Ï Turkmenistan is a country striving for the future

Turkmenistan is a country striving for the future

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The past week, marked by the blessed holiday of Kurban Bayram, which embodies the triumph of high humanistic ideals, was full of bright, memorable events, convincingly demonstrating that modern Turkmenistan is a politically stable, economically powerful sovereign state with distinctive national traditions of cultural and spiritual-intellectual development.

On June 21, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a regular meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers via digital system, with several issues of state life on the agenda.

In particular, it was reported on the activities carried out by the Mejlis to improve the country's legal framework - preparing a draft of a new edition of the Civil Code, as well as introducing amendments and additions to the Budget and Sanitary Codes, and the Laws "On Physical Culture and Sports", "On State Scientific and Technical Policy" and "On Seed Production".

Among the topics discussed were measures taken by the Türkmengaz State Concern for the effective operation of gas pipelines, the progress of seasonal campaigns in the country's fields, including harvesting and delivery of the collected crop to the homeland's harman, work on preserving and enriching flora and fauna, especially populations of plants and animals listed in the Red Data Book of Turkmenistan.

During the meeting, a number of proposals were submitted for the head of state's consideration to increase the country's economic potential, ensure a high standard of living for the population, and accelerate the growth of economic sectors.

Having approved the presented project on implementing specialized software aimed at expanding the range of services and improving statistical reporting, which is proposed to be introduced on a pilot basis from July 1 of the current year, and fully implemented from October 1, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov ordered to begin work in this direction.

In connection with the increasing number of residential buildings and modern facilities for various purposes being constructed in Turkmenistan, the head of state instructed the Ministry of Industry and Construction Production to take measures to organize the production of elevators, as well as to create a special enterprise for their repair and maintenance.

A number of instructions were given regarding ensuring a high organizational level for the "Turkmenistan – United Arab Emirates" business forum, which took place on June 25 in Ashgabat.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov also approved the proposal to construct a new building for the Children's Art School in Ashgabat. This project is planned within the "Program of the President of Turkmenistan for the Socio-Economic Development of the Country for 2022–2028."

Noting the increasing role of science in the development of the national economy and society, the President of Turkmenistan signed the Resolution "On the approval of the procedure for organizing and conducting state accounting of scientific programs (projects), plans, and reports on scientific activities."

The head of state instructed the leadership of the Agency for Transport and Communications under the Cabinet of Ministers to take necessary measures to train international-level specialists for the country's civil aviation, as well as to establish control and verification work on the relevant aircraft by local highly professional personnel.

The meeting also reviewed proposals prepared by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for further developing Turkmenistan's cooperation with the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP).

In collaboration with these structures, our country builds international relations in important areas such as the economy, transport, energy, environmental protection and sustainable development.

One of the proposals concerns Turkmenistan's chairmanship in SPECA in 2025, the preparation of the corresponding Concept and Action Plan.

Another proposal from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs concerns the membership of representatives of the Türkmengaz State Concern and the Ministry of Energy of Turkmenistan in the UNECE Group of Experts on Gas, Renewable Energy and Cleaner Electricity Systems.

Regarding ESCAP, it is proposed to organize a meeting this summer with the participation of experts from relevant ministries and sectoral agencies of Turkmenistan, international organizations and member states of the Commission to address tasks outlined in the Resolution "Consideration of the conditions for the creation of a UN Special Program for the Aral Sea Basin," adopted in May 2023 at the 79th session of the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific at our country's initiative. A seminar on natural disaster prevention in the Aral Sea basin is planned to be held in Ashgabat in the fourth quarter of 2024.

Also, to implement the Framework Agreement on Facilitation of Cross-border Paperless Trade in the Asia-Pacific region, which Turkmenistan joined in 2022, it is planned to create a Working Group, which is proposed to include representatives of the Ministry of Adalat and the State Customs Service of the country.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov approved the presented proposals, emphasizing that Turkmenistan closely and fruitfully cooperates with the UN. Noting the importance of further developing partnerships with the UN Economic Commission for Europe and the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, the head of state gave corresponding instructions to the Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister.

Last week, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and the National Leader of the Turkmen people Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov sent congratulatory messages to Oleg Kononenko, Hero of Turkmenistan, instructor-cosmonaut-tester, commander of the cosmonaut corps of the State Space Corporation "Roscosmos" on the occasion of his 60th birthday.

The head of state emphasized the significance of the renowned cosmonaut's work for global technological development and improvement of the lives of all humanity.

In turn, the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted O. Kononenko's dedication to space research and science. He expressed gratitude for his love and special attention to Turkmenistan even during space flights.

