Ï Turkmenistan promotes cooperation with countries of the Asian-Pacific region

Turkmenistan promotes cooperation with countries of the Asian-Pacific region

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Development of fruitful relations with states of the Asian-Pacific region acts as one of the priority vectors of the foreign policy of our fatherland based on principles of positive neutrality, peaceful disposition and constructive equal cooperation with all interested foreign partners. The far-sighted strategy initiated by National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in the given area, is consistently realized today under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

Historically developed friendly relations, which unite Turkmenistan with countries of the Asian-Pacific region, in aggregate with wide experience and impressive potential of cooperation are stipulated in the present period with favourable prospects for promotion of multiplane interaction, which meets common interests.

Here as an example of successful long-term partnership, it is possible to cite the traditional dialogue with the Republic of Korea. In recent years, relations between the two states, displaying a high dynamics, have found a new concrete supplementation. A sound contract-legal basis of cooperation carried out and planned to realization of large joint projects can serve a visual example for it.

The negotiations, which took place in Ashgabat between President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov and President of the Republic of Korea Yoon Suk Yeol, who made a state visit to our country  in June of the current year became an important step on the way of further development of bilateral interaction.

During the meeting priority issues of Turkmen-Korean cooperation where a great significance is attached to trade and economic relations and investment activity, were discussed at the highest levels. In this context, an emphasis was made on importance of productive work of joint profile structures - the Intergovernmental commission and Business council. Energy, area of high innovative technologies, industry, digital transformation, ecology and climate change, a number of other spheres were also designated among key directions of partnership.

As to cooperation in the transport-communication sector, then, it was marked, here at present, it concerns formation of transcontinental transport-transit corridor from the Asian-Pacific region to Europe, the Near and Middle East. In Turkmenistan, it signifies revival of the Great Silk road. 

The separate attention was given to possibilities of interaction in town-planning sphere. As known, in the past year Turkmenistan completed the first stage of construction of the new «smart» city of Arkadag that is unique in its technical characteristics. In the nearest future, it is planned to start realization of one more megaproject - «Ashgabat-city». Moreover, Korean companies show interest in cooperation in the given area.

An integral component of Turkmen-Korean relations is the humanitarian sphere where a great importance is given to the dialogue in the area of science, education and culture as well as public health services and sports.

At the same time, a special emphasis was made on the strengthening of relations between legislative bodies of the two states, development of parliamentary diplomacy. Participation of the delegation of Turkmenistan led the Chairwoman of the Mejlis in the first meeting of speakers of parliaments of countries of Central Asia and the Republic of Korea in September 2023 in Seoul can serve a good example for it. It is remarkable that according to the Joint Declaration adopted following the results of the forum the agreement on the holding of the second meeting in the given format in Ashgabat in 2024 was reached.

During negotiations, exchange of opinions on topical issues of world policy also took place. It was underlined that Turkmenistan and the Republic of Korea will continue joint activity on maintenance and strengthening of general and regional security, achievement of the Goals of sustainable development.

Besides it, importance of interaction in the format «Central Asia-Republic of Korea», the 16th forum of which took place in 2023 in Ashgabat was marked. In the given context, readiness of Turkmenistan to support promotion of relations between countries of the region and Republic of Korea within the cooperation initiative «K-Silk Road», which was presented by the Government of the friendly state on June 7 of the current year was confirmed and is the first similar strategy across Central Asia.

Following the results of the negotiations, which were held in the trustful and constructive key atmosphere, important agreements were reached and a large package of documents aimed at deepening mutually beneficial partnership in various spheres was signed.

The theme of further development of interstate dialogue received its continuation during the meeting of National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov with President Yoon Suk Yeol, held in the second day of the visit of the honoured guest. Issues of trade and economic cooperation, possibility of expansion of a range of bilateral business contacts became a subject of detailed discussion.

That very day Ashgabat hosted the Turkmen-Korean business forum with participation of Hero-Arkadag and the head of the Republic of Korea. It became a landmark event and gave a powerful impulse to partnership between the two countries. Similar events, held on a regular basis, serve as the open platform for development of mechanisms of practical realization of available potential of interaction, stimulation of investment activity, access to new joint projects.

Successful long-term activity testifies to a productive character of cooperation of leading companies of the Republic of Korea in Turkmenistan. Here a basic factor is creation of favourable investment climate and favourable conditions for work of foreign business circles. Such sectors of economy as oil and gas chemistry, power energy, transport-communication complex, logistics, shipbuilding, industry, building and infrastructure, agriculture, introduction of advanced non-polluting technologies and others were named among perspective areas of interaction. Ample opportunities are also available for significant increase in volumes of mutual goods turnover.

Issues of Turkmen-Korean cooperation on concrete branches were discussed in more detail on the margins of meetings of representatives of profile structures of the two countries organized on completion of the business forum. As was underlined, the innovative economic strategy realized by Turkmenistan opens wide prospects for long-term effective interaction and diversification of its areas.

Japan is also a strategic partner of Turkmenistan in the Asian-Pacific region. Developing friendly, mutually beneficial relations, our countries actively co-operate not only in the bilateral format, but also within the authoritative international and regional organizations.

A progressive character is also inherent in interaction in the format of the Dialogue «Central Asia + Japan», inter-regional partnership, which proved itself with its effective mechanism. In the given context, a special significance is given to the forthcoming first Summit of heads of state-participants of the given Dialogue.

