President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

Bright colours of the festive atmosphere which prevails there are enhanced by performances of workers of culture and art.

The head of the state passes into the hall specially equipped for a solemn ceremony.

Addressing numerous participants of the celebration, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined that the opening of the second turn of the Lebap  cement factory located in Koytendag etrap, passes in the days of the year “The fount of wisdom of Magtymguly Fragi” marked by great success.  

- Today under solemn conditions modern apartment houses constructed in the city of Turkmenabat will be commissioned into operation. As a gift to residents of Lebap velayat, about 200 new modern passenger buses for rendering high-quality services to the population will be also transferred, - the head of the state said, having warmly congratulated all the present with these joyful events.

Arkadagly Hero Serdar with pride stated that the great and large scale activities aimed at rise of economic potential of our fatherland and further improvement of well-being of population are successfully realised.

The grandiose construction activities carried out in our sovereign state, are aimed at maintenance of peaceful and happy life of our people. In all regions of the country modern social projects, powerful industrial enterprises, new villages and cities are built. The first stage of the city of Arkadag - the first "smart" city in our country was opened.

As was underlined, buildings put in operation and objects urged to promote consecutive development of national economy, industrialisation of the country as well as harmonious transformation of regions.

At present, on the basis of the Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State: The National Program of Social and Economic Development of Turkmenistan in 2022-2052 and the Program of the President of Turkmenistan for the socio-economic development of the country in 2022-2028 as well as Program of social and economic development of the country in 2022-2028 a large scale work is carried out to develop branches of national economy, including industry and building manufacture.

The industry and building sector supply building sites and the population of the country with necessary high quality building materials, in particular, cement.

The Baherden, Balkan and Lebap cement works constructed and placed into operation in the country in days of independence, make on the basis of new innovative technologies high-quality production, completely meeting world standards.

Today, cement production under mark «Made in Turkmenistan» is in great demand not only on the internal, but also on world markets.

As was marked in speeches, a special significance is attached to effective development of the investments aimed at development of local building industry, rise of capacities of enterprises.

- The new industrial projects, which are equipped with innovative technologies and produce goods corresponding to the international standards on the basis of local raw materials and enjoy a high demand on the internal and external markets are under construction, - President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined, having pointed out that the opening of the modern enterprise today can also serve the best example for it.

The construction of the new project was carried out to the order of the Ministry of Industry and Construction Production by the economic society «Türkmen enjam», a member of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan.

At the enterprise the modern equipment from leading countries of the world that will allow to optimise production and to manufacture the production, enjoying a great demand, was installed, - the head of the state continued his speech.

The complex including 38 buildings and objects, is capable to make a year 1 million tons of high-quality cement production corresponding to the international standards, including sulphate-resistant cement. At realisation of the second turn of the Lebap cement works all industrial and living conditions for work and rest of about 250 workers were envisaged.

In his speech Arkadagly Hero Serdar with satisfaction stated that according to the accepted Programs consecutive dynamics of development of industries and construction manufacture are ensured.

So, in the year «The fount of wisdom of Magtymguly Fragi» in Baherden etrap of  Akhal velayat it is planned to put into operation one more new object - the second turn of the Baherden cement works equipped with modern innovative technologies which will also produce 1 million tons of high-quality cement a year.

- I am firmly convinced that industrialists of our independent neutral fatherland will further work self-denyingly for transformation of the country into a developed state, uninterrupted maintenance of building sites and the population with high-quality building materials, bringing their worthy contribution to the strengthening of potential of  national economy, - President Serdar Berdimuhamedov said in conclusion.

Once again sincerely having congratulated participants of the celebration, all workers of industry and building manufacture as well as the population of Lebap velayat with the commissioning of this important object as well as with the opening of modern apartment houses in the city of Turkmenabat and with new passenger buses, the head of the state wished all sound health, peaceful and happy life and great successes in their work.

Then, the floor was given to the representative of the company «Thyssenkrupp Polysius GmbH» - chief inspector of equipment installation Mate Resetar.

Warmly having congratulated the gathered with the significant event – commissioning of the second kiln line of Lebap cement works in Koytendag etrap, the speaker underlined that for him and his colleagues it was a great honour to take part in realisation of this hi-tech project.

