Ï Presentation of the book by the President of Turkmenistan «Anau - culture from the depths of millennia»

Presentation of the book by the President of Turkmenistan «Anau - culture from the depths of millennia»

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Presentation of the book by the President of Turkmenistan «Anau - culture from the depths of millennia»

Today, in the city of Arkadag, the presentation of the book by President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov «Anau - culture from the depths of millennia» took place. The new literary work by the head of the state is devoted to declaration of the ancient city of Anau as cultural capital of the Turkic world in 2024. This decision adopted at the meeting of the Permanent Council of TURKSOY, testifies to the high international authority of our fatherland, recognition of the powerful contribution of Turkmen people to development of human civilisation.

Deputy-Chairmen of the Cabinet, heads and members of the Khalk Maslakhaty and deputies of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan, ministries and departments, public organisations, mass media, heads of diplomatic missions accredited to Turkmenistan and international organisations, honoured elders and student youth took part in the presentation.

In speeches a great significance of the new work by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov in study and wide popularisation of the glorious history and rich national cultural heritage of which our people by right are proud, was underlined. The scientific-informative and practical importance of the book, was thus marked by different information capacity of the maintenance, depth and clearness of statement of the material. Its publication became a remarkable gift to our compatriots in the year, which is marked by declaration of Anau city as cultural capital of the Turkic world and passes under the motto «Fount of Wisdom of Magtymguly Fragi».

As the head of the state notes in the foreword to the book, its writing was promoted in many respects by conversations with his father - Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov who happened to work directly with world famous archaeologists, historians and their descendants. Conducting scientific researches and archaeological excavations in our country, they have discovered a number of important finds and have made a sensational discovery of universal importance. A worthy contribution to this large-scale work was brought by Raphael Pumpelly, who was one of the first to declare to the world a unique culture of Anau as well as by Vadim Masson, Victor Sarianidi and other outstanding scientists.

«The more you share knowledge, the more you are more enriched together with all», - President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlines. Ancient Anau - one of the major centres of human civilisation. It is capable to draw attention not only with its history, but also by today's wonderful look and great purposes, which giving an orientation for the future. 

In the introductory part of the book, the topic of an original historical and cultural heritage of Turkmen people, realisation of government programs in the given area, development of fruitful cooperation with foreign partners, including with authoritative international organisations and leading centres of science of many countries received continuation. In this context, a special emphasis was made on long-term experience and success of interaction with largest specialised agency of the United Nations - UNESCO, as well as with TURKSOY.

The author's message in the work reveals in its composition including three thematic chapters. So, in the chapter «Uniqueness of ancient Anau», which consists of a number of subsections, narration of the city’s history originating in the depth of millennia, its architectural monuments is provided.

Among them - a medieval complex of Seyit Jemaletdin, erected in the XV century. One of its objects is a mosque. Its portal was decorated with amazing beautiful and unusual mosaic with graphic elements, in relation to which as well as buildings of the mosque, ancient national legends are given. The Ashgabat earthquake of 1948 destroyed an architectural complex and the mosque. During the independence epoch, local experts from under ruins took and restored the fragments of an original tile mosaic, which nowadays are exhibited at the museum of fine arts of Turkmenistan.

In this chapter, the author also pays attention to the age of the city of Anau, results of the researches made in the middle of last century in the territory of the fortress with the same name by the South Turkmenistan Complex Archaeological Expedition (STCAE) which was headed by well-known scientist, academician Michael Masson - the father of archaeologist Vadim Masson.

Here on the basis of the given scientific and historical data, it is told of further development of the city, features of its layout and arrangement.

A separate subsection is devoted to the ancient culture of Anau, including agricultural «Jeýhun», the culture of which rose in this territory during the Neolithic epoch (VII-VI thousand BC). According to scientists, this land stores in itself more many secrets, which are of interest for future researches.

In the chapter «Great events, which link historical epochs» it is noted that the announcement of Anau city as cultural capital of the Turkic world in 2024, which passes under the motto «Fount of Wisdom of Magtymguly Fragi» and celebration of the 300th birthday anniversary of the outstanding poet and the thinker of the East at high level disclose generality of national history, enrich concept of our native land.

