Ï The concert with participation of opera diva Sandra Buongracio is dedicated to 25 years of Turkmen – Italian diplomatic relations

The concert with participation of opera diva Sandra Buongracio is dedicated to 25 years of Turkmen – Italian diplomatic relations

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Magtumguly Turkmen Music and Drama Theatre held the concert of master of opera of two countries and the State Symphonic Orchestra of the Mukams Palace of the State Cultural centre.

Owing to the organizers of the cultural action - the Ministry of Culture of Turkmenistan and the Embassy of the Republic of Italy, Ashgabat music lovers had happy opportunity to listen the performance of the famous opera singer Sandra Buongracio. Born in Abruzzo Region, Sandra Buongracio teaches vocal in Pescara «D'Annunzio» conservatory. She is a performer of main women parts in famous operas and big fan of Giuseppe Verdi. That is why the concert programme included nine compositions of this classic.

Long-awaited concert started by the symphony of Giuseppe Verdi’s opera “The Power of Fortune” performed by the State Symphonic Orchestra of Turkmenistan. Our guest from Italy Daniele Agiman was a conductor. He waved a stick and the hall was filled with musical expressiveness and harmony communicating refined imagery of sound perception.

Daniele Agiman is a professor of orchestra conducting of Giuseppe Verdi Conservatory of Milano. He is invited to many countries of the world as teacher of master-class of Italian opera. Mainly owing to professionalism of Daniele Agiman, the work with Turkmen musicians reached such impressive level just for few rehearsals.

Ashgabat public impatiently waited for appearance of Sandra Buongrazio at the stage. Long-awaited introduction started from the performance of aria of Azucena from “Troubadour” opera. Ashgabat audience highly appreciated beautiful mегго-soprano of Italian celebrity. Vocalists of the State Symphonic Orchestra of Turkmenistan Nury Nuriyev, Janna Sayan, Leyli Okdirova and Ismail Jumayev took part in the concert together with foreign guest. They performed arias form Giuseppe Verdi’s operas “Rigoletto”, “Troubadour” and “Un ballo in maschera” (A Masked Ball).

The first part of the concert was accomplished by Turkmen – Italian quartet. Opera singers performed the fragment form “Rigoletto”.

The second part, together with compositions of Giuseppe Verdi, included fragments from operas of Charles-Camille Saint-Saëns, Pietro Mascagni, Amilcare Ponchielli and Georges Bizet. Symphonic orchestra conducted by Daniele Agiman virtuously accompanied the vocalists.

The concert was completed in unison with the scenario of the first part by joint performance of all soloists who performed “Brindisi” from “Traviata” by Giuseppe Verdi. The public expressed their excitement by storm of applauses with the talent of the guests and Turkmen singers, who managed to present unforgettable evening of classic music that became new bright page in Turkmen – Italian dialog of cultures.