Ï With a view of further development of Turkmen-Chinese relations

With a view of further development of Turkmen-Chinese relations

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With a view of further development of Turkmen-Chinese relations

Today, Adviser of the President of Turkmenistan on oil and gas issues A.Begliyev met head of the branch of world famous company of China «CNPC» in our country Chen Huailong. At the meeting, aspects of bilateral cooperation in the gas sphere were discussed. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People’s Republic of China in Turkmenistan Qian Naicheng also took part in the meeting.

First, the parties expressed sincere gratitude to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, Chairman of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping as well as Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for the created possibilities for development of productive relations between Turkmenistan and China, based on principles of friendship, brotherhood, mutual respect and trust. As was underlined, a great significance is attached to further development of cooperation between two countries at the highest state level.

The parties expressed readiness for expansion of mutually beneficial Turkmen-Chinese partnership in various areas, including in the fuel and energy branch. The special attention was given to issues of deepening of cooperation in the gas sphere.

Participants of the meeting discussed the course of fulfilment of earlier reached agreements in this area between Turkmenistan and the People’s Republic of China and considered the present state of affairs and exchanged opinions on prospects of development of relations.

Representatives of the Turkmen party noted that the oil and gas industry is the basic branch of economy of Turkmenistan, playing a large role in maintenance of dynamical social and economic development of our country.

Independent neutral Turkmenistan that possesses enormous hydrocarbon resources under the wise leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov consistently realises the complex strategy aimed at innovative development of the national fuel and energy branch, the initiator of which is Hero-Arkadag. More effective utilisation of rich potential of the oil and gas complex, modernisation of profile infrastructure on the basis of high technologies and development act as its important components. Thus, the special attention is given to issues of ecology, development of capacities of extracting and processing branches, development of export routes of "blue fuel» by diversification.

In the meeting, the sides exchanged opinions on possibilities of intensification of work in the given areas and perspective vectors of cooperation.

They also discussed issues on realisation of the second turn of development of the gas deposit «Galkynyş».

They pointed out a productive character of joint activity with leading companies, including with world famous largest company of China - «CNPC».

Interest of foreign partners in expansion of relations in the oil and gas sphere is connected first by large-scale transformations in our country in this sector of economy and high level of interaction with leading business circles of the world. It was underlined that for effective work of foreign companies in the perspective Turkmen market favourable legal, financial and economic conditions are created.