Ï The President of Turkmenistan Held a Working Meeting via the Digital System

The President of Turkmenistan Held a Working Meeting via the Digital System

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The President of Turkmenistan Held a Working Meeting via the Digital System

Today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a working meeting via the digital system with the participation of Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers T. Atahallyev and velayat khyakims to consider the dynamics of work in the agro-industrial complex and seasonal campaigns in the regions of the country.

The first floor was given to the khyakim of Ahal velayat R.Hojamgulyev, who reported on the progress of measures taken in the agricultural sector.

As reported, the transportation of harvested wheat from collection points to granaries, in particular to elevators, continues to plow the fields freed up after mowing, in short, preparing the areas for the next sowing season. At the same time, seed material is being prepared for the coming year’s harvest, and payments are made in a timely manner to producers for the delivered grain.

On lands sown with cotton, vegetation irrigation, inter-row cultivation and fertilizing of the soil with minerals are carried out.

The region also continues to harvest potatoes and other melons and vegetables with subsequent delivery to sales points, and preparations for the autumn planting of these crops are being coordinated.

The head of the regional administration also informed about the state of affairs at new buildings, in particular, at social and industrial infrastructure facilities according to the Program for the country’s socio-economic development in 2022–2028, the opening of which is scheduled for the current year.

Summarizing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov ordered to take measures for the proper completion of the grain harvest campaign and the timely implementation of agro-technical measures in the cotton fields.

The khyakim was also entrusted with monitoring the quality of construction of facilities for various purposes in accordance with the programs for the socio-economic development of the country, envisaged for commissioning this year.

Further, the khyakim of Balkan velayat, H. Ashyrmyradov, made a report on agricultural activities.

First of all, the head of the regional administration reported the good news about the successful fulfillment by grain growers of their contractual obligations to deliver grain. As noted, the labor achievements of farmers in the region became possible thanks to the optimal conditions for fruitful work provided to farmers by the state. On behalf of the residents of the velayat, the khyakim expressed gratitude to the President of the country and the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Hero-Arkadag, for his unflagging attention to the development of agriculture.

The working meeting continued with a report on the state of affairs on agricultural land.

As reported, everything necessary is being done for the proper transportation and subsequent placement of the wheat harvest in granaries and elevators, as well as for timely payment to producers for the delivered grain. In addition, the fields where the harvest has been completed are plowed and high-quality seed material is prepared for next year sowing campaign.

At the same time, in areas where this year’s cotton crop is ripening, inter-row cultivation, fertilizing with mineral fertilizers and vegetative irrigation continue.

Potatoes and other vegetables and melons are also being collected, which are subsequently sold. Taking into account the upcoming planting of winter varieties of these crops, the allotted land and seed material are being prepared.

The head of the regional administration informed about the progress of construction of social and industrial infrastructure facilities in accordance with the Program for the socio-economic development of the country in 2022–2028 and the National Rural Program, which are scheduled to be put into operation this year.

After listening to the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that the success of the dedicated farmers of the coastal region, who adequately fulfilled the contractual obligations to deliver grain to the state, is a significant step in maintaining food abundance in the country.

Having heartily congratulated the valiant grain growers of Balkan velayat on their labor achievement, the head of state wished them new success, expressing confidence that the farmers of the western region will achieve the same result in growing other crops.

The working meeting continued with a speech by the khyakim of Dashoguz velayat S. Soltanmyradov, who reported on the progress of seasonal agricultural work.

First of all, the head of the administration of the northern region reported the good news about the successful fulfillment of contractual obligations by selfless grain growers, who delivered over 270 thousand tons of grain to the warehouse of the Homeland. The achievement of workers is the result of active efforts for the comprehensive development of agriculture and constant support from the state, the khyakim emphasized and on behalf of the happy residents of Dashoguz velayat expressed gratitude to Hero-Arkadag and Arkadagly Hero Serdar.

Further, the head of the regional administration reported on seasonal agricultural campaigns.

As reported, in accordance with established requirements, transportation of the harvested wheat crop from reception points to granaries, including elevators, plowing of lands freed up after mowing and procurement of seeds for the next sowing season continues. Timely settlements with producers for grain delivered to the state have been established.

In fields sown with cotton, inter-row cultivation, fertilizing the soil with minerals and vegetation irrigation are carried out. All work is carried out in accordance with agricultural technology standards.

The collection of vegetables and melons, in particular potatoes, with subsequent delivery to domestic markets, as well as the cultivation of areas allocated for the upcoming planting of winter varieties of these crops, continues.

Rice fields are maintained, including fertilizing with minerals.