- Together with our partners from Turkmenistan we worked much so that the factory would become an important part of industry of your country and I am glad to see today impressing results of our joint efforts, - Mate Resetar said.

As was underlined, the company «Thyssenkrupp Polysius GmbH», developing advanced technological solutions for the set tasks by means of  know-how and innovative technologies, expresses a great interest in establishment of long-term mutually beneficial cooperation with Turkmenistan and shows all-round readiness to bring its contribution to further successful development of Turkmen economy.

It was pointed out that the installed equipment and the engineering works executed by the company «Thyssenkrupp Polysius GmbH» within the civil-engineering design of the second turn of Lebap cement works, completely correspond to the international standards, namely: to industrial standards of Germany - DIN, to standards of cement industry, standards of IEC (the International electrotechnical commission) and standards of ISO.

In this connection, the representative of the company «Thyssenkrupp Polysius GmbH» handed the minister of industry and construction production of Turkmenistan the corresponding certificate.

Then, a specially prepared video film of the opening of the second phase of the Lebap cement works which took place in one of the wonderful and picturesque corners of the rich Turkmen land was shown to participants of the ceremony.

Constructed and placed into operation by the economic society «Türkmen enjam» in the neighbourhood with the first Lebap cement works, the industrial giant combines achievements of modern industrial manufacture.

At the new factory designed for release of 1 million of tons of cement a year, the advanced equipment corresponding to the international standards from leading world manufacturers was installed.

Maintenance of all-around automation of all production and creation of comfortable conditions for high-efficiency work of workers of the factory became the main criteria of realisation of the given project.

The special attention was given to ecological compatibility of manufacture and observance of all necessary norms for environment protection acts as one of the important and indispensable conditions at building of large industrial projects in Turkmenistan.

According to estimations, the quantity of harmful substances allocated in the course of manufacture is essentially less than admissible concentration. For collection and clearing of dust let out into the air powerful filters are used.

With the account of tasks on maximum involvement of available potential and effective utilisation of the richest pantries of minerals of the native land the factory was constructed in the region, which possesses large supplies of principal raw materials, necessary for manufacture and is located in immediate proximity from places of their extraction.

This defining factor will allow to provide trouble-free work of manufacture and to lower the cost price of the production, which differs with high durability and reliability.

For control over production and quality of production at the new factory the laboratory and quality department were created. Besides it, there will be a modern repair shop.

All it allows to be sure that the second turn of Lebap cement works will provide high-efficiency, economically profitable and ecologically safe manufacture of important building material without which any building of the country does not manage.

Upon completion of the official part of the ceremony, the President of Turkmenistan leaves the hall of conference and under solemn conditions, to the applause of the gathered cuts a symbolical ribbon. At this moment in the sky multi-coloured balloons fly up.

Then, the head of the state headed to the administration building.

On his way Arkadagly Hero Serdar examined the factory’s territory and heard the information on a functional purpose of the objects erected there.

The head of the state with interest also familiarised himself with the open air exhibition of various products manufactured by enterprises of local construction and industrial complex.

The President of the country examined the pavilion of the Department of Energy of Turkmenistan.

As known, energy industry plays an important role in successful fulfilment of goals, including those aimed at accelerated industrialisation of national economy. As a result of large scale transformations in all regions of the country up-to-date power stations were constructed, capacities of existing ones were repeatedly increased, new transmission lines were updated and laid.

Today under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov effective measures on radical modernisation and strengthening of the material and technical basis of the branch, creation of new power supply systems in which the repeated stock of capacity with the account of dynamical development of the capital and velayats is put, are taken.

It is necessary to note that, realising large-scale projects of regional and international significance in the energy sector, Turkmenistan shows extremely a responsible approach to issues of preservation of the environment. For this reason, as the main installation active introduction of energy saving, non-polluting technologies acts.

So, with a view of reliable and uninterrupted maintenance with the electric power of erected modern villages and industrial complexes innovative projects of manufacture of electric power, in particular, with use of alternative regenerative sources - sun and wind are developed.

The great attention is also given to the local chemical industry, the strategy of development of which is aimed at maximum involvement of local resources and release of high-quality production, which is in great demand in the country and abroad.

