Ï President of Turkmenistan joined mass cycling event

President of Turkmenistan joined mass cycling event

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President of Turkmenistan joined mass cycling event

Today, our country marked widely World Bicycle Day by a developed noble tradition. In the mass cycling event, which took place in the capital on the occasion of this international holiday, which took a worthy place in the calendar of the United Nations Organization, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov took part.

As known, the corresponding Resolution initiated by National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, was unanimously adopted at the 72nd session of the General Assembly of the United Nations in 2018. The establishment of this date attested to appreciation and recognition of the contribution of Turkmenistan to promotion of sports and physical culture and health movement, establishment of ecological outlook in society and principles of healthy way of life at the national level and in the global dimension.

Let us also recall that in 2022 at the 76th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations Organization at the proposal of our country the Resolution «Integration of mainstream bicycling into public transportation systems for sustainable development» was adopted with a unanimous consensus.

In the state policy of Turkmenistan, an ecological aspect is closely co-ordinated to the social and economic component, integrated into large scale programs realised in our fatherland and infrastructural projects. Thus, a great significance is given to popularisation and development of sports, which in our country gets more and more adherents that, is one of the bright tendencies of the new historical epoch. Traditions of regular conduction of mass sports actions, including cycling event, established by Hero-Arkadag, nowadays find successful continuation in the complex strategy realised by Arkadagly Hero Serdar.

As the President of Turkmenistan marks, sports owing to the uniting, inspiring beginning are called to serve the strengthening of universal peace, friendship between the countries and peoples. Sports diplomacy - one of the actively developing areas of foreign policy activity of our state, which even more often becomes a venue of large competitions. For this purpose, Turkmenistan has all necessary conditions. In the country the modern profile infrastructure providing optimum possibilities for practice of different sports, effective training process, and perfection of skill of sportsmen, preparation of qualified experts, organisation and conduction of competitions of national and international level was created.

As to bicycle, being a popular sports equipment, it was also by right recognised as the most non-polluting type of transport, excellent means of transportation, active and useful leisure. In a word, it personifies obvious interrelation of sports, ecology and health.

One of the unique sights of Ashgabat is the monument to "Bicycle" located on the crossing of Chandibil Avenue and Bekreve Street where the route of festive cycling event starts. The Chairwoman of the Mejlis, members of the Government, heads of ministries and sectoral departments, capital administration, public organisations, mass media, rectors of higher educational schools gathered there. Heads of representatives of the diplomatic corps accredited in our country and representations of international organisations also took part in the bicycle event.

Among the gathered – schoolchildren of the Palace «Döwletliler köşgi», School of preparation of young Olympians and comprehensive schools, sportsmen of the national cycling team of Turkmenistan, student's youth, representatives of the public.

All with big enthusiasm welcome President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

Workers of culture and art of the country perform with the vocal-choreographic composition glorifying our favourite prospering native land and its remarkable achievements, including those in sports.

Having given a start to the mass cycling event, the head of the state headed the column of its participants who started along the route, which lies by Chandibil and Bitarap Turkmenistan avenues of the capital.

Today cycling finds more and more adherents in the world. World Bicycle Day is also called to promote eco - and bicycle cultures - a holiday uniting the countries and peoples of the planet to promote its wide development and advancement.

Further, developing on the ecology theme it is necessary to note that, realising the complex, scientifically well-founded nature protection strategy, Turkmenistan supports consolidation of efforts of the world community in solution of topical global problems and undertakes concrete steps in this direction. The initiatives which are put forward by our country in the given field, find a recognition and support on the international scene.

Turkmen people throughout centuries developed unique traditions of solicitous attitude to nature, living in harmony with it and aspiring to transform the native land into a blossoming garden. As a result of annual tree planting campaigns in the capital and all over the country the area of green plantings extend. Created man-made wood zones and parks, decorating our cities and villages, also make a favourable influence on ecology and local microclimate.

… And in the meantime the column of participants of the bicycle event, headed by the President of Turkmenistan, continued their movement on spacious highways of Ashgabat. The freshness and cool of the morning, invigorating air, picturesque landscape of foothills of the Kopet Dagh and a magnificent panorama of white marble-coated Turkmen capital inspire and give them a fit of energy.

Ashgabat, which is according to its high status, the centre of political, business, cultural and public life of Turkmenistan, also has turned into the recognised sports centre. A visible symbol of the state policy in the given field - capital Olympic village - multipurpose sport centre, whose structure includes the indoor bicycle track, which by all parameters answers to the international standards. We will also point out that the Asian Tennis Federation as training centre of Asia, to what the corresponding certificate testifies, recognised the tennis complex of the Olympic village.

In recent years, the country’s central city has repeatedly hosted large competitions of regional and world level. New prospects for fruitful cooperation in this direction opens the Decision on announcement of Ashgabat as City of new sports opportunities adopted at the meeting of the Council of heads of the governments of CIS held in the capital on May 24.

Performance of workers of culture and art and sportsmen along the route of the cycling event added much joy to the festive atmosphere.

It is pleasant to mark that in mass sports actions held in our country young Turkmen nationals always take an active part with s great enthusiasm.