With every passing year trade and economic relations expand and business contacts are brought out to a qualitatively new level. The largest companies of the Land of the Rising Sun bring a powerful contribution to development of Turkmen economy, participating in realization of large-scale infrastructural projects in key industries, in particular, in gas and chemical industries.

Taking into account plans of Turkmenistan for industrialization and creation of hi-tech high technology manufactures new possibilities open for bilateral business and investment partnership today. This theme became a subject of interested discussion at the meeting of National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov with Senior Strategic Advisor of Japanese company Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd., Tatsuya Watanabe, and Executive Director Kenji Sanada, which took place on June 27.

During conversation businessmen, confirmed aspiration of business circles of Japan to the strengthening of long-term mutually beneficial cooperation with Turkmenistan and readiness to share for this purpose their rich experience and advanced technological solutions.

In development of traditional interstate dialogue, the great attention is also given to relations in the area of parliaments, which have considerably became more active in recent years. Prospects of further interaction and exchange of experience in the given area were discussed during the meetings of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedova with Chairman of Japanese-Turkmen inter-parliamentary group of friendship, a member of the House of Representatives of Parliament of Japan Toshiaki Endo, which took place on May 14.

In the given context, significance of initiatives of Hero-Arkadag on effective involvement of tools of parliamentary diplomacy and organization of the first meeting of heads of parliaments of countries-participants of the Dialogue «Central Asia+ Japan » in Ashgabat was underlined.

A significant role in interstate relations, certainly, belongs to cooperation in the humanitarian sphere. Turkmenistan and Japan confirm their aim at deepening of traditional scientific-education and cultural contacts, expansion of interaction in the area of higher educational institutions where one of the bright examples is the relations established between higher educational schools of our country and Japanese Tsukuba University.

All this attests to fruitfulness of Turkmen-Japanese cooperation, its long term, stability and dynamism.

Partnership of Turkmenistan with the People’s Republic of China carries a multivector, strategic character. Bilateral contacts carried out at top-level on a regular basis give the chance for definition of priority areas of cooperation proceeding from realities of time for development of joint measures on practical realization of reached agreements.

In this connection, it is necessary to note that in 2023, President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov twice visited the People’s Republic of China - in January with a state visit, and in May with a working visit, with a view of participation in the Summit «Central Asia-China». In October of the past year a working visit of National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to the people’s republic of China for participation in the third high-level forum «One Belt, One Road» also took place.

Turkmenistan and China effectively co-operate on global and regional platforms, showing similarity or coincidence of positions on key modern issues, regularly supporting each other in advancement of constructive proposals and initiatives.

Adherence of two countries to the traditional interstate dialogue based on strong bonds of friendship and mutual good will, was again confirmed during the meeting of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov with Deputy Chairman of the All-China Committee of the People's Political Consultative Council of the People's Republic of China Shen Yueyue who arrived in Turkmenistan at the head of delegation of PRC, which took place on May 18 of the current year.

Participation in the events devoted to the 300th birthday anniversary of the great poet and thinker Magtymguly Fragi, Constitution Day and National Flag of Turkmenistan, as well as in the forum «Türkmen-Hytaý zenanlarynyň dünýäsi» became the purpose of visit of delegation of China. As was marked, the holding of similar meetings is a vivid example of enrichment of Turkmen-Chinese relations, history of which originates in depth of millennia, at the time of the Great Silk road.

Today, presence of objective mutual interests allows Turkmenistan and China to promote mutually beneficial economic cooperation, which possesses a huge potential. One of its strategic directions - fuel and energy sector. Here an indicative example of effective efforts is the realized grandiose project of the 21st century - building of the gas pipeline Turkmenistan-China, which nowadays provides delivery of Turkmen «blue fuel» to the Celestial Empire.

Our countries also have all preconditions and possibilities for intensification of partnership in the transport-transit sphere and logistics, formation of international combined profile infrastructure. In the given aspect, the world outlook and practical affinity and connectivity of the strategy of Turkmenistan «Revival of the Silk road» and the concept of China «One Belt, One Road» finds a special urgency.

Regular contacts in the area of legislative bodies where an important role is given to activity of Inter-parliamentary groups of friendship also play a due role in interstate relations.

Along with the constructive political dialogue, close cultural-humanitarian links promoting rapprochement of people of two countries, consolidation of bonds of friendship and mutual understanding between them also serve productive trade and economic partnership and evident indicator of fruitful Turkmen-Chinese cooperation.

In the context of development of multiplane relations with states of the Asian-Pacific region Turkmenistan also attaches a great significance to the strengthening of traditional interaction with Malaysia. Cooperation between our countries is based on principles of mutual respect and characterized by positive dynamics, including one in the trade and economic sector.

For the recent years, significance experience of joint work in the fuel and energy sphere has been gained. Prospects of mutually beneficial partnership in this direction were considered at the meeting of National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov with General Director of PETRONAS Carigali (Turkmenistan) Sdn Bhd Ismadi Bin Ismail, which took place on June 11.

Possibility of development of new areas of cooperation taking into account transformation programs realized in Turkmenistan, large-scale projects in the industrial sector became subject of interested exchange of opinions. Besides it, the attention was paid to the theme of interaction in the field of preparation of experts for oil and gas branch of our country. They expressed confidence in further successful development of fruitful Turkmen-Malaysian partnership.

Thus, realizing the strategy of wide mutually beneficial cooperation, independent neutral Turkmenistan aspires to promote entirely intensification and strengthening of positive processes in regional and inter-regional dimensions, bringing a concrete contribution to maintenance of universal peace, well-being and progress.