So, "Türkmenhimiýa" State Concern presented various plastic pipes, urea, potassium, phosphorus, iodine, gasoline of mark ECО-93, salt and other production, let out by enterprises of the sector at the improvised exhibition.

large scale construction activities developed all over the country within realisation of complex social and economic programs are characteristic of the Era of  Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State, caused an increasing demand for qualitative building materials and accelerated development of their manufacture on the basis of local raw materials.

Today, domestic enterprises adjusted release of a wide assortment of import replacing and export oriented goods of international standards which enjoy a great demand on the internal and external markets.

The Ministry of Industry and Construction Production in turn showed cement, fixtures, bloating clay aggregate, gravel, china clay and others. 

According to requirements shown in Turkmenistan at erection and furnish of objects under construction exclusively high-quality materials are used. At their selection environmental conditions of our land, conformity to ecological norms, durability and convenience in application are necessarily considered.

It is remarkable that all constructions erected nowadays organically combine the best traditions of national architecture and modern features of world town-planning, testifying that the sector of local construction keeps up to date. It was visually illustrated with breadboard models shown by the Ministry of Construction and Architecture.

An increasing interest also evokes the objects, erection of which demands special technical solutions, application of the latest technologies, including autobahns, bridges, flyovers, underground passages and multilevel junctions of major highways.

As known, with a view of increase of efficiency of works conducted in this area and further perfection of the sphere of road building in February, 2022 the State Agency for Roads Construction Management, activity of which  was already marked by many diplomas, certificates and other awards, was created. The production of the sector took a worthy place at the exhibition and attested to a large scale work carried out in the entire country.

Thus, the presented exposition displayed how much the goals connected with modernisation of building-industrial branch, playing a defining role in the accelerated development of national economy are successfully and widely solved.

Within the adopted government programs, in particular, Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State: The National Program of Social and Economic Development of Turkmenistan in 2022-2052 and the Program of socio-economic development of the country in 2022-2028 as well as according the Plan of work and actions in main areas of activity of the Khalk Maslakhaty confirmed at the recent meeting of the Presidium of the Khalk Maslakhaty developed for implementation during the current year together with the Mejlis of the country, ministries, sectoral departments and public associations with a view of realisation of the «Program of social and economic development of Turkmenistan and investments in 2024» a large scale work is carried out on development of branches of national economy, new enterprises equipped with modern equipment are erected, capacity of the operating ones are increased.

Along with construction of new objects envisaged in these programs, a special significance is attached to realisation of the second turn of the "smart" city of Arkadag and "Ashgabat-city" at erection of objects of which will be widely used cement of high durability let out here as well as other high-quality building materials made in the country. Many of them were displayed today at the exhibition

Having entered into the office building, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov went up the second floor where the central point of production management takes place, all technological process is regulated from there.

Having expressed on behalf of all workers of the industry and construction industries a deep gratitude to the President of Turkmenistan as well as to National Leader of the Turkmen people Hero-Arkadag for constant attention to development of the branch and care of its workers, the specialist of the factory addressed the head of the state with the request to bless the commissioning of the second phase of the Lebap cement works.

There comes a culmination moment – by pressing the button of the control panel President Serdar Berdimuhamedov starts the work of a large industrial project.

By means of animation video, the technological process of start of complex manufacture is visually shown.

Leaving the building, the head of the state handed the director of the cement works keys to a new powerful special equipment on a platform built here, which will be involved in manufacture.

the second phase of the Lebap factory commissioned into operation will certainly, become a powerful contribution to development of domestic industrial-building complex of the country and give an additional stimulus for rise of rates of the building successfully conducted in the eastern region and in the country as a whole within the limits of large scale transformations, started by National Leader of the Turkmen people Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and nowadays successfully continued by Arkadagly Hero Serdar.

Upon completion of the festive event, the President of Turkmenistan warmly said goodbye to participants of the ceremony and left the place.

The same day the head of the state returned to Ashgabat.

* * *

Today, on the occasion of commissioning of the second turn of Lebap cement works the sadaka “agyzachar” was given, prayers were read for prosperity of the Turkmen land, well-being of its native people, health and successes in all undertakings of National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov as well as President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

May Almighty accept our prayers. Let every day of the blessed month of Oraza be full of noble actions and deeds! Let peace, unity and tranquillity always reign in our independent fatherland! Kabul bolsun!