Ï The working trip of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan to Arkadag city

The working trip of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan to Arkadag city

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The working trip of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan to Arkadag city

Today, National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan, Honourable elder Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov visited Arkadag city where he familiarised with designs of various projects planned to be built during the second stage of construction of the new city as well as with samples of decorative finishes of buildings. Besides it, Hero-Arkadag held a working meeting in the head office of the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Children in Need of Care.

Taking into account the fact that within realisation of the second stage of construction of the new city, basically erection of industrial complexes is planned and a special significance is given to introduction of modern achievements of science in practice. In the given context, preservation of its architectural shape and the favourable ecological environment were outlined as important goals of the town-planning program of Arkadag city.

In the morning, Hero-Arkadag arrived in Arkadag city constructed in the wonderful corner at the foothills of the Kopet Dagh where he familiarised with designs of various projects planned to be constructed within the second turn of construction of the new city. Chairman of the State Committee for the Construction of the City of Arkadag under the President of Turkmenistan D. Orazov and khyakim of Arkadag city G.Mammedova reported on features of prepared designs as well as of projects proposed to be built.

In their number – designs of the children's park in Arkadag city as well as the square «Saglyk», including sculptures, which will be established installed in them and reconstruction of streets between monuments to Akhan and Polatly, layout of the sites proposed for detour of Ashgabad-Goktepe highway as well as samples of decor of buildings and projects of road and transport infrastructure, drawings of division of the museum into plots, arrangement of building sites of the medical cluster.

Having familiarised with presented designs, National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made a number of remarks and introduced corresponding corrective amendments.

In that connection, maintenance of construction of projects at a high qualitative level, preservation of ecological standards and as a whole appeal of the new city were outlined as important goals.

It is necessary to give particular attention to the finish of squares and types of enclosure of their territories, creation of favourable conditions for recreation there, in particular, the issues connected with mass planting of saplings and care of earlier planted trees.

Honoured architect of Turkmenistan Hero-Arkadag emphasised importance of work on finishes of social projects erected in the new city, especially the museum. Decoration of each building should correspond to its mission.

The work conducted in Arkadag city should be carried out according to the international standards. In the activity of industrial complexes, one should introduce the digital system and high technologies. In that connection, it is necessary to put a maximum of efforts for maintenance of ecological well-being in the new city, achievement of harmony of architectural shape of the city with the environment and nature. In the given context, one should give special attention to planting of numerous saplings in the city and its vicinities, systems of illumination of streets and types of enclosures of platforms and their lengthways, their modern finishing, Hero-Arkadag said.

Chairman of the State Committee for the Construction of the City of Arkadag under the President of Turkmenistan D. Orazov informed that decorative materials were made after study of carpet designs, patterns of carpets and carpet products of which, the book “The Heavenly Beauty” by Hero-Arkadag narrates.

Maintenance of the quality and acceleration of rates of building activities at sites of the new city act as is a priority of today. In that connection, it is necessary to take a responsible approach both to building of industrial complexes, which have a great significance for social and economic development of the city of Arkadag and to their equipment and finishing, the Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty noted.

Khyakim of Arkadag city G.Mammedova reported that along with adopted measures for accomplishment of the city, the issues connected with improvement of the quality of life of the population are always in the focus of attention. Arkadag city is a vivid example of economic power of the country and work carried out there completely corresponds to high indicators of the program of development of this first "smart" city in our fatherland.

The National Leader of the Turkmen people emphasised that in realisation of work within the second turn of construction of the city all modern construction-technical requirements, including terms of commissioning of buildings, high quality of the materials used in their construction and decoration should be observed and gave a number of concrete instructions to that end.

Then, Hero-Arkadag held a working meeting with participation of Chairman of the State Committee for the Construction of the City of Arkadag under the President of Turkmenistan D. Orazov and khyakim of Arkadag city G.Mammedova. First of all, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov congratulated all on International Day of Protection of Children and instructed them to provide a high level of organisation of the events, planned to be held in the new city.

During the working meeting, they reported on celebrations on the occasion of International Day of Protection of Children in the city of Arkadag, mass bicycle race dated to World Bicycle Day, which will take place on June 3, the program of Week of culture, which will be held for the first time in Arkadag city as well as the course of fulfilment of work in the given areas.

The khyakim of Arkadag city requested on behalf of numerous residents the National Leader of the Turkmen people to build there a new carpet enterprise.

Hero-Arkadag underlined that the given proposal is a positive beginning. With approval of Arkadagly Hero Serdar, it is expedient to construct a carpet enterprise in the new city. Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov expressed confidence that the exemplary Turkmen carpets woven by needlewomen of this enterprise, will continue traditions of carpet making art and at the same time new workplaces there will be created.