If Anau is an abode of ancient material culture of humanity, the works by Magtymguly which made a great influence on other poets, and not only Turkmen, - an integral component of world spiritual culture. And until now the priceless heritage of ancestors serves as a boundless source of inspiration for art workers. In it indissoluble link of times and continuity of generations find a visible embodiment.

In the following chapter of the book, one can read of today of Akhal velayat and Anau city, which is its administrative centre. In the present period here, as well as all over the country, complex transformations are developed and large-scale programs aimed at prosperity of our beloved fatherland and maintenance of happy life of people are realised.

In this context, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov tells of his work experience in the given region before election to the highest state post. As the head of Turkmenistan marks, this period made a great influence on his life and work. It is also underlined that thanks to effective involvement of available potential and efforts of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Akhal velayat reached an essential social and economic growth.

Developing upon the topic of sights of Anau, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov names mentions the national museum «Ak bugdaý» as one of them. Its most impressing exhibits - the grains of white wheat grown 5 thousand years ago and found as result of archaeological excavations at hills of ancient Anau. The glorious agricultural traditions of our ancestors, which rose on this fertile land, continue in the present period, assuming a new filling.

In this chapter, importance of realisation of the megaproject initiated by the National Leader of the Turkmen people on construction of the "smart" city of Arkadag is also underlined. As known, in 2023 the first stage of the new city was solemnly opened. This significant, historical event entered by gold letters into annals of our independent neutral fatherland. The unique city, which has emerged in the picturesque foothills of Kopet Dagh, on a legislative basis, has received a special legal status – city of state significance.

In the final part of the book, summing up all narration, the head of the state expresses confidence that actions and celebrations devoted to culture of ancient Anau and creativity of the great master of poetry and thinker of the East Magtymguly Fragi, will take a worthy place in annals of 2024, and will also promote strengthening of close friendly relations between peoples. The eternity of wisdom will disclose again for us a historical example.

The book «Anau - culture from the depths of millennia», with high printing quality and published by the Centre of the Press of Turkmen state publishing service, is illustrated by colourful photos and pictorial works of masters of fine arts. Published in Turkmen, English and Russian languages, it, certainly, will draw attention of a wide range of readers, including foreign ones.

As Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Republic of China to Turkmenistan Qian Naicheng underlined in his speech, Anau - an important monument of thousand-year culture of Turkmenistan and at the same time an important witness of thousand-year friendship and brotherhood between Turkmen and Chinese people. So, Hero-Arkadag literally one of these days has noted similarity of the image of dragons on the mosque of Seyit Jemaletdin in Anau with fine arts of China that is confirmed by scientific analysis. According to scientists, the given fact testifies to existence of active contacts between Turkmen and Chinese masters in the Middle Ages. This process was promoted by the Great Silk road, by which they made mutual visits and exchanged experience.

Throughout the theme, the diplomat cited the words of the National Leader of the Turkmen people Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov that, looking back into the past, it is possible to tell that the Turkmen-Chinese bonds of friendship and brotherhood originate in the depth of history. In 49 B.C. ancestors of Turkmen signed with the people of China the contract, which received the name «Oath contract» and testified to affinity of two people. In this connection, the ambassador expressed to Hero-Arkadag warm gratitude for his huge contribution to the strengthening of interstate relations.

As was underlined, today the Chinese-Turkmen dialogue based on a rich historical heritage, dynamically develops. Events of 2023 can serve the best example for ti. Interstate relations were brought up to level of all-round strategic partnership of which Presidents Xi Jinping and Serdar Berdimuhamedov stated jointly. Between the Governments of two countries the Memorandum of mutual understanding on coincidence of international initiatives «Revival of the Great Silk road» and «One belt, one road» was signed. A visible symbol of traditionally friendly, mutually beneficial  cooperation is the transnational gas pipeline, by which Turkmen natural gas is delivered to China.

Having noted that our countries have a huge potential for further development of full-scale partnership based upon long-term prospect, the diplomat conveyed best regards to Hero Arkadag and the President of Turkmenistan as well as to all brotherly Turkmen people.

Having underlined that the new literary work by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov will also serve patriotic education of the youth, stimulation of its aspiration to education, will inspire compatriots onto new remarkable achievements, participants of the presentation expressed to the head of the state and Hero-Arkadag warm gratitude for tireless activity to study deeply and popularise the richest national heritage, its preservation for future generations.