Ï Events for International Children's Day

Events for International Children's Day

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Events for International Children's Day

In honour of the upcoming International Children's Day, cultural centres, libraries, museums and parks of Turkmenistan are holding festive concerts, master classes, games, performances, exhibitions and other events. The State Children's Library of Turkmenistan named after Bazar Amanov organized a visit to the cultural and entertainment centre «Älem» for children. In an event called «Ýaňlansyn dünýäde çaga gülküsi»! Children of various ages took part.

They enthusiastically read poems that glorified their happy childhood and beautiful Fatherland. The children looked at the building's museum exposition with interest and had fun in the games room. On the occasion of the holiday, the participants of the event were presented with gifts. Library staff read to children several fairy tales from books that were placed on the organized traveling exhibition.

On the occasion of the International Children's Day, which is widely celebrated in the country, children and their parents are invited to the magical world of circus art by artists of the State Circus of Turkmenistan and the Group of National Equestrian Games «Galkynyş». They have prepared new performances for the holiday that will leave an unforgettable impression on the audience. Circus shows will take place on the 1st to 2nd of June at 18:00.