Sportsmen-participants of bike marathon race, which was organised in Turkmenistan for the first time on the Mary-Tejen-Ashgabat section of Turkmenabat –Ashgabat autobahn also joined the present action. The extent of its distance made up 335 kilometres. The bike marathon race with participation of sportsmen of the national cycling team of the country was held in four stages. The capital monument to "Bicycle" became its final point.

In the course of the cycling race, like always, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov displayed an excellent physical and sports preparation, demonstrating a bright example for compatriots and first of all, to the youth.

Education of physically strong, spiritually rich and harmoniously developed younger generation - a priority of the state policy of our fatherland in the Era of Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State. In the given context, involvement of young Turkmen national in regular practice of physical culture and sports was defined as one of the paramount goals.

It is also remarkable that according to scientific researches, such practice not only strengthen health and immunity, but also stimulate intellectual development. Regular training and physical exercises render beneficial influence on the state of health and emotional condition of the person, temper character, and promote development of such qualities as diligence, purposefulness, discipline, will power, and self-trust. As a result, capacity for work raises and creative thinking is stimulated. As a whole, it creates a positive spirit and helps people to open and realise their potential completely.

As to bicycle directly, it is really a universal training apparatus for maintenance of the good physical form. Riding it - an effective way of training, prevention of many diseases, simultaneous strengthening of various groups of muscles. It is a fine training practically for all systems of life of human body and besides it is an effective anti-stress.

By the way, modern cycling is rather diverse. Along with its classical disciplines - highway and track races, cycling races and others such types of entertainment as mountain bike, free style cycling, cycling trials, acrobatic riding become assume more and more popular in the world. Competitions in figure riding and a ball game on bicycles – bike polo and cycle ball are also held. Besides it, cycling is a part of triathlon. It opens for all who wants to be engaged in the given sport, a wide choice of areas.

Cycling and bike riding - excellent leisure, including family or in the company of friends. Advantage of bicycle is that it is accessible to people of all age categories, it is reliable and easy in management. It can be used for an interesting and useful stay in the open air at any time year. And for this reason it is not completely surprising that by results of international sociological polls the bicycle was recognised, without exaggeration, one of the outstanding inventions of mankind.

Now, the number of people choosing this harmless type of transport for various trips, for example, for work and back increases. Popularity of cycle tourism, which gives possibility to make fascinating travel, to be enriched with new impressions, to expand an outlook, to admire beauty of the nature also grows.

In this connection, it is necessary to note that Turkmenistan famous for its historical, cultural, and natural sights has a big tourist potential. The centre of gravity of numerous foreign visitors is Ashgabat, which impresses with its monumentalism and originality of the architectural ensemble. The ornament of the Turkmen capital - well-groomed parks and squares, bright flowerbeds, unique fountains giving a vivifying cool in hot summer days.

This year, which bears the motto «The Fount of Wisdom of Magtymguly Fragi» and marks the 300th birthday anniversary of the great Turkmen poet and thinker, «Magtymguly Pyragy» cultural-park complex located in its southern part and solemnly opened with participation of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov on May 17, became a new sight of Ashgabat.

In the territory of the complex, which organically blends with the picturesque natural landscape of foothills of the Kopet Dagh, the majestic monument to Magtymguly Fragi was erected. It is also remarkable that the alley where monuments to famous creative figures representing different countries and peoples were established, is located there. It is a visible symbol of such eternal universal values as friendship, brotherhood, good neighbourhood and hospitality, which Magtymguly Fragi glorified in his immortal works. And, it is certain that a new cultural-park complex will become one of the most visited places, attracting both Turkmen nationals and foreign visitors.

On his way, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov asked of the course of work carried out there from Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet B.Annamammedov, who supervises the capital. The Deputy-Chairman informed the head of the state on adopted measures on further accomplishment of Ashgabat, maintenance of ecological well-being and state of affairs at erected objects.

Having focused attention on the topic of concept of development of Ashgabat, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov instructed him to hold under constant control issues of perfection of city infrastructure, appropriate care of capital parks and squares, creations of comfortable conditions for life of people, possibilities for practice of sports. Speaking of it, the head of the state especially underlined importance of ecological aspect of all work.

Having overcome a bicycle race distance skilfully, the President of Turkmenistan finished at the final point – Rukhyet Palace of the capital.

There the head of the state warmly said goodbye to participants of the mass sports-ecological event timed to World Bicycle Day and having wished all health and successes, left the place.

Thus, the festive bicycle event became one more symbolical expression of unity and coherence of our society, adherence of Turkmen nationals to the healthy way of life and eternal humane values.

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Today, on the occasion of World Bicycle Day, mass bicycle races were also organised in the city of Arkadag and in all regions of the country.

Thematic conferences, «round tables» were timed to the holiday, competitions, demonstrative performances and friendly games in different sports with participation of young sportsmen and student's youth were held these days in Turkmenistan.

In the capital Olympic village the championship of Turkmenistan in bicycle track took place. Competitions passed in such kinds, as flying-start heat for 200 metres, individual race for time, individual time trials and team sprint for 500 and 750 metres. The bike marathon with participation of the national cycling team of the country also became an impressive event.