Ï Visitors of the vernisage carpet familiarized with handmade masterpieces of skilled Turkmen weavers

Visitors of the vernisage carpet familiarized with handmade masterpieces of skilled Turkmen weavers

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In Ashgabat the international carpet exhibition organizers of which were the State Corporation "Turkmenkhaly" and Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan, was opened. The exposition developed in halls of the national museum of the Turkmen carpet and on colourfully decorated grounds of its adjoining territory - one of the bright actions dated to the holiday of the Turkmen carpet.

Halls of one of the most unique museum complexes not only in our country, but also in the world, store about 2000 invaluable ancient curiosities and modern masterpieces of national carpet weaving.

The museum has become the most visited historical and cultural sight of the capital, involving an increasing number of admirers of the Turkmen carpet - scientists-researchers, experts, collectors and tourists.

For participation in the present forum in Ashgabat delegations from 14 countries of Europe and Asia, including from Russia, Germany, Great Britain, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and also Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan arrived. Among 175 foreign visitors - heads and experts representing the scientific-cultural centres and the large carpet and trading companies. Among visitors - delegates of the world association of connoisseurs of Turkmen handmade carpet weaving and world Turkmen humanitarian association.

Members of the government, heads of committees of the Mejlis, ministries and departments, heads of diplomatic missions accredited to Turkmenistan, art workers and arts, student's youth, and also representatives of mass-media, public organisations, branch enterprises and notable carpet weavers from all velayats of the country took part in the opening ceremony.

The possibility of plunge into the atmosphere of the Turkmen festivity with traditions inherent in it, songs of bards, developed on exposition platforms, dramatized presentations was given to visitors.

Unique exhibits in which number - the dresses decorated with embroidery, jewels, and magnificent woollen and silk carpets - recreated a surprising picture of the richest spiritual-cultural heritage of Turkmens. Without hiding the delight, visitors hastened to embody the chamber of amazing work of classical ornamental pure woollen and silk carpets, landscape panels, and magnificent subject pictures.

Each corner of the improvised village stretched outside of showrooms of the museum, transferred a picturesque picture of laborious work of carpet makers, a consecutive chain of operations which were until recently still traditional in preparation for work on the future carpet.

In all variety processes of preparation and dyeing of yarn, manufacture of felts, subjects of national clothes, embroidery and other kinds of needlework here were presented. Visitors with sincere interest observed how young women and girls, singing national songs, created new samples of amateur art.

Turkmen businesswomen attracted visitors with a large collection of souvenir products. Today they bring a powerful contribution to the development of carpet and tourism industry. In their art the theme of the 5th Asian indoor and martial arts games to be held in Ashgabat in September also found its best reflection. Handmade masterpieces of skilled weavers will become the most expensive gift for visitors and sportsmen to arrive in our capital.

Bright colourful exhibits and the festive atmosphere of the event have allowed visitors to familiarise with sources of national traditions of carpet weaving and the richest carpet heritage to understand features of original culture and art of the Turkmen people.

On May 28 in the conference hall of the State Corporation "Turkmenkhaly" delegates of XVII conference of the world association of connoisseurs of Turkmen manmade carpet weaving will exchange results of the scientific researches, secrets of manufacture of handmade carpets in the light of modern technologies.

In the evening of the holiday in the concert centre "Ashgabat" a solemn ceremony of awarding of the best workers of the branch will take place.