The northern region’s administration head also informed about the progress of construction of social and industrial infrastructure facilities in accordance with the National Program of the President of Turkmenistan to transform the social and living conditions of the population of villages, towns, etrap cities and etrap centers for the period until 2028, which are scheduled to open this year.

Summarizing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted with satisfaction that the dedicated grain growers of Dashoguz velayat adequately fulfilled their contractual obligations, delivering more than 270 thousand tons of grain to the Homeland’s warehouse.

Having sincerely congratulated the valiant farmers of the region on their achievement, the head of state wished them new labor victories, expressing confidence that they will achieve remarkable success in growing rich harvests of other agricultural crops.

Then the khyakim of Lebap velayat Sh. Amangeldiev reported on the pace of seasonal work in the agricultural sector.

As reported, transportation of collected grain from reception points to granaries, in particular to elevators, continues, with subsequent placement. The vacated fields are being plowed in preparation for the upcoming sowing season. For this purpose, the necessary seed material is prepared. Payments to producers for the delivered harvest are made in a timely manner.

In areas with cotton, inter-row cultivation, weeding, fertilizing with minerals and vegetation irrigation are carried out. These activities are carried out taking into account agro-technical standards.

The harvest and subsequent storage of vegetables and melons, in particular potatoes, also continues, in accordance with the specified requirements for delivery to domestic markets, as well as the preparation of land and seed material that are necessary for the upcoming sowing of winter varieties of these crops.

In accordance with the rules of agricultural technology, vegetation irrigation of rice fields is also carried out.

The head of the regional administration also informed about the pace of construction of social and industrial facilities in accordance with the Program for the socio-economic development of the country in 2022–2028 and the National Rural Program, which are to be commissioned this year.

After hearing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov ordered to ensure the full harvest of wheat and proper care of cotton and rice crops.

The khyakim was also instructed to keep under control the timely completion of the construction of facilities for various purposes in accordance with the National Rural Program, planned for opening this year, in full compliance with the quality requirements.

Further, khyakim of Mary velayat B. Orazov reported on the progress of seasonal agricultural activities.

As reported, every effort is being made to transport collected grain from reception points to granaries, in particular to elevators. After mowing, the fields are plowed and seeds are prepared to obtain a rich harvest in the coming year. Payments to producers for the delivered harvest were organized in a timely manner.

At the same time, in areas sown with cotton, inter-row cultivation, fertilizing with minerals and vegetation irrigation are carried out.

The harvest of vegetable and melon crops, including potatoes, and the preparation of areas for subsequent sowing of winter varieties of these crops also continue.

The head of the regional administration informed about the pace of construction of social and industrial infrastructure facilities in accordance with the Program of the President of Turkmenistan for the socio-economic development of the country in 2022–2028, the opening of which is scheduled for this year.

Summarizing the report, the head of state emphasized that harvesting grain in full and compliance with agricultural technology standards during seasonal agricultural work are the main requirements. In this regard, the khyakim was given relevant assignments.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov also ordered to keep under control the completion of the construction of facilities for various purposes in accordance with the country’s socio-economic development programs, which will be commissioned this year, on time and in compliance with the quality requirements.

Then Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers T. Atahallyev made a report on the progress of seasonal work in the agricultural sector.

As reported, thanks to active support from the state, grain growers delivered over 1 million 200 thousand tons of grain to the harvest of the Homeland. At the same time, wheat harvesting throughout the country continues. The resulting harvest is transported from receiving points to storage facilities, including grain elevators. Payments are made to producers in a timely manner for the delivered grain. The areas after the mowing are plowed and seeds are prepared for the upcoming sowing campaign.

On sown land, cotton growers continue inter-row cultivation, fertilizing with minerals and vegetation irrigation.

Along with the gathering of vegetables and melons, including potatoes, measures are being taken for their subsequent storage in refrigerated warehouses and delivery to domestic markets. In addition, everything necessary is being done to prepare the lands allocated for the upcoming planting of winter varieties of these crops.

Rice fields in Dashoguz and Lebap velayats are being maintained, and in Mary velayat, sugar beets are being planted followed by vegetation irrigation.

After hearing the report, the head of state ordered to keep under control the completion of the harvesting of grain grown by the hard work of valiant grain growers in full, as well as compliance with the requirements of agricultural technology when working on the country’s agricultural lands.

Addressing the participants of the working meeting, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that food abundance in the Homeland is ensured by the selfless labor of farmers. The achievements of grain growers are especially noteworthy in this matter.

Focusing on the important season – the grain harvesting campaign, which is coming to an end, the head of state expressed confidence that the valiant workers of the fields will reap the remaining harvest as soon as possible and without losses.

Concluding the working meeting via the digital system, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov wished the participants success in their work.