Ï Week of Culture will be held in Ashgabat

Week of Culture will be held in Ashgabat

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Ashgabat is preparing for the Week of Culture, which will be held on June 22-27 of this year in honor of the Day of Cultural and Art Workers.

Events will be held aimed at popularizing the spiritual and cultural values of the Turkmen people within the framework of a large-scale action in the cultural centers of the capital. Among them there are performances by creative teams, singers and musicians from all regions of the country, poetry evenings, exhibitions of works of fine and decorative art, as well as publishing products dedicated to the Asian Games-2017, photo-vernissages.

Actual issues of further study of the national historical and cultural heritage will be discussed during a scientific conference with the participation of archaeologists and museum specialists.

Ceremonies of opening and closing of the Culture Week will be held in Mukams Palace of the State Cultural Center and will be accompanied by concerts of art masters.