Ï Topical exposition dedicated to the scientists is opened in the Museum of visual arts

Topical exposition dedicated to the scientists is opened in the Museum of visual arts

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The works dedicated to archaeologists are widely presented at the exhibition. “Window Opened to the Past” by Honoured Art Worker of Turkmenistan Saparmamed Meredov is on the special place among them. The artist portrayed Academic Victor Ivanovich Sarianidi with priceless artefacts discovered during excavations in Gonurdepe. Wise and charismatic face of the scientist with the world name, owing to whose talent great discoveries in the history of the world’s civilization were made, looks at the visitors from the picture.

The subject is successfully continued by the work of Vladimir Artykov “The Surveyors” large group of archaeologists came to Karakums. The author portrayed the moment of camp setting up for work and living. The look from above, as of the painter is onboard helicopter, highlights the number of unrevealed mysteries hidden under the sand… The picture is made in desert shade, in monotonous sandy ochreous colour focusing the spectator’s perception on complicated and laborious work of the archaeologists who write new pages of historicle chronicles of Turkmen nation.

The work of People’s Artist of Turkmenistan Yakub Allanurov “The Girls of my Homeplace” is very interesting. The group of the girls exits the building at the end of the working day. What it has to do with the science? But looking at the columns, decorative stucco of the building of bright orange and large doors, one can easily recognize one of the institutes of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan and it means that the girls are young specialists of the institute. Bright palette highlights their beauty and strive for new discoveries.

Many people have an impression that work leaves its trace on the appearance of the person. Probably, People’s Artist of Turkmenistan Izzat Klychev, who painted picture “The Physics”, has the same opinion. It shows the group of young scientists involved in transformation of sunbeams into energy run into unsolved problem. Their expression transfers the condition of research excitement. The picture was made in the 70s of the last century but it is still contemporary as it translates the energy of the creation.

The work “They Conquer the Sun” by Honoured Arts Worker of Turkmenistan Tokay Tugurov is also dedicated to the physics. It is an interesting fact that at the beginning of his career, Tokay was a physic himself but life priorities took over and the painter Tokay Tugurov appeared with the time. The pictures of the artist have distinctive style – he portrays his characters in subdued colours and highlights the face with sunlight. These features we observe in presented work.

People’s Artist of Turkmenistan Ayhan Hajiyev has another approach to reveal this subject. His beautiful “Science to Help the Cotton Growers” made also in the 70s. On the picture, the professor selectionist, surrounded by agronomist, foreman and mirab, analyses the yield capacity of new breed. Realistic style of painting, sunniness and lightness distinctive to the hand of Ayhan Hajiyev were fully revealed in this picture. It is interesting that there are two small works next to big easel picture, which make an impression of triptych. But at closer look, one can find out that these are the sketches which the artist used during the work on the main picture. One of them shows classic type of old professor with huge bear who looks like fairy tale animal doctor Aybolit, while another one pictures resolute, self-confident woman, much probably the agronomist. The women is copied at the large canvas without any alterations while the image of the professor underwent symbolical transformations reflecting innovative spirit.

The works presented at the exhibition are mainly form the reserves of the museum and mostly belongs to the hands of famous painting masters and that is why the topical exposition is so interesting for new generation of the scientists and beginning painters.