Hero-Arkadag underlined that constructed after the 1920-ties of the past century the Gokdepe carpet factory became one of the leading enterprises of the country where our skilled workers wove fine carpets. There numerous carpet makers, skilled outworkers assiduously worked, giving a new shape to ancient patterns and bringing a worthy contribution to development of national carpet making art.

Numerous carpets of that enterprise were displayed in exhibitions and were awarded prize-winning places, among them - carpet products with the ornament «аl nagyş», with the image of the State Emblem, portraits of outstanding historic figures and weaving that glorify the beauty of Turkmen nature.

It is necessary to point out that a considerable quantity of ornamental carpets were carried away to other countries, and in the competition held in 2002 by UNESCO in Turkmenistan the carpet with the ornament «аl nagyş» took a prize-winning place.

As Hero-Arkadag marked, art of weaving of Turkmen carpets is the school of education that takes its origins from the depth of centuries. In the given context, it is expedient to introduce a special subject of needlework for girls in secondary schools. Development of carpet making art, manufacture of felts is one of the important goals of the present. Carpets and carpet products - the main ornament of Turkmen holidays. These measures will allow providing continuity of primordial traditions.

During the working meeting, it was noted that among projects of the second turn of construction of the new city, construction of buildings of the medical cluster is planned. Besides it, they informed on their equipment and kinds of medical products, which will be made from local raw materials.

Having noted that the world market shows a great interest in local raw materials and medical preparations made of them available in the country, Doctor Arkadag gave a number of instructions to realise in the given direction according to modern requirements and on a scientific basis.

Having concluded the working meeting devoted to organizational issues on Arkadag city, the National Leader of the Turkmen people wished its participants successes in fulfilment of goals set before them.

Then, Hero-Arkadag arrived in the Children's Rehabilitation Centre named after Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for consideration of activity of the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Children in Need of Care.

In the head office of the centre, Arkadag held a working meeting with participation of Deputy-Chairman of the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Children in Need of Care R.Bazarov and director general of the Children's Rehabilitation Centre named after Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov M.Okuzova.

First of all, Doctor Arkadag congratulated all on International Day of Protection of Children widely marked in the country and wished successes in their noble activity.

As was marked, the goals following from the Program «Revival of a new era of a powerful state: the National program of socio-economic development of Turkmenistan for 2022-2052», are aimed at making Arkadag city one of the non-polluting and most beautiful cities of the world as well as increase of standards of living of people. In this connection, health of the younger generation and its harmonious development are in the centre of attention of the state.

During the working meeting, they reported that at the expense of the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Children in Need of Care in multifield hospitals of velayats advanced medical technologies were installed and work in the given direction proceeds. They also informed that at the expense of the Charitable Foundation, the International mathematical Olympiad among schoolchildren was held and measures are taken for creation of a children's equestrian team.

Thanks to the activity of the Charitable Foundation, various operations have been performed on sick children and now they lead full life. It is a visible evidence of care of children who need guardianship, shown on the humane initiatives of Hajy Arkadag and undertaken efforts on their education as worthy citizens of the country.

Hero-Arkadag underlined that it is necessary to pay constant attention to the issues connected with further effective work of the Charitable Foundation, based on noble traditions of Turkmen people. This is another acknowledgement of the fact that humanistic activity develops in the spirit of the time and succession of good deeds.

During the working meeting, director general of the Children's Rehabilitation Centre named after Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov M.Okuzova reported on the work carried out there to strengthen the health of hundreds of children. At the same time, she informed that the group of doctors of the Centre visited the leading clinical centres of foreign countries where they gained positive experience.

This attests to the fact that indefatigable efforts are made for successful realisation of goals of the Government program «Saglyk», developed with direct participation of Doctor Arkadag. The head of the Centre on behalf of all doctors expressed her gratitude to the President of Turkmenistan and the National Leader of the Turkmen people for strengthening the material and technical basis of the Centre and adjustment of international cooperation.

Hero-Arkadag underlined, they will further make necessary measures to improve the health of the growing generation. It is necessary to pay much attention to health services of children who undergo there treatment and organisation of their excursion to Arkadag city and effective work of children's circles focused on the choice of their future trade that will raise efficiency of treatment.

As was marked, the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Children in Need of Care became a world-wide recognised organisation. In this connection, one should develop the activity in this direction and intensify constantly international cooperation, Hero-Arkadag underlined, having given a number of concrete instructions to relevant officials.

The care of health of all Turkmen nationals, especially children, is in the centre of constant attention of the state, Doctor Arkadag noted, having underlined that the activity carried out in this direction and rendered medical services should correspond to international standards and requirements completely. It is necessary to give special attention to issues of increase of professionalism of doctors.

Having wished participants of the working meeting further successes in their work, National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty, Honourable elder Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov left the place.