Ï "Ýaş tebigatçy" Public Organization invites to a creative master class

"Ýaş tebigatçy" Public Organization invites to a creative master class

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"Ýaş tebigatçy" Public Organization invites to a creative master class

Especially for young ecologists and nature lovers, representatives of the "Ýaş tebigatçy" Public Organization have developed a new master class that will introduce kids to one of the alternative art forms called "trash art."

Artists of this style create unpredictable art objects, using waste paper, synthetic, etc. as their main materials.

During the class, children will learn what separate waste collection is, why it helps preserve the environment, and how recycled materials can be used. In addition, participants will be able to practically create a textured painting using the trash art technique, utilizing the most unexpected objects.

The finished original artworks can be taken away with them after the class.

The master class will take place on May 10 at 18:00. Everyone is welcome to participate. Pre-registration is required by calling: +99361998525