Ï Creative contest of recycled products invites

Creative contest of recycled products invites

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Creative contest of recycled products invites

On the occasion of World Environment Day, celebrated on June 5, the Public Organization "Yaş tebigatçy" ("Young Naturalist") and the Creative Association "Design Plus" announce a new competition for products made from recycled materials. Everyone is invited to participate.

Do you care about the environment, know how to create original products from recycled materials and secondary raw materials, and adhere to the principles of environmental safety? Then it's time to share this with others.

To participate in the competition, it is necessary to make a product from recycled materials (plastic bottles, cardboard, paper, textiles, etc.). Attach a label to the product with the author's full name, age, product name, and a description of the materials used.

Important! The size of the product should not exceed 50 cm in any dimension.

The jury of the competition will evaluate the works according to the following criteria:

• Relevance to the theme of the competition;

• Originality of idea and execution;

• Aesthetic appearance;

• Functionality (for the "Most Functional Product" category);

• Environmental friendliness (for the "Most Eco-friendly Product" category).

An exhibition of creative works and an award ceremony for the winners in each category are planned at the end of the competition. All participants will receive encouragement certificates.

Works are accepted until June 9 at the address: Azadi Street, house 61, "Ylym" publishing house. Contact information: +99361893832. Email: tebigatchy.jemg@gmail.com.

The purpose of the competition is to draw attention to the waste problem, stimulate a creative approach to their reuse, and demonstrate the boundless possibilities of recycled materials.