The distinguished compatriot was addressed with wishes of health, happiness, long life and family prosperity, as well as successful implementation of all planned projects.

On behalf of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, the Mejlis accepted the credentials of Ruslan Stoyanov, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Bulgaria to Turkmenistan.

The diplomat was familiarized with the key vectors of our country's foreign policy strategy, based on the principles of peacefulness, positive neutrality and equal partnership, as well as with the priorities of socially oriented domestic policy.

The prospects of intensifying dialogue through legislative bodies became the subject of an interested exchange of views. It was emphasized that joint work of inter-parliamentary Friendship Groups is also intended to contribute to these goals.

The parties noted the potential for expanding cooperation in various fields, including trade, economic relations and humanitarian ties, the importance of interaction both at the bilateral level and within international organizations, particularly in the context of Turkmenistan's dialogue with the European Union.

A meeting was held in Ashgabat between D. Gulmanova, Chairperson of the Mejlis, and Mrs. Mabel Chinomona, President of the Senate of  the Republic of Zimbabwe, who arrived in our country heading a delegation.

The Chairperson of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan familiarized the guest with the main directions of the state's domestic and foreign policy, as well as the composition of the national Parliament and the ongoing work on exchanging legislative experience.

During the meeting, it was noted that there are ample opportunities for exchanging experience in improving national legislation and parliamentary activities, cooperation between the two states, and strengthening friendly relations between the peoples.

Last week, our country widely celebrated Kurban Bayram, sacred to the entire Muslim world - a wonderful holiday with a unique national flavor, symbolizing humanism, benevolence and spiritual purity since ancient times.

In his congratulatory message, the head of state emphasized that the distinctive, unique material and spiritual values of our people are a golden treasury that contributes to the formation and strengthening of friendly relations between East and West, North and South, the basis of our identity and respect for our nation in the world, our dignity for centuries.

Careful preservation of the rich cultural heritage and moral values of the Turkmen people is a key priority of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov's policy, aimed at multiplying the nation's enormous spiritual and intellectual potential and its creative development in modern conditions.

A vivid confirmation of this in the year of "Fount of Wisdom Magtymguly Fragi" were the events of the Culture Week, an annual large-scale forum timed to the Day of Culture and Art Workers, as well as the poetry of Magtymguly Fragi.

For the first time, they are taking place in the innovative city of Arkadag, which gives special significance to this unique creative celebration. The city, which marks its first anniversary of grand opening on June 29, was built thanks to the wisdom of the Hero-Arkadag and reflects the power of our state, symbolizing the unity of the people, which the great poet and thinker of the East, founder of Turkmen classical literature Magtymguly Fragi dreamed of in his priceless works.

The large-scale forum, encompassing a vibrant palette of modern culture, reflects all types of national art. The delegations from each region of the country include famous theater artists, pop and folk performers, museum and library specialists, artists and writers, professional ensembles and popular folklore-ethnographic groups.

The working meeting "Possibilities of world practice in recording and preserving museum values" was held as part of the creative event. During the forum, gold and silver coins and other artifacts recently found in the Dashoguz velayat were handed over to the Museum of History and Local Lore of Arkadag city. Citizens who discovered and handed them over to the state were presented with incentive gifts.

On June 22, the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan, Honorary Elder Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made a working trip to Arkadag city, where he familiarized himself with the projects of buildings planned to be erected as part of the next stage of construction, drawings of their locations, and held a working meeting with relevant leaders.

Among the objects is the Artistic Carpet Weaving Enterprise. The decision to build it was made based on appeals and requests from many residents of the new city at the state level.

After reviewing the presented projects, Hero-Arkadag made several suggestions regarding the creation of necessary conditions for creative activities and comfortable rest for carpet weavers during breaks. There was also noted the expediency of installing an interactive device including a wide variety of information about the history and features of the national art of hand carpet weaving.

Special attention was paid to the decorative design of the city park. It was proposed to decorate its territory with statues of legendary "heavenly" horses, Turkmen Alabay dogs, as well as Arvana camels - faithful companions of humans on ancient caravan routes.

The progress of the next stage of Arkadag city development, compliance of all work carried out here with environmental requirements, the use of proposals and innovative ideas of students of relevant universities, activities for populating residential buildings in the new city, and issues of preparation for events on the occasion of significant dates were discussed in more detail at the working meeting.

Thus, the events of the past week added new achievements in the political and economic spheres, cultural and spiritual life of the people to the country's chronicle, aspiring under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov to new achievements.