Ï Training on adaptation to climate change was conducted for Turkmen specialists

Training on adaptation to climate change was conducted for Turkmen specialists

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A two-day training course – training for trainers «Integrating adaptation to the impacts of climate change into water management planning in Turkmenistan» was held in Ashgabat this week.

The event was organized within the framework of the project «Development of the national adaptation planning process in Turkmenistan», implemented by the United Nations Development Program with financial support from the Green Climate Fund in cooperation with the Ministry of Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan.

Thirty trainers took part in the training, including representatives of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, various divisions of the State Committee for Water Resources in Ashgabat and Dashoguz Velayat, the Academy of Sciences, teachers and final year students of agricultural universities and agro-industrial secondary specialized educational institutions in Ashgabat and the city. Dashoguz, the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, civil society organizations (OO «Ekodurmush», HO «Tebigy Kuvvat», GO «Ynanch-Vepa») and others. The training course was prepared and conducted in partnership with the Scientific Information Centre of the Interstate Coordination Water Commission and the Scientific Information Centre of the Interstate Commission for Sustainable Development of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea.

The purpose of the training was to increase the competence of its participants in the field of adaptation to climate change, especially in the field of water planning, as well as to present the draft training manual «Integration of adaptation to the effects of climate change in water planning in Turkmenistan». The manual was developed to improve the professionalism of personnel in terms of vision, systemic and strategic thinking, and the ability to practically apply a wide range of adaptation measures in water planning and management.

It covers a wide range of topics, including legal regulation in the field of water resources and adaptation to climate change, gender aspects, the study of technical tools for water management, financing and monitoring of adaptation measures and other issues. The task of experts was to train trainers to work with it to more effectively implement adaptation methods and practices on a regular basis.