Ï 2017 Cultural Week was completed by celebration concert

2017 Cultural Week was completed by celebration concert

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2017 Cultural Week was completed by celebration concert
2017 Cultural Week was completed by celebration concert
2017 Cultural Week was completed by celebration concert
2017 Cultural Week was completed by celebration concert
2017 Cultural Week was completed by celebration concert
2017 Cultural Week was completed by celebration concert
2017 Cultural Week was completed by celebration concert
2017 Cultural Week was completed by celebration concert
2017 Cultural Week was completed by celebration concert
2017 Cultural Week was completed by celebration concert
Today, on Cultural and Art Workers Day, the Turkmen capital has hosted a big festive concert, which comes as a final event of the Culture Week. Each day of the Week was eventful and featured spectacular activities, which showcased the achievements and enormous potential of Turkmenistan’s arts. The country’s best performing artists and ensembles represented all national arts.

The 2017 Week Culture, organized during the Year of Health and Inspiration and the final preparations for the 5th Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games, reflected high spiritual strength of Turkmen society, lent new dynamics and powerful impetus to further development of national culture, and professional growth of cultural workers.

The large-scale forum brought together not only renowned singers, popular folk song and dance groups, but also musicians, singers, artists, poets and prose writers just embarking on their careers. Experience and proficiency harmoniously blended with enthusiasm of the young participants, creating the unforgettable atmosphere of a big celebration.

Numerous events, held as part of the creative forum, embodied traditions and modern components of culture and brought a flood of overwhelming positive emotions. Those, who today attended a gala concert by performing artists at the Mukam Palace of the State Cultural Center, were filled with similar feelings. Performances given by artists were accompanied by videos, showcasing the wealth of national heritage, and progressive development of Turkmen culture in the new historical epoch.

After that, a musical band of 50 bakhshi (folk singers) demonstrated their complete technical mastery. An original insight into folk traditions onstage was followed by modern melodies; young pop singers and a dance group appeared on stage with the song “Asiada” and brought a great amount of sporting energy to the audience.

The concert also featured folk songs, lyrical vocal compositions, including from the national poetry and musical classics. On the program were folk performances imbued with national festive customs. The gala concert was topped off with the ancient ritual dance, kushdepdi, a unique symbol of unbroken continuity of times and generations.