Ï The State Circus hosted a performance of Turkmen and American artists

The State Circus hosted a performance of Turkmen and American artists

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At the State Circus, it was held a performance of Turkmen and American artists. The American delegation consists of the teachers and coaches who also successfully continue their work in the circus ring.

So, trapeze artist Sarah Dole, being on tour in different countries, imparted the secrets of her skill as a certified instructor of circus coacher training program in the world famous Cirque du Soleil. William “Bill” Forchon is a clown, mime, film director, teacher and lecturer in special educational institutions of the USA and England, and also in the Children Circus. His colleague, clown, director, actor and founder of his own theatre Billy Higgins combines performances with active coaching and teaching activities abroad.

Defining a cultural event, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States to Turkmenistan Allan Mustard noted, that our countries have a rich history of circus arts. We share its wonderful conformism.

Almost all categories were represented in the ring. The audience applauded the performances of trapeze artists, skill of wire-walkers, virtuoso acrobats, subtle jugglers. Spectators gave a big hand to joyful American clowns, who expressed in the pantomime language goodwill to Turkmens.

“Highlight” of the performance traditionally was famous stunts on Akhalteke horseback. The audience was charmed by the beauty and swiftness of “royal horses”, bravery riders, performing at full gallop tricks and various techniques of stunts on horseback, which the Turkmen artists inherited from their talented ancestors.

The circus show was completed with an ancient ritual dance kushtdepdi. All participants of the vivid festival of friendship came in the circus ring, once again demonstrating the creative power of art.

During the performance, together with local artists and American guests, beginner circus performers – students of the Turkmen State Institute of Culture showed their talents. Precisely they – heirs of the best traditions of national circus art, are in prospect to raise still higher the prestige of the Turkmen circus.

The program of American visitors’ stay in Ashgabat, included a familiarity with circus arts of Turkmenistan, the artists’ experience and their programs, cooperation in the methodological sphere, practical training at the State Circus and workshops for students of the Circus Department of the Turkmen State Institute of Culture.

During the meetings, teachers and specialists of the two countries discussed the world circus art evolution, its interaction with other forms of creativity and place in the entertainment industry. The participants expressed collaboration interest in the professional development of circus performers, teachers and coaches.

The circus takes its place in the country’s cultural life palette, the Turkmen riders are glittering in its ring, the artistic dynasties are being born, and performances of the national and numerous foreign troops are sell-out.

Nation heritage promoters through circus arts became the known teams of national equestrian games “Galkynysh” and “Turkmen jigitleri”, in recent years, won many prizes of world circus festivals and prestigious international competitions. Our horsemen performed with great success in Italy, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Turkey, China and other countries. The representative of Turkmenistan became the silver prize-winner of 9th International Circus Festival “Echo of Asia” in Astana (Kazakhstan).