Ï Weather information in Turkmenistan

Weather information in Turkmenistan

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Weather information in Turkmenistan

Hot and partly rainy weather is expected in Turkmenistan. In some regions, the average air temperature will approach +43°C.

In Ashgabat, variable cloudiness is expected at the end of the week, with air temperatures ranging from +24... +26 degrees at night to +27... +29 degrees, and from +36... +38 degrees to +41... +43 degrees during the day.

In Ahal velayat, partly cloudy weather is expected, with rain at the end of the week. Air temperatures will range from +22... +27 degrees to +26... +31 degrees at night, and from +33... +38 degrees to +38... +43 degrees during the day.

In Balkan velayat, variable cloudiness with rain in the second half of the week is expected. Air temperatures will fluctuate from +21... +26 degrees to +25... +30 degrees at night, and +38... +43 degrees during the day, with +32... +37 degrees in coastal etraps.

In Mary velayat, variable cloudiness is expected at the end of the week, with temperatures ranging from +22...+27 degrees to +25... +30 degrees at night, and from +35... +40 to +38... +43 degrees during the day.

In Lebap velayat, variable cloudiness is expected at the end of the week, with air temperatures ranging from +21... +26 degrees to +26... +31 degrees at night, and from +33... +38 degrees to +38... +43 degrees during the day.

In Dashoguz velayat, variable cloudiness is expected in the second half of the week, with air temperatures ranging from +20... +25 degrees to +24... +29 degrees at night, and from +32... +37 degrees to +37… +42 degrees during the day.

Maintain proper hydration by drinking at least 2.5-3 liters of water per day. Wear light-colored, breathable clothing, preferably made of cotton and linen, and cover your head with a hat